ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Deal Or No Deal Casino Ontarioに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
いつでもお気軽に苦情を提出してください。 「アカウントが正常に認証され、ゲーム履歴がチェックされ、出金がカジノによって承認されたにもかかわらず、出金リクエストから 14 日が経過しても賞金を受け取っていない場合は、当社が介入して最善を尽くします」ということに留意してください。あなたを助けること。"
まず、このリンクを使用してください: https://casino.guru/complaints/createaaa 👈
Feel free to submit the complaint at any time. Just keep in mind that "If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you."
So, it may take another few days or so,...
To begin, please use this link: https://casino.guru/complaints/createaaa 👈
Do you have any idea why it takes so long?
Support spoke to me in Czech, which is the first time. Great casino, I have had better bonuses but I feel comfortable and safe here with good payment options for me. Very good casino
Podpora se mnou mluvila česky, což je poprvé. Skvělé kasino, měl jsem lepší bonusy, ale cítím se zde pohodlně a bezpečně s dobrými platebními možnostmi pro mě. Velmi dobré kasino
Hello. This is a very positive news, about you receiving the money, thank you for sharing. I am glad our complaint team could help. Hopefully you won't have to go thru this kind of experience ever again.
こんにちは。ご自身の体験談を書いていただけると嬉しいです。ちょっと聞いてもいいですか、どのカジノのことを言っているのですか?別のカジノのユーザー レビューを正確なテキストで書いていることがわかります。説明していただけますか?
Hello. Nice of you to write about your experience. May I just ask you, which casino are you talking about? I can see that you have write a user review for a different casino with the exact text. Could you explain, please?
合計 1577 ドルの 3 回の出金に 35 日以上待たされました。また、アプリが最後にフリーズしたためボーナス スピンの勝利もいくつか失い、最終的にゲームをリセットしなければなりませんでした。ここは何か怪しいです。サポートはまったくなく、何度も連絡しました。オンタリオ市場では規制され公正であるはずなので、iGaming オンタリオ市場での運営は許可されるべきではありませんでした。
Been waiting over 35 days for 3 withdrawals totalling $1577 , also lost a few bonus spins wins as the app froze supposedly at end and they had to reset game in the end, something shady here, no support at all, have contacted them multiple times. It's supposed to be regulated and fair in Ontario market, they should not have been allowed to operate in the iGaming Ontario market.
本当に長い待ち時間だと思います。問題は何でしょうか。お尋ねしますが、あなたのアカウントはこのカジノで完全に確認されていますか? ご興味があれば、当社のチームがこの問題の解決に努めます。苦情を提出して詳細を提供するだけです。このアイデアが気に入ったら、 リンクをたどって提出してください。他にサポートが必要な場合はお知らせください。
It is a really long wait, I could say. What is the issue, if I may ask, has your account been fully verified in this casino? If you're interested, our team could try to help you out with this issue. Just need to submit a complaint and provide the details of it. If you like this idea, follow the link to do so, please. Let us know, if you need any other assistance.
Hello, I'm sorry you've been waiting so long for the withdrawals. When you contacted support, they didn't answer you and didn't tell you the reason ? I think in this case I wouldn't wait for anything and I would file a complaint with us and our team will try to help you.
You can do so here on this link. ⬅️
Will you go for it ?
I have contacted support the account is verified and get nowhere, it's always different reasons, backlog on withdrawals, finance will email me back, but you never hear from them, I have had successfully withdrawn before a couple 4 months ago of only about 200 each . they change their terms of service frequently, it now reads that a withdrawal could take up to 45 business days or longer and they don't have to give notice. It's just crazy, most withdrawals are within a day or two or max week.
ああ、45 日間というのは、引き出しがそれほど長く続くには長すぎます。ですから、先ほど言ったように、最善の方法は苦情を申し立てることです。そうすれば、私たちのチームが支援しようとします。
Oh 45 days is too long for the withdrawals to last that much. So as I said, the best thing to do is to file a complaint and our team will try to help.
We'll see what comes next, but I certainly wouldn't want to wait that many days. 😕
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com