こんにちは!Google の位置情報に基づく検索結果ではページすら見つけられませんでした...
何がおかしいと感じさせるのでしょうか? 私はお役に立ちたいと思っていますので、これまでの経験について説明してください。そうすれば、何かが生まれるかがわかります。
機能するハイパーテキスト リンクも追加していただけますか? 私たちはできるだけ多くのカジノをレビューすることを目指しています。そのため、すべてのリンクが重要です。
Hi! I was even not able to find the page, dammed Google location-based results...
What makes you feel something is wrong? I aim to help, so let's describe what you have experienced so far, and we shall see whether we will make something up.
Could you also add a working hypertext link, please? We aim to review as many casinos as possible; hence, every link counts.
本当にありがとうございます。大きなボーナスを提供してくれました。ラッキーなサインアップボーナスをゲットしたそうです。リンクは https://fecobet.com/home です。ハイパーテキストが機能しているようにも見えません。問題は、どのソーシャルメディアでも見当たらないということです。Google でも「fecobet」が見つかりません。そして、引き換えるにはまず 100 ドルを入金する必要があると言われました。
Thanks so much. They offered me a big bonus. Said I got a lucky sign up bonus. The link is https://fecobet.com/home. I dont even see a hypertext working. My issue is, I cant see them on any social media, I cant even find "fecobet" on google. And they said in order to redeem, I need to deposit $100 first.
つまり、このカジノはフッターにも他の場所にもライセンスの表示がなく、ソーシャルメディアでも発見できず、出金処理に 100 ドルを要求するだけで超クールなボーナスを提供しています。
言うまでもなく、これは分散化された純粋な暗号、ブロックチェーン サイトです...
彼らはあなたにデポジットを支払ったのですか? 私には、確認目的だけではかなり高額に思えます。 いずれにせよ、サイトをレビューしてもらいます。 利用規約を入力しようとしたら、追い出されました。 よくありません...
Oh, hold on!
So, this casino has no sign of license in the footer or anywhere else, not to be spotted on social media, and provides super cool bonuses just to ask $100 for withdrawal to be processed.
I think these points are very high on my scam list.
Not to mention the fact it is another decentrized, pure crypto, blockchained site...
Did they expend the deposit to you? To me, it seems to be quite high for just verification purposes. In any case, I'll let the site be reviewed. I tried to enter the Terms of Use, and I was kicked out. Not good...
私は彼らのいわゆるライセンスに電子メールを送りました。彼らは「残念ながら、あなたが参照したウェブサイトは、CEG 認定 ADR の運営者によって管理されていません」と言いました。
これは 100% 詐欺サイトだと思います。他の人がアクセスした場合に備えて、いくつかのサイトに報告しました。使用禁止リストに載せるべきです。
I sent an e mail to their so called license who said "Unfortunately, the website you have referenced is not managed by an operator under CEG Accreditation ADR"
I'd say its %100 a scam site, and Iv reported it to a few sites now, just incase anyone else comes accoss it. It should be listed under do not use.
I'm sorry, but this really looks like another scam casino, to tell you the truth.
Our data team will have a better look at it soon, but please don't deposit any money there.
Read the article about these kinds of casinos here, please, and hopefully it will help you in the future.
They are a scam and I been going through and reporting to facebook, google and all that I can to get these scammers shutdown so they can't win if we all report them we can stop them but it takes more than a couple of people. For one they also said to me I was a lucky winner but that is their hook to get money off people they set their games to payout some once you hit a certain amount will say you have to withdraw then when you go to withdraw they will say you have to deposit a certain amount to withdraw to verify then after depositing they will either steal your deposit and block ya and come up with some stupid reason why you were block or if you reach out to ask why you were block they won't respond. But please help me put a stop to these type before they get others. It's been going on too long and we need to stop them all they are draining the poor while they get away with it and live a luxury life off hard working people's money.
私も通報しました。登録した人全員に「幸運な勝者」というナンセンスなことを言っています。どこにも彼らに関する情報はありません。Stake に、彼らが Medium Rare を共同会社として利用していることを伝え、ライセンス会社に通報したところ、彼らは彼らの傘下ではないことが確認されました。また、彼らのメールもすべて試しましたが、未配信として戻ってきました。これは完全に詐欺です。彼らが逃げおおせているのは残念です。早く閉鎖されることを願います。
Iv reported them also. They pull that "lucky winner" nonsense for everyone who signs up. No info on them any where. I told Stake that they are using Medium Rare as thier co company, and I reported them to the licensing company who confirmed they arent under them. I also tried all of thier e mails which come back as undelivered. Its a pure scam, its a shame they are getting away with it and hopefully they get shut down soon.
There is alot of them out there doing it which really irritates me that they are taking innocent people across people that aren't even aware it's happening to them yet these type are getting away with it and not being caught.I started my quest to do what I can to get them stopped but it takes everyone to fight it order to take them out of power cause they get one shut down and launch another.I think every casino should only be allowed one site with a number that represents their company it would make it alot easier to stop them.
