ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、IceBet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちはダニエル、NZD 569 を引き出すために、書類の提出を要求されたり、リスク部門と Skype で話すよう要求されたりして、何週間もかかるのは普通のことでしょうか? 20 年以上のゲーム人生で同じような経験をしたことはありませんが、これはかなり不条理に思えます。 CIE + 居住証明書を使用して sumsub 経由で検証を行いました。その後、彼らは再びこの書類と自撮り写真の ID を要求しました。 Skype通話もできるようになりました!撤回申請から約7日が経過しました。もっと勝てたらどうなる?
Hi Daniel, is it normal that in order to withdraw NZD 569, whole weeks have to go by with requests for documents on documents and even the request to speak on Skype with the Risk Department? In over 20 years of gaming I have never had a similar experience, this seems rather absurd to me! I did verification via sumsub with CIE + residency certificate. Then they asked me again for this documentation plus the selfie ID. Now also the Skype call! It has been almost 7 days since the withdrawal request. What if I won more?
Ciao Daniel, ma è normale che per poter prelevare NZD 569 debbano passare intere settimane con richiesta di documenti su documenti ed addirittura la richiesta di parlare in Skype con il Dipartimento rischi ? Io in oltre 20 anni di gioco non ho mai avuto un'esperienza simile, mi sembra alquanto assurdo tuto questo! Ho eseguito la verifica tramite sumsub con CIE + certificato di residenza. Poi mi hanno chiesto nuovammente tale documentazione ed in più il selfie ID. Adesso anche la chiamata in Skype! Sono passati quasi 7 giorni dalla richiesta di prelievo. E se avessi vinto una cifra superiore ?
Daniel is rarely checking on here. So, allow me to comment:
I would say it's normal - in general. Although I would understand it is reasonable under certain circumstances.
Every casino should however provide a plausible reason for such a process.
Have you been given any? It is obviously additional verification, so the casino has some doubts...
それについての説明はありません。彼がわずか 600 ニュージーランド ドル程度でオンラインの連続詐欺師であることに疑問を感じますか?でも冗談はやめてください。私はすでに I Wild で認証済みの別のアカウントを持っています。私は 20 年以上オンラインでプレイしてきましたが、これまで一度も問題を起こしたことはなく、立派で無修正な人間です。簡単な前置き: イタリアでは、すべてのオンライン カジノで身分証明書と健康カードのみが要求され、それだけです。法律による本人確認は、有効期限が切れていない身分証明書とはっきりと見える写真を使用して行われます。私は民間および公安の分野でしばらく働いてきましたが、そのような行為は支払いを遅らせるだけであると言う余裕があります。実際、これらすべての小切手が預け入れられたとき、小切手はそこには存在せず、引き出すために、彼らは最も不条理な言い訳をでっち上げます。
No explanation about it. Doubt what he's an online serial scammer for only around NZD 600? But let's not joke please, I have another account already validated with I Wild. I have been playing online for over 20 years and I have never had any kind of problem with it and I am a respectable and uncensored person. Small preamble: in Italy all online casinos only ask for an identity document and any health card and that's it. Identification by law is performed with an unexpired identity document + clearly visible photo. I have worked for some time in private and public security and I can afford to say that such acts are only to delay payments. In fact, when all these checks are deposited, they are not there, to withdraw they invent the most absurd excuses!
Nessuna spiegazione in merito. Dubbio di cosa che sia un truffatore seriale on line per soli NZD 600 circa ? Ma non scherziamo per favore, ho un altro conto già covalidato con I Wild. Sono oltre 20 anni che gioco on line e non ho mai avuto alcun tipo di problema in merito e sono una persona rispettabile ed incensurata. Piccolo preambolo: in Italia tutti i casinò on line chiedono solamente il documento di identità ed eventuale tessera sanitaria e basta. L'identificazione per legge si esegue con un documento di identità non scaduto + foto ben visbile. Ho lavorato per diverso tempo nella sicurezza privata e pubblica e posso permettermi di dire che tali atti sono solo per ritardare i pagamenti. Difatti quando si deposita tutti questi controlli non ci sono, per prelevare si inventano le scuse più assurde!
もう一つの詳細: 入金は出金とは異なるプロセスであり、それらを比較するのはナンセンスです。
You know what, dear Nemoklid?
Browse all your complaints. I'm sure you'll find quite different information there, and more importantly, you'll find many issues already explained to you in various ways.
I'll only add that while the casino has doubts about your account, it must take additional steps, and it has nothing to do with the country you live in.
Another detail: the deposit is a different process than a withdrawal, it's nonsense to compare those.
