ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Codere Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
5 枚の金のチップを置くための推定時間内にプレイしたところ、私がチップを置いた当選番号はゼロでしたが、時間内に賭けたプレイとしてはカウントされませんでした。
Having played within the estimated time for placing the five golden chips, zero came out as the winning number on which I had the chip and yet it was not counted as a play made having made the bet within the time.
And to top it off, the person who was helping me through the chat suddenly closed it without even letting me make any objection. He also said that in none of the bets had zero come up as the winning number when it had been precisely the previous one.
Habiendo jugado dentro del tiempo estimado para la puesta de las cinco fichas doradas, ha salido el cero como número premiado en el cual yo tenía la ficha y sin embargo no me lo ha contado como jugada realizada habiendo hecho la apuesta dentro del tiempo.
Y ya para terminar de arreglar la situación la persona que me estaba atendiendo a través del chat me lo ha cerrado de forma repentina sin dejarme siquiera hacer alguna alegación. Diciendo encima que en ninguna de las jugadas había salido el cero como número premiado cuando había sido precisamente la anterior.
If I may, I would like to ask you some questions because, to tell you the truth, I do not completely understand the issue.
Is this related to sports betting, perhaps?
Could you tell us in which casino you experienced it?
Also, if there is no way to sort problems out with the live chat, it is best to get in touch with the support by email. Have you tried that?
それは、CODERE の Coderista ルーレットで 5 個のゴールデン チップのボーナス付きでした。
It was with a bonus of 5 golden chips on the coderista roulette at CODERE.
I called a couple of times without success due to the long wait and after the chat conversation was cut off, I have not contacted them again.
It was a bonus after all. But if I wanted to complain,
Fue con un bono de 5 fichas doradas en la ruleta coderista en CODERE.
Llame un par de veces sin éxito por la larguísima espera y después de que me corta se la conversación del chat no he vuelto a comunicarme.
Al fin y al cabo era un bono. Pero si quería exponer mi queja
So I have moved your posts here to the official thread of the casino. Many times we have active casino representatives on our forum, so there is a good chance somebody will reply to your posts here directly.
But if you have won something, it should be visible in your game history, you know.
Are you able to check it out?
試してみたい場合は、 このリンクをクリックして苦情を申し立ててください。問題全体をよく説明してください。
I believe that it should be all visible in the history anyway.
Our complaint team could have a look at your case, if you like, and hopefully there will be a solution to it.
If you'd like to try it, please follow this link where you can file a complaint. Just describe the whole issue well.
Please let us know if you will go for it.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com