ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Fat Panda Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
He there!
What went wrong? If you take some time to express the matter in a more detailed way, we may be able to suggest advice.
So, please make yourself comfortable and share the whole story, I'll be here.
お金を出金しようとすると、日付が制限されていると言われますが、その日に到着すると出金できず、日付がまた増えてしまいます。 」
When I try to withdraw my money it says that it is limited to a date, but whenever it arrives on that date I cannot make the withdrawal and the date increases again
Quando eu tento sacar meu dinheiro fala que ta limitado a uma data, mas sempre quando chega nessa data nao consigo realizar o saque e a data aumenta novamente
Have you tried to ask the support what could be the problem in this case and what you should do ? Alternatively, have you made any withdrawal before that might extend this date in some way ?
I also saw that you have opened a complaint on our site so I hope that it will all be resolved.
If you don't know what to expect from the complaint, I've added a guide here with some important information.
I hope this will be sorted out as soon as possible.
Let me know if you have anything new.
They tell me to wait as they are working on my case, I received another message like that today. But for days I haven't been able to make my withdrawal, I gave the option to send my funds manually but they didn't even pay attention to it.
Eles me dizem para esperar que estão trabalhando no meu caso, recebi mais uma mensagem dessa hoje. Mas a dias não consigo realizar meu saque, eu dei a opção de enviar meus fundos de forma manual mas nem me deram a atenção nisso.
こんにちは。これは非常に不快な状況のように聞こえますし、イライラすることは間違いありません。特に何もできない場合は、ただ待ってください。ただし、この場合、それがおそらく最善の策です。私たちはカジノがどのように反応するか、そして私たちの苦情チームがカジノと連絡を取り、あなたの訴訟をさらに進めることができるかどうかを確認する必要があります。それでは、そのままにしておきます 🤞 そしてもちろん、何か最新情報があれば、ぜひお知らせください。
Hello. This sounds like a really unpleasant situation and I am sure it must be frustrating, especially if you are not able to do much, just wait. In this case, though, it is probably the best thing you can do. We have to see how the casino will react and if our complaint team will be able to get in contact with them and move your case further. So let's keep 🤞 and of course if you have any update, just let us know, please.
こんにちは、おはようございます、お元気ですか、手伝ってくれたcasiguruチームに感謝します。私の問題を解決するには、fatpandacasino 側が少し努力するだけで済むと思いますが、今のところ返答はありません。
Hello good morning, how are you, thank you to the casiguru team for helping me. I believe that it just takes a little effort on fatpandacasino's part to resolve my problem, so far I have not received any response.
Ola bom dia, tudo bem agradeço a equipe casiguru por me ajudar. Acredito que só falta um pouco de empenho da parte da fatpandacasino para resolver meu problema, por enquanto não recebi nenhuma resposta.
That may be the case, we'll see if they get back to you and tell you more, for now we'll have to wait for more information. If you have it, don't hesitate to share it.
Dear Casino Guru,
We're happy to inform you that the case has been resolved, and the player has withdrawn their winnings, demonstrating our commitment to efficient service and a smooth gaming experience.
Thank you, and have a great day!
それはまさにコミットメントの表れです。ここでのあなたの存在が長期的であり、多くのプレイヤーを積極的に助けてくれることを願っています。 🙏🐱🏍
Dear Team!
That's really a display of commitment. Hopefully, your presence here will be long-term, and you will proactively help many players. 🙏🐱🏍
ボーナスウィンドウでボーナス条件を開くと、Temqt 10x デポジットに関する内容が何も表示されません。
わざとやっているんですね。特別ボーナスのための最高のボーナスジョークですね :)
最低入金額 20ユーロ
次のプロモーションでは 300% にすれば、希望者が増えるでしょう...
when I open the bonus conditions in the bonus window there is nothing on temqt 10x deposit.
You're doing this on purpose. The best bonus joke for your special bonus :)
Bonus 200%
max bonus 30 euros
minimum deposit 20 euros
who wants bonuses. 200 percent Welcome to fatpanda
I took a screenshot as proof if anyone doesn't believe me
My good advice::
next promotion, make it 300%, there will be more people willing...
kiedy otwieram warunki bonusu w okienku bonusu nic nie ma na temqt 10x deposit.
Specjalnie to robicie. Najlepszy wasz bonusowy zart for your special bonus 🙂
Bonus 200%
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kto chce bonuss. 200 procent Zapraszamy do fatpanda
na dowód zrobilem screen jesli ktos nie wierzy
Moja dobra rada::
nastrpna promocję zrobcie 300% będzie wiecej chętnych...
15 年前は 72 時間以内の支払いが迅速だったことをご理解ください。特に今日は日曜日なので、お金は木曜日に届く可能性があります。
next thing:
after taking my winnings
I was told to make another payment and they would do it quickly.
so I ordered it
after asking in the evening what about this quick payment, they replied that it may take 72 hours.
Please understand that a 72-hour payout was fast 15 years ago. especially since today is Sunday. the money can come on Thursday.
By Thursday I could use a scooter. my country to go to you for this money and come back
sprawa kolejna:
po zabraniu mi wygranej
napisano abym złożył kolejna wyplate a oni zrobią to szybko.
zleciłem wiec
po zapytaniu wieczorem co Z tą szybką wypłata odpowiedzieli ze maja 72h.
Proszę zrozumiec ze wyplata trwajaca 72godzin to bylo szybko 15 lat temu. tym bardziej ze dzisiaj niedziela. pieniądze moga przyjsc w czwartek.
Do czwartku to moglbym hulajnoga. mojego kraju pojechać do was po te pieniądze i wrócić
please keep us informed about your withdrawal. I want to make sure you get it, even though it won't be that quick, as you said.
確認していただき、ありがとうございます、Fat Panda Casinoさん。👌
Thank you very much, Fat Panda Casino, for the confirmation.👌
All conclusions were received quite quickly, and if any difficulties arose, they were resolved very quickly. A decent casino.
Все выводы получены довольно быстро, а если и возникали какие-то трудности, то они очень быстро решались. Достойное казино.
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