They are a scam and I been going through and reporting to facebook, google and all that I can to get these scammers shutdown so they can't win if we all report them we can stop them but it takes more than a couple of people. For one they also said to me I was a lucky winner but that is their hook to get money off people they set their games to payout some once you hit a certain amount will say you have to withdraw then when you go to withdraw they will say you have to deposit a certain amount to withdraw to verify then after depositing they will either steal your deposit and block ya and come up with some stupid reason why you were block or if you reach out to ask why you were block they won't respond. But please help me put a stop to these type before they get others. It's been going on too long and we need to stop them all they are draining the poor while they get away with it and live a luxury life off hard working people's money.
実を言うと、最近私たちはこうしたいわゆるカジノに少なくとも 10 個遭遇しており、私たちのチームはそれらを追跡し、すべての人への警告として完全なレビューを準備しようとしています。
プレイする前に、見つけたオンライン カジノをすべてチェックし、絶対にお金を入金しないでください。
I'm really sorry to see another player get trapped in this.
Lately, to tell you the truth, we have come across at least ten of these kinds of so-called casinos, and our team tries to trak them down and prepare the full review as a warning for everyone.
Unfortunately, we can't do much to help in getting back the money people deposit there, as these sites are difficult and I could say impossible to communicate with, especially because they don't operate under any license at all.
That is why our team prepared an article regarding their tactics so everyone is aware and avoids those sites as much as possible.
Please check out every online casino you come across before even playing there, and surely don't deposit any money.
こうした悪党たちが私から奪った何年もの間、私はこれらの悪党たちに捕らわれてはいませんでしたが、この 7 年間で私は反撃を始め、彼らを報告し、彼ら自身のゲームで彼らを罠にかけ、捕まえるハンターになりました。これらの悪党たちに騙されている罪のない人々が多すぎるので、私は彼らを捕まえて、逃げ切る前に報告したいです。弁護士団とできればチームを編成して、これらの人々を壁に釘付けにして刑務所に入れ、罪のない人々に彼らが与えている苦しみの代償を払わせたいです。中には、自分がされていることに気付かずに搾り取られている人もいます。彼らは人を傷つけるような場所にいるべきではありません。彼らは捕まって責任を負い、他の誰もできない刑務所の壁の内側に閉じ込められる必要があります。私たちがカジノをハッキングしたり、店から盗んだりすれば、捕まって責任を負います。プログラマーやゲームプロバイダーだけでなく、腐敗したカジノのオーナーにも同じことが行われるべきだと思います。今日の社会の問題は、カジノにお金を払ってゲームをするプレイヤーがギャンブル依存症だと言われていることですが、それは真実ではありません。カジノは腐敗と嘘によってギャンブルを引き起こしたのです。プレイヤーにチャンスがあるように見せかけるために嘘をついていますが、実際にはそうではありません。彼らはランダムだと言っていますが、それは私が見た嘘です。
I wasn't trapped by these thugs for years these type has taken from me but in the past 7 years I started fighting back and became the hunter to report them and trap them by playing their own game against them and catching them. Too many innocent people being tricked by these thugs and I want to catch them and report them before they get away with it . I want to get a group of lawyers and maybe a team and nail these type to the wall and put them behind bars and make pay for the suffering they do to the innocent people some are being sucked dry because they aren't aware it's being done to them they don't deserve to be where they can hurt people they need to be caught and held accountable and behind prison walls where they can't no one else. If we went and hacked a casino or stole from a store we would be caught and held accountable I feel the same should go for corrupted casino owner along with the programmers and game providers. The problem with today's society is the players that pay casino's and play their games are said they have a gambling problem that not true. The casino's are the one's that caused the gambling due to the corruption and lies they feed to make it sound good like the players have a chance but in all reality they don't they say it's random that's a lie I seen and n
know people that work the backend and I also programmed random generated software in the past it's more controllable than they claim.
Casino Guru の私たちとしては、ADR ではないので、できることはあまりありません。しかし、少なくとも、すべての訪問者にこれらの「カジノ」とその慣行について知ってもらうために、当社の Web サイトに警告を掲載することで、お手伝いすることはできます。
Your point is completely understandable.
Unfortunately, lately we really see so many scammers around us getting money from innocent people, and it is of course only logical that we want justice.
From our side, as Casino Guru, we are not able to do much, though, as we are not an ADR, you know. But, at least, we can help by placing a warning on our website to all our visitors, so they are aware of these "casinos" and their practices.
I wish you all the luck in getting them, believe me, and hope that there will be more people joining you in getting this justice.🍀🤞
ありがとう、ロミ。私がこれらの投稿を始めたのはそのためです。Google 検索でこれらの投稿が出てくるのがわかります。人々が気付いてくれることを願っています。
Thanks Romi, thats why I started these posts, and I can see they come up with google searches. People hopefully are aware now.
You certainly did well. It's nice when the community helps out and you don't know how many people it can save their money.
Even if it's sometimes the most unpleasant way for players to find out.
https://casino.guru/fecobet-casino-review 👈
Hi there, the review's been published, and I thought you would be interested in the outcome:
https://casino.guru/fecobet-casino-review 👈
You did a great job for the others! Heartfelt thanks.
"This casino demands numerous fabricated charges to be paid for their services. However, regardless of payments received for processing, verifying, or unblocking, withdrawals are still not carried out. We strongly recommend not to pay any fees that may be requested on top of your active balance or pending withdrawals, as this is not something that any legitimate casino would ask for."
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com