疑いは何に基づいていますか?何もないのに?カジノに資金を入金する場合、出金するかどうかにかかわらず、カジノはすぐに私の身元を確認する必要があることに注意してください。したがって、2 つのプロセスは互いに密接に関連しています。世界中で本人確認を行うには、個人の写真がはっきりと見える有効期限が切れていない身分証明書があれば十分であり、これはヨーロッパ内外の両方に当てはまります。 sumsub手続きを完了した後、彼らは私のアカウントについて何か疑問を持っていますか?この生体認証手順が何で構成されているか知っていますか?人間のオペレーターの代わりに、わずか数回のクリックですべてを行う認定ソフトウェアが存在する場合にのみ、Skype 通話よりも確実に優れています。彼らの認定されたアプリケーションを通じて手順を実行する場合、それは非常に高度で安全な手順であるため、それだけで十分であると私は想像します...残りの部分については...何も得られないという前提で。 sumsub でロードされたのと同じドキュメントを返すことは便利で論理的だと思いますか? sumsub で生体認証手順を実行した後にセルフィー ID を取得することも役立つと思いますか?単純な思い込みで賞金を没収される代わりに脅迫されるのは正しいと思いますか?私じゃない!!しかし、私は 20 年以上オンラインでプレイしてきましたが、これまで参加した数百のカジノのうち、同様の問題が発生したのは 2 つだけでした。すべては賞金の支払いを遅らせるためでした。
Doubts based on what? About nothing?! Note that if I deposit funds to a casino they should be required to verify my identity immediately whether I withdraw or not. Therefore the two processes are closely related to each other. For worldwide identity verification, it is sufficient to have an unexpired identity document showing the personal photo clearly visible, this applies both in Europe and outside. Do they have any doubts about my account after completing the sumsub procedure? Do you know what this biometric procedure consists of? It is definitely better than a Skype call only where instead of a human operator there is certified software that does everything in just a few clicks! If I carry out a procedure through their certified application, I imagine that it is enough and more since it is a very advanced and safe procedure... for the rest with the presumption of... you get nowhere. Does returning the same documents loaded with sumsub seem useful and logical to you? Does taking a selfie ID after doing a biometric procedure with sumsub also seem useful to you? Being threatened instead of having your winnings confiscated on their simple presumption does it seem right to you? Not me!! However, I have been playing online for over 20 years and out of hundreds of casinos that I have attended, only two have had this similar problem ... all to delay the payment of the winnings.
Dubbi sulla base di cosa ? Del niente ?! Guarda che se deposito dei fondi su un casinò quest'ultimo dovrebbe essere obbligato ad effettuare immediatamente la verifica della mia identità a prescindere se prelevo oppure no. Pertanto i due processi sono strettamente in relazione fra di loro. Per la verifica dell'identità a livello mondiale basta avere un documento d'identità non scaduto riportante la foto personale ben visibile, questo vale sia in Europa che non. Hanno dei dubbi sul mio account dopo aver effettuato la procedura sumsub ? Sai in cosa consiste tale procedura biometrica ? E' sicuramente migliore di una chiamata in Skype soltanto dove al posto di un operatore umano vi è un software certificato che esegue il tutto in pochi click! Se effettuo una procedura tramite il loro applicativo certificato mi immagino che basti ed avanzi visto che è una procedura molto avanzata e sicura... per il resto con la presunzione di... non si arriva da nessuna parte. Rimandare gli stessi documenti caricati con sumsub ti sembra utile e logico ? Effettuare un selfie ID dopo aver fatto una procedura biometrica con sumsub anche questo ti sembra utile ?Essere minacciati invece di avere le vincite confiscate su una loro semplice presunzione ti sembra corretto ? A me no!! Comunquesia io sono oltre 20 anni che gioco on line e su centinaia di casinò che ho frequentato solo in due ho avuto tale simile problematica... il tutto per ritardare il pagamento della vincita.
カジノは入金をチェックしません - プレイヤーは喜んで資金を入金します。それはあなたの自由意志であるため、カジノは最初の入金が行われる前にあなたを確認する義務はありません。
通常、カジノは登録プロセスを通じて提供された情報に依存します。これは、ルールに何が許可され、何が禁止されているかが記載されているためです。登録直後にはゲームプレイが行われていないため、当面はゲーム履歴やボーナスを確認する必要もありません。 。
まあ、明らかに。あなたが知らせたように、彼らは Skype 通話もスケジュールしました - そうです。ただし、カジノ側に説明を求めてください。私は彼らのために働いているわけではありません。
Whatever you say...
I'll point out the main thing here:
Casinos do not check incoming deposits - players deposits willingly their funds. The casino is not obliged to verify you before the first deposit is made, because it is your free will.
Normally, the casino relies on the information given through the registration process because the rules state what is allowed and what is not, since no gameplay was made immediately after the registration, there is also no gaming history or bonuses to be checked by the time being.
You can, however, ask the casino to verify you sooner.
Withdrawal, on the other hand, must only be carried out after the player is fully and undoubtedly verified. The game history checked whether all rounds were completed following all rules.
