ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Kirgo Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
しかし、カジノは私が出金アドレスとして指定したアドレスに USDT ではなく ETH を送信しました。
At this casino I made deposits and withdrawals using USDT (ERC20).
However, the casino sent ETH instead of USDT to the address I provided as my withdrawal address.
I have asked the casino why they did this, but they have not responded.
If I continue to use a casino that does this, it is obvious that I will have problems.
Hmm. Obviously, a mistake may be made, yet a decent response would be in order.
Just a silly question: are you sure no mistake has been made on your side? I mean, some casinos allow you to pick up the preferred currency just before the withdrawal request is created.
It's, of course, just a thought.🙏
はい、スクリーンショットを見ればそれがわかります。私たちを賢明にするために、カジノから何らかの対応があれば最善だと思います。それはこの 1 回だけでしたか、それとも複数回発生しましたか?エラーが発生した可能性はありますが、再度発生した場合は、おそらく事故ではないと思います。カジノから返答があれば教えていただけますか?
Yes, I can see that from the screenshot, and I think it would be best if there was some kind of response from the casino to make us wiser. Did it happen only in this one case or several times ? The error could have happened but if it happens again I think it is probably not an accident. If you get a response from the casino, would it be possible to tell us ?
The casino said they would investigate and contact me, but I have not heard from them.
This is the 1st time and I have refrained from making a deposit because I don't want this type of problem to occur again.
何か推測はありますか? 🤔
No wonder you try to avoid that. Even though I'd say no actual damage was done, I'm far from saying it does matter. For now, I'm quite interested in finding out how long it takes to respond to such a request.
Any guesses? 🤔
私のウォレットが ETH をサポートしていなかった場合、出金額を受け取ることはできませんでした。
値の変動が少ないため、USDT も使用しています。
This does not mean that there is no actual damage.
If my wallet did not support ETH I would not have received my withdrawal amount.
I also use USDT because it is less volatile in value.
ETH fluctuates a lot in value and if I try to convert it to USDT, I will be charged a fee.
また、値の拡張がある場合にはそれについても言及すると思いました。わかっていることのみ回答させていただきます。問題が続く場合は、ためらわずに苦情を提出してください。現在の素晴らしいリストを考えれば、あと 1 つあっても問題はありません。
Oh. Maybe you should start with that. I'm sorry, it was not obvious at all.
I also thought you would mention the value dilatation if there was any. I'm only responding to things I'm aware of. If you keep struggling, don't hesitate to submit a complaint. With your current impressive list, one more is surely not an issue.
I still have not heard from the casino.
However, to avoid trouble, I decided to make deposits and withdrawals using XRP.
And everything went smoothly when you used this method ? I hope so and you had no further trouble.
Hello Radka,
A very good evening to you. Apologies for the delay in responding, I have only received my credentials earlier today.
My name is George and I represent Kirgo, I am sorry to hear you are having an issue with us.
I understand from above you have contacted our support team. Can I please ask you to reach out to them again and ask them to copy me in on the issue so I can look to get it resolved? Thank you in advance.
I look forward to hearing from you, wishing you a great evening in advance.
USDT (ERC20) で出金リクエストを送信しましたが、まだお金を受け取っていません。その理由は、カジノが何らかの理由で ETH を送ったため、USDT で送り返す必要があるためです。
I don't trust casino live chat anymore. Let's communicate here.
I submitted a withdrawal request in USDT (ERC20) but have not received the money yet. The reason is that the casino sent ETH for some reason, and I need to send it back in USDT.
この問題の解決に役立つような個人情報を漏らすつもりはありませんので、あなたのプロフィールを取得する最も簡単な方法は、サポート チームが当社のシステム上で私にタグを付けることです。
I am very sorry that you feel that way, I can only apologise on behalf of the team and I will feed the item back to them as appropriate.
As I don't wish to divulge any of your personal details which would help me in resolving this, the easiest way for me to get your profile would be for the support team to tag me on our systems.
I do apologise for the inconvenience however I have to consider data protection as well as ensuring that I am dealing with the correct case.
Many thanks in advance,
Hello Radka,
A very good evening to you. Apologies for the delay in responding, I have only received my credentials earlier today.
