ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Eternal Slots Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
この問題についてカジノのサポートに問い合わせてみましたか? まだ解決していませんか?
Have you tried to contact the support of the casino regarding this issue, perhaps? Is it still ongoing?
I played out my 40 x I was able to withdraw 48.well I tried . I needed tobdonthisband that to withdraw so I did. A week later they said I needed to send them money . After I was all verified then they say that. Needless to say I never received a dime of the 48 dollars. I even tried to deposit the 10 and the bitcoin took a fee then they would not accept my 53 cents short of ten . So I don't recommend this platform .I play all day every day and this one I feel scammed me so they didn't have to pay me a mere 40 bucks
Hi, I'll try to somehow summarize the situation if I have understood correctly. Did you play with a bonus that you managed to complete and then you made a withdrawal but it didn't go through and you didn't get the money, yes ? I also noticed that you had to deposit money which was a verification deposit ?
Why doesn't the casino want to pay you the money ?
Please put me more in the picture.
他に何か説明はありましたか? 確認のために入金するのは珍しいことではありませんし、常に最低額でなければなりません。今回の場合は、10 ドルで問題ないと言えます。
Did they explain anything more? It is not unusual to make a verification deposit, and it should always be some minimum amount. In this case, $10 is ok, I can say.
Have you managed to get verified?
Yes I managed to get verified they are alright I guess, took me all day but least they verified me in one day not like other’s taking 3 days just to get a reply
That is great, thank you for the update.
Are you going to continue playing there now?
I hope so as well, that there won't be any problem with withdrawals in the future.
Also, if you're interested, here's the link where you can write your review about this casino. I know others will appreciate it, as do we.
AVOID this casino!
Remember the saying if something is to good to be true..
Extremely long waiting times.
Cant verify email in client,
Rude workers.
Not even sure this is legal.
I saved you some time and pherhaps money.
Regards /Jimmy
It appears obvious you have faced some issues in this casino. Perhaps it would have a better "impact" on the readers if you happened to tell us the whole story.
It's not neccessary, but from my experiences, such warnings without knowing the context are not that efficient.
他にこんな経験をした人はいませんか: Eternal スロットに入金したら、よくプレイするプログレッシブ ゲームが機能していないことに気付きました。クリーン デポジットを行えば、すべてのゲームが利用可能になるはずです。そうでない場合は、プレイヤーに通知されると思います。
これは不公平な行為のように思えます。私の考えは正しいでしょうか? これは預金の返還を要求する根拠になりますか? 私の見解では、これは上記のゲームで獲得できる賞金を制限するものです。
付け加えると、これはミスター O カジノでも起こったことです。
Has anyone else experienced this: I made a deposit at Eternal slots and discovered that the progressive games, which I play frequently, are not working. Now when you make a clean deposit all games should be available and if not, I would expect the players would be made aware.
Seems to me this is unfair practice. Am I right? And is this grounds to request my deposit back? As I see it, this is limiting my possible winnings from said games.
I might add, this also happened at Mr. O casino.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
こんにちは。カジノにこれらのゲームが利用できない理由を尋ねましたか? どのプロバイダーのゲームでも、どれも機能しないのですか?
Hi, did you ask the casino why these games are not available? None of them work no matter what provider it is from?
As for the deposit, I don't think that's the reason for the refund, but I believe you'll be able to withdraw it. Unless of course the casino has some kind of wagering or similar.
Anyway, it's interesting, maybe they just had some dropouts but it's good to know.
こんにちは。質問があります。多くの人がここでコメントしていますが、この Eternal Slots Casino は控えめに言ってもかなり怪しいと言っています。今日確認入金を受け取った後、私の出金リクエストが拒否された場合、Casino.Guru からサポートを受けられる可能性について質問するためにコメントしています。承認されない理由はないはずです! (なぜなら、私は認証済みで、Eternal Slots Casino から 1 週間か 2 週間前に送られてきたメールで提供された非入金フリースピン ボーナスに付随するプレイスルー要件をすでに満たしているからです。また、オファーによると、ボーナスから最大 50 ドルの賞金を引き出す前に、完了しなければならない最低 10 ドルの確認入金について、ライブ チャットであまり愛想の良いとは言えないカスタマー サポートと少し話しました。) 私の質問は次のとおりです。 「Eternal Slots Casino が不正/不公平な職業上の性質や、潜在的に怪しいビジネス慣行で暴露された場合、必要に応じて Casino.Guru が (少なくとも) 入金額の返金を手伝ってくれると確信して、このカジノで確認入金を行うことができますか?? 🫣🤞🏻🙏🏻👀👂🏻🫶🏻
Hi, I have a question.. a lot of people have been commenting on here saying that this Eternal Slots Casino is rather shady, to say the least. I am commenting to ask a question about the possibility of receiving help from Casino.Guru, should my withdrawal request get rejected, as there should be no reason for not approving it, after they receive my verification deposit today! (Because, I am verified and I have already met playthrough requirements attached to a non-deposit free spins bonus I was offered, through an email that Eternal Slots Casino had sent my way, close to a week, or maybe two, ago! & I have also spoken a little while with their not-so-personable Customer Support, via Live Chat, about the 10$ minimum verification deposit that I must complete, before I am to withdraw my 50$ maximum amount of winnings from the bonus, according to the offer..) So my question is this; "Am I able to verification-deposit at this casino, with confidence in knowing that, if necessary, Casino.Guru will agree to assist me with (-at the very least,) getting my deposit amount returned to me, in the event that Eternal Slots Casino, is possibly exposed for it's dishonest/unfair professional nature, and potentially shady business practices?? 🫣🤞🏻🙏🏻👀👂🏻🫶🏻
次に何が起こるか見てみましょう。何か起こったら、必ずお知らせください。 🙂
Hi, if the casino would not pay you and there are no problems on your side, then yes we would try to help you. However, I always try not to predict the outcome because it depends not only on us but also on how the casino cooperates.
Anyway, so far nothing seems strange to me, the minimum deposit and its amount is fine, you said you are verified and you also fulfilled the requirements for the bonus according to your words.
So if you want to get the money and a verification deposit is required, you will have to do so.
We'll see what happens next and if something comes up, be sure to let us know. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com