I think this is pretty clear.
"Do they have any doubts about my account after completing the sumsub procedure?"
Well, obviously. They also scheduled a Skype call as you informed - so yes. But ask the casino for an explanation, please. I don't work for them.
Hi has anyone had issues with the slot not paying correctly?
I just got a feature and the slot did not pay the multiplier that was won during the free spins
the game rules state that all wins a payed with the multiplier and I have played that game many times and not had issues but this time it did not pay it and I have screenshots of all the history.
but they are claiming it paid correctly where the history clearly shows it hasn’t
「あなたはフォーラムに 9 件の同一の投稿をスパム送信しました。これは通常、他のフォーラム プラットフォームの永久禁止につながるものです。」
As explained several times:
"You spammed the forum with 9 identical posts, which would normally lead to a permanent ban on other forum platforms."
Kindly take notice of this response:
Thank you
a) ゲームプロバイダーに問い合わせる
b) Casino Guru 解決センターを通じて苦情を提出する
Hmm, this is always a bit tricky.
Luckily, you have a gaming history! Thus, I would:
a) Ask the game provider
b) Submit a complaint through the Casino Guru Resolution Center
What would you prefer? Let me know, please.
IceBet サポート サービスにご連絡いただきありがとうございます。
以前、あなたはクレジットされていない賞金についての質問でチャットに問い合わせました。情報を確認したところ、少し遅れてグリニッジ標準時 02:23:21+3 に 113 AUD の賞金が入金されました。賞金は今後も皆様に有効に活用していただきました。
Thank you for addressing to our IceBet Support Service.
Previously, you contacted the chat with a question about uncredited winnings. We checked the information, and the winnings were credited to you with a slight delay at 02:23:21 GMT+3 in the amount of 113 AUD. The winnings were also successfully used by you in the future.
その 1 回のスピンは、正しく支払われなかった他のすべてのスピンはもちろん、それが間違っていることを示しています
That one spin shows it’s incorrect let alone all the others it didn’t pay correctly on
とにかく、ベロニカの最新情報を更新し、証拠を送ったと思います。まだの場合は、 ここで行うことができます。
Okay, so I'm curious where you'll get to when you've used both options. According to the attached screenshots, there might have been some error, but we will have to wait for the final decision from the game provider, or the result of your complaint with us.
Anyway, I assume that you have updated Veronika and sent her evidence. If you haven't, you can do so here.
Nevertheless, if you have any further information or if you have received a reply from the game provider, let us know. I'm curious how it will all turn out in the end.
わかりました。簡単なアップデート管理者から、個人のゲーム履歴から実際のスピン ID を提供するように言われました。
2023 年 9 月 12 日午前 2:23:21 (UTC)
Ok so just a quick update management have told me to provide the actual spin id from personal game history
and what do you know so from game screenshots
its 9/12/2023 2:23:21 AM (UTC)
and seems like a big chunk of my history is missing
それは、同じ機能のカジノからさらに 1 つだけ増えたものです
Have a look at this
That’s just one plenty more from that feature same casino
それらのカジノの名前を明かさない場合は、正しいカジノ スレッドでスクリーンショットを共有してください。その方がはるかに良いでしょう。とにかく、苦情は頑張ってください!次のステップに到達したら、お気軽に更新してください。 🙏
If you won't name those casinos, please share those screenshots in the correct Casino thread. That would be far better. Anyway, good luck with the complaint! Feel free to update us once it reaches another step.🙏
アイスベットはお勧めしません。カジノは1週間前に誰にでも大量に勝ちました, すべての書類、個人のオンライン バンキング プロフィールのスクリーンショット、運転免許証を手に持った自撮り写真、銀行取引明細書、銀行口座番号、銀行 ID/ビックを送信しました。からのスクリーンショット。返答がありません。カスタマーサービスに連絡しましたが、まったくのくだらない話でした。彼らは非常に多くの仕事を抱えているため、賞金は表示されません。そして、そのくだらないカジノは避けてください。
I do not recommend icebet. Casino to anyone a week ago I won tons, I sent all documents, screenshots of your personal online banking profile, selfies with driver's license in hand, bank statement, bank account number, bank ID/bic. screenshot from . No answers, I contacted the customer service and it was pure crap, that they have so much work, I won't see those winnings, and avoid that crappy casino
En suosittele icebet. Casinoa kenellekään viiko sitten voittin tonneja, lähetin kaikki asiakirjat, kuvakaapaukset henkilökohtaisesta verkkopankkiprofiilistasi,selfiet ajokortti kädessä,pankkitiliote, pankkitilin numero, pankkitunnuksen/bic. kuvakaappaus osoitteesta. Ei vastauksia, otin yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun sieltä tuli va puhdasta paska , että heillä on niin paljon hommia, en niitä voittoja tuu näkemään, välttääkä sita paska kasinoa
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com