My name is George and I represent Kirgo, I am sorry to hear you are having an issue with us.
I understand from above you have contacted our support team. Can I please ask you to reach out to them again and ask them to copy me in on the issue so I can look to get it resolved? Thank you in advance.
I look forward to hearing from you, wishing you a great evening in advance.
こんにちは。フォーラムへようこそ。カジノが一人でも多くの幸せなプレイヤーを抱え、繁栄することを願っています。また、当該選手の問題が解決されることを願っております。幸運を。 🙂
Hello and welcome to our forum. I hope that the casino will have as many happy players as possible and that it will prosper. I also hope that the problem of the player in question will be solved. Good luck. 🙂
皆さん、GLHF を楽しんでください!
Many thanks for your warm welcome Jaro!
We too are looking forward to lots of happy players and winners at our casino, and will strive to meet the high standards we have set for ourselves.
We can never promise to be perfect, however we aim to get it right every time and will use our players feedback to improve where we can!
Happy Gaming everyone, GLHF!
I contacted the casino again, also giving George's name, but unfortunately never received a response.
Dear Casino Guru
I submitted a withdrawal request in USDT and the casino wired the ETH to me without further notice
Should I file a complaint and have them send USDT again?
Fortunately, my address also supports ETH, so the transferred ETH did not disappear, but casinos that do this will surely have a lot of trouble in the future.
andandjonnyx にご連絡いただきありがとうございます。ご連絡をいただけて光栄です。
ウォレットを選択するときに、この例では ETH を選択しました。出金は当社側で完了し、お客様が提供した暗号アドレスに支払われました。ご希望の場合は、暗号通貨ウォレットから ETH を USDT に転送できるはずです。
引き続き、出金用のトランザクション ID を電子メールでお送りします。私たちはあなたのプライバシーを最優先に考えているため、この詳細をフォーラムで公開することはありません。
Thank you for reaching out to me andandjonnyx, It is great to hear from you.
Firstly, I apologize for the delay; there was a communication issue when I requested the case be passed over to me.
When selecting the wallet, you have chosen ETH in this instance. The withdrawal was completed from our side and paid to the crypto address you provided. You should be able to transfer the ETH to USDT if this is your preference from your crypto wallet.
We will follow up by emailing you the transaction ID for the withdrawal. Your privacy is paramount to us, so we will not divulge this detail on the forum.
However, We have taken your feedback on board and implemented an update that improves the currency selection box when players withdraw with us. Thank you.
As the funds have been processed following your instructions and received on your side, this item can now be marked as resolved.Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I wish you the best for the future and happy holidays.
これには、明確な USDT (ERC20) の選択の証拠があります。
出金がまだ受け取られていないため、USDT を送信してください。
This one has evidence of a clear USDT (ERC20) choice.
You misunderstood the address and transferred ETH without permission.
Apparently, this casino does not know that USDT (ERC20) shares the same address because ETH is used for communication, and it will disappear if transferred to a wallet that does not support it.
If you blame the user, we will not tolerate it anymore.
Please send USDT as my withdrawal has not been received yet.
これも述べたように、当社は GDPR を非常に真剣に受け止めており、そのため、この取引を完了する際に、Casino Guru のチームにパートナーからの文書と調査結果を確認するよう依頼するつもりです。これにより、私たちがこの問題に関して私たちが持っている証拠を彼らに示してオープンかつ透明性を保つことができ、あなたの詳細は公衆の目から「鍵と鍵」の下に置かれたままになります。
Hello andandjonnyx,
Many thanks for your prompt reply, it is very much appreciated.
As discussed previously, your withdrawal has been completed and received, which you have confirmed above in more than one post.
As also mentioned, we take GDPR very seriously and as such we are willing to ask the team at Casino Guru to review the documents and findings from our partners when completing this transaction. This would allow us to be open and transparent with them showing the evidence we have on the matter, and your details would remain under 'lock and key' from public eyes.
If you are happy to proceed with this please let me know, and I will ask them to adjudicate the case as a neutral party.
I look forward to your feedback, wishing you a good evening ahead.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com