そうですね、確かに胡散臭いですね。これは、メールに記載された内容については責任を負わず、IP アドレスごとに 1 人しか許可されていないことを考慮して VPN を使用すると、プレイヤーは会社の利用規約に違反する大きなリスクがあり、そのために賞金が没収される危険性があることを意味すると思います。 。彼らがこの規則を強化するかどうかはわかりませんが、カジノでプレイする前によく考えるよう人々にアドバイスします。
また、毎日のフリープレイはまったくの冗談であり、機能しません。最初の 500 人のプレイヤーは、毎日太平洋標準時 00:01 にシステムによって自動的に選ばれるとのことで、私は時計が 00:00 になった瞬間にリクエストを求めていましたが、数週間後には諦めました。
そして現在、彼らのサイトはメンテナンスのためダウンしており、代わりにプレイヤーにカジノ Duckyluck にアクセスしてプレイするよう奨励し、オーナーの「King varsammi」さえもそこで個人的にプレイしていると主張しており、ウェブサイト Kingscastle.casino は現在、luckyduck にリダイレクトされています。
Yeah it does indeed sound shady. I guess that means that they will not take responsibility for anything stated in the email and players have a huge risk violate the company's T&C if they use a VPN considering only 1 person per ip adress is allowed and might risk having their winnings confiscated because of this. I don't know if they would reinforce this rule but I advice people to think twice before playing in their casino.
Also their Instagram is highly unusual for being an official casinos Instagram with posts of "real player reviews" and these people are most likely paid I don't know but something seems off about their reviews. They also like to market themselves as "worlds most trusted casino" according to who I wonder, also why do they have the need of posting these "real player" reviews if they are the worlds most trusted casino.
Also the daily Freeplay is a total joke It doesn't work. First 500 players will get automatically chosen by the system every day 00:01 PST they said and I was on the clock requesting it the exact second the clock turned 00:00 but after a few weeks I just gave up.
And now their site is down due to maintenance and instead encourage players to visit and play in the casino Duckyluck claiming even the owner "King varsammi" personally plays there and the website Kingscastle.casino now redirect you to luckyduck at the moment.
Just the fact that they are cooperating with a unlicensed Casino is very Strange.