ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Ienabet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I thought it didn't fit the review, so I'll write it here
I made a deposit, but it will not be reflected. The chat is also unresponsive. (Maybe it's out of hours?) However, if it is a withdrawal, it is doubtful that the deposit will not be reflected for more than an hour
It's been 24 hours since the BTC deposit was completed. It will not be reflected in the casino balance yet. There is also no response to email inquiries, including chat support. Is this also a scam casino?
Is the license in Curacao also real?
I am really sorry to hear about your experience at this casino.
Were you able to contact the support regarding the situation by now?
The chat screen seems to say "I'm not here now, please write, I'll reply later". However, I have not been contacted.
Chat is always empty. And it seems to me that there are no contact information on the site
運が良ければ、カジノの誰かがあなたに連絡してくれるでしょう! 少なくとも、私はそう願っています。
I saw the very same result when I tried the chat.
Have no luck getting other wyas to get in touch, aside from the email, which I believe you have tried.. 🙁
I'm also convinced you checked the wallet address, so the issue must be on the recipient's side. Well. I hope someone from the casino will be available soon. Since the complaint was lodged, nothing else remains but to give them a few more working days, I'd say.
With luck, someone from the casino will get back to you! At least, I hope so.
Redka, thank you for searching the site. It's my first time in an Italian casino. It was my first time and I was hurt. Players are helpless when they are ignored by the casino. I think it's the darkness of online casinos. Therefore, changes in evaluation due to complaints must be handled quickly and clearly. I think it is difficult to run this site. However, the fact that it has a decent rating here means that there are people who believe it and make deposits. Don't think that people who believe are stupid. It's so sad. Just when you make a mistake, be firm and quickly correct it. People like me are cutting their heads to provide information. Don't let it go to waste. * If you guys are taking a posting fee from the casino, it is a different story. Then it's your business
Casino Guru の詐欺カジノに対する対応が非常に鈍いと感じるときがあります。
I haven't heard from them. In such a case, the evaluation should be revised promptly. Your rules only benefit fraudulent casinos. Suppose that once a casino is listed with a decent rating. They can behave freely for several months. If you believe in me, you should act decisively. They are convinced that the criminals are scam casinos. As a temporary measure, the rating should be 3 or less. Let's say they contact you now. Still, there are major deficiencies in their support system.
There are times when I feel that Casino Guru's response to scam casinos is very dull.
......Do you really get a publication fee from them?
状況は、他のカジノの場合とほぼ同じです。したがって、インスタント カジノに関する私の最後のコメントを読んでいただければ、今回の場合もほぼ同じであることがわかります。
安全性指数は計算に関するものです。 カジノをレビューする方法の説明を読むだけで役立つと思います👈
「当社のカジノ審査チームは、インターネットで関連する苦情をすべて検索します。これにより、カジノがプレイヤーをどのように扱っているかがよくわかります。すべての苦情をデータベースに入力し、苦情に対する当社の認識 (カジノが実際に何か間違ったことをしたかどうか) とその他の要素 (プレイヤーが実際のお金でプレイしたか、ボーナスマネーでプレイしたかなど) に基づいて分類を割り当てます。各苦情の争点金額と前述の分類を考慮して、各苦情にブラックポイントを付与し、これを安全指数の計算に使用します。」
ステップ 1 – プレーヤーは苦情フォームに記入して送信します。
ステップ 2 – フォーム内の苦情とプレイヤーの回答を分析し、カジノとその利用規約を確認します。
ステップ 3 – システムに関する苦情の説明を書き、プレイヤーにすべてを十分に理解してもらうために追加の質問をします。
ステップ 4 – 私たちが知っているすべての情報に基づいて、カジノに連絡せずに状況を簡単に解決できるかどうかを確認するために、プレイヤーにアドバイスを提供します。
ステップ 5 – 必要であれば、カジノを会話に参加させて、カジノ側の話を伝えてもらいます。
ステップ 6 –結果に基づいて苦情を終了し、分類します。これは、カジノの安全性指数にどのような影響を与えるかに影響します。
弊社の苦情対応チームからの最初の回答は 48 時間以内に届きますが、12 ~ 24 時間以内に回答できるよう最善を尽くします。
各関係者(お客様、カジノ、Casino Guru チーム)は、苦情を解決に導くために、7 日以内に返答する必要があります。この期間が経過しても返答がない場合、通常は期限をさらに 7 日間延長します。
苦情をうまく解決するには、多くの場合、3 者間で多くのコミュニケーションが必要になるため、合計時間が長くなる可能性があります。苦情をうまく解決するまでにかかる平均時間は、苦情が提出されてからおよそ 21 日ですが、これも苦情ごとに大きく異なります。
基本的にはこのように機能します。最適ではありませんが、たとえば「平均以下」の安全性指数を持つカジノに入金するというあなたの決断も最適ではありません。10 点満点中 6.1 点というのは、安全性指数がこれほど低いのに支払いをしなければならないように聞こえますか? これはむしろ警告を与えるメッセージです。
The situation is pretty much the same as in the other case of another casino. So, if you read my lasteply for the Instant Casino discussion, this one will pretty much be the same.
Safety Index is about calculations; I think you would only benefit by reading the explanation of how we review casinos 👈
Focus on aspects determining the casino safety, please. The part mentioning complaints is very important too:
"Our casino review team browses the internet to find all relevant complaints, which give us a good idea of how casinos treat their players. We enter all complaints into our database and assign them a classification based on our perception of the complaint (whether we think that the casino has actually done something wrong or not) and other factors (such as whether the player played with real money or bonus money, etc.). Taking into account the disputed amount in each complaint and the aforementioned classification, we get a number of black points for each complaint, which are then used in the Safety Index calculation."
With that being said, there is no way to determine the severity of the issue without a proper investigation; for that, we assembled the complaint process:
Step 1 – Player fills out a complaint form and submits it.
Step 2 – We analyze the complaint and player's responses in the form and take a look at the casino and its T&Cs.
Step 3 – We write a complaint description for our system and ask the player any additional questions to understand everything well.
Step 4 – Based on everything we know, we try to give advice to the player to see if the situation can be resolved easily, without contacting the casino.
Step 5 – If it is needed, we invite the casino to join the conversation and provide their side of the story.
Step 6 – Based on the outcome, we close and classify the complaint, which will influence how the casino's Safety Index will be affected.
How long will it all take?
The time elapsed between submitting a complaint and the complaint being closed varies greatly. The complaints processed most quickly are those that can be resolved without getting the casino involved or those that are rejected because the casino has not done anything wrong. Other complaints, however, can be very time-consuming.
Here are some rough estimates and time-related information about complaints:
You will get your first response from our complaint team within 48 hours, but we do our best to respond within 12 to 24 hours.
Each involved party (you, the casino, or the Casino Guru team) has seven days to respond when they are required to do so to move the complaint forward. When this period elapses without a response, we usually choose to prolong the time limit by another seven days.
As the successful resolution of a complaint often takes a lot of communication between all three parties, the total time can add up. The average time it takes to close successfully-resolved complaints is roughly 21 days from the date they were submitted, but again, this varies a lot from one complaint to another.
We do everything we can to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, but it's not always a straightforward process. Please be patient and provide all the necessary information to speed things up on your side.
This is basically how it works. It is not optimal, but neither was your decision to deposit in a casino with a "below average" Safety index, for example. Does 6,1 out of 10 sound like we have to be paid for such a lower Safety index? It is more of a message providing a warning.
Again, I understand you aim to improve the way my colleagues adjust reviews, but actually the best you can do is to always submit the complaint immediately.
私たちは、プレイヤーにどこでプレイすべきかを指示するためにここにいるわけではないと思います。それは彼らの決定です。私たちは、プレイヤーがより安全な選択をするための手がかりをできるだけ多く提供することを目指しているだけです。数学的には、10 のうち 6.1 は半分より少し多いですが、それはそれほど説得力がありますか? 先ほど言ったように、数字だけを考慮するのは良くありません。安全性指数と組み合わせると、カジノに入金するかどうかを決めるのに役立つ他の多くのことがあります。フォーラムを検討してください。ユーザーは苦情をレビューします...
I think we are not here to dictate to players where they have to play; it is their decision; we just aim to provide as many clues as possible for the player to make a safer choice. Mathematically, 6,1 out of 10 is slightly more than a half; is that so convincing? As I was saying, it is not good to consider only the number; there are many other things that, combined with the Safety Index may help you decide whether you want or don't want to deposit in a casino. consider the forum; the user reviews the complaints...
Sometimes a casino becomes inactive without us noticing that or without any warning, so the review may not get adjusted in time. Aside from things we are able to track and use, among which the forum, user reviews, and complaints may be counted, the rest is beyond our reach until the player comes here submitting the complaint.
I'm trying to explain we do not have thousands of employees to constantly monitor each casino on a daily basis.
I imagine you might feel a bit disappointed, yet we have no better options.
I think our Resolution Center teammates are pretty devoted when it comes to unresponsiveness. However, there are nuanced aspects to consider. Sadly, no one can predict when or whether the casino representative will eventually go silent. Frankly, I can't figure out what you wanted to express by the "strict measures against deposits and withdrawals". Would it be possible for our black points based on the disputed amount to be close?
入金と出金は、プレイヤーにとってもカジノにとっても重要です。カジノの規模、ゲーム、入金と出金の方法、対応言語、ボーナスの有無などよりもはるかに重要です。カジノがそれらに関する問い合わせを1か月以上放置するのは奇妙だと思いませんか? 100ドルで起こることは、1万ドルで起こる可能性があります。したがって、評価を変更するときは、金額や金額ではなく、発生した内容の観点から考える必要があります。
Deposits and withdrawals are important for both players and casinos. It's much more important than the size of the casino, the games, the way you deposit and withdraw, the languages it supports, and the availability of bonuses. Don't you think it's strange for a casino to leave inquiries about them for more than a month? What happens in a hundred dollars can happen in ten thousand dollars. Therefore, when changing the valuation, you should think in terms of the content that has occurred, not the amount of money or the amount of money.
As for deposits and withdrawals, if they happen even once, the rating should drop to about 3
おそらく、1 つの問題がカジノの悪さを示していると解釈されるかもしれませんが、基本的にあなたの言っていることは理解できます。しかし、それでは安全性指数の目的全体が無効になります。私たちは単に最高のカジノや最悪のカジノをリストアップしているわけではありません。これが、ブラック ポイントが指標として選択された理由と、新しいカジノを試してみようと考えている場合に苦情が非常に重要である理由を説明しています。
I believe that we are discussing the same topics. But you overlook the fact that the Safety Index is about the likelihood of receiving payment. However, since numerous factors influence each withdrawal, each case must be evaluated independently. Therefore, we are back to using black points when it comes to how we acknowledge that. We do not say how quickly the casino is going to pay - that is a domain of forum and user reviews.
Although it would probably imply that a single problem would indicate that the casino is bad, I essentially understand what you are saying. That would negate the Safety Index's entire purpose, though. We do not merely list the best or worst casinos. This explains why the black points were chosen as the marker and why the complaints are so crucial if you aim to try a new casino.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com