ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Librabet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I'm having serious issues withdrawing winning funds from this website. They keep saying everything is OK.. I'm extremely concerned this website is a scam. Any advise on this please?
I'd give them 2 weeks in total. If there's everything OK as they claim, they should send you the winnings within 2 weeks. That's enough time.
ギャンブル委員会に苦情を送りますか?または、どのようなオプションがありますか...そのばかげています。 2番目または私が資金を得たとしても私はそのaccを閉鎖しています
Hi Daniel
Thanks for the reply.
So if after 2 weeks I get nothing.
What will I do?
Will I send complaint to gambling commission? Or what options do I have... Its rediculous. The second or even if I get the funds I'm closing down that acc
I can see here that Librabet has many resolved complaints on our website so I believe it was a good idea to start with submitting the complaint here. Let's see how it develops.
真剣に、このカジノがこのレーティングを取得する方法 ゲームがクラッシュし続け、プレイしたばかりのゲームが機能しなくなります 4 時間プレイしました サポートから約 50 回クラッシュしました メンテナンスは問題ありませんが、5. 7. 9 回悪いカジノでプレイした日ですが、これは難しいので、10のうち9つ星をプレイするのは面白くありません.サイトが機能しないだけの大きな冗談です.
Seriously how does this casino get this rating games keep crashing then the games you just played don't work anymore I've been playing for 4 hours crashed about 50 times from the support you hear we have maintenance ok but 5. 7. 9 times on Day I've played in bad casinos but this is the hardness so it's not fun to play 9 stars out of 10 is just a big joke the site just doesn't work.
Ganz in Ernst wie kommt dieses casino an diese Bewertung spiele stürzen dauernd ab dann funktionieren Spiele nicht mehr die man gerade gespielt hat ich spiele seit 4 Std ist ungefähr 50 mal abgestürzt vom Support hört man wir haben wartung ok aber 5. 7 .9 mal am Tag ich habe in schlechten casinos gespielt aber das hier ist die Härte so macht das spielen doch kein spaß 9 Sterne von 10 ist einfach ein grosser Witz die seite läuft einfach nicht .
I gave the casino a try and everything was smooth and pleasant. However, I can imagine that it's not good to let players play when the site is under maintenance. On the other hand, I think that it's ok if the site runs smoothly after the update.
To learn more about the casino's reputation, kindly check the proper tab:
こんにちは、私はこのカジノに 2 週間登録されています。先週の月曜日、カードで 170 ユーロの引き出しをリクエストしました。昨日チャットで連絡を取ったところ、通常は 3 営業日かかるとのことでした。今日、彼らが引き出しをキャンセルし、残高を私の口座に戻してくれたことに驚いています。
Good afternoon, I have been registered in this casino for two weeks. Last Monday I requested a withdrawal of €170 by card. After contacting them via chat yesterday they tell me that it usually takes 3 business days. What is my surprise that today they cancel the withdrawal and return the balance to my account.
They have not notified me by any means of the reason.. if anything needs to be verified.. they cancel without giving any further explanations.. the chat support does not know how to explain it to me.. they just tell me that they leave a note so that the financial department can contact me. At the moment this bookmaker is not very serious. I request your mediation to be able to withdraw my earnings.
Buenas tardes, llevo registrado en este casino dos semanas .. el pasado lunes solicité una retirada de 170€ mediante tarjeta. Después de contactar con ellos por chat ayer me dicen que suelen tardar 3 días hábiles. Cual es mi sorpresa que hoy cancelan la retirada y me devuelven el saldo a mi cuenta.
no me han notificado por ningún medio el motivo .. si hace falta verificar nada.. cancelan sin dar más explicaciones.. el soporte chat no saben explicarme .. solo me dicen que dejan nota para que el departamento financiero se ponga en contacto conmigo. De momento es muy poco seria esta casa de apuestas. Solicito vuestra intermediación para poder retirar mis ganancias .
こんにちは、私はこのカジノに 2 週間登録されています。先週の月曜日、カードで 170 ユーロの引き出しをリクエストしました。昨日チャットで連絡を取ったところ、通常は 3 営業日かかるとのことでした。今日、彼らが引き出しをキャンセルし、残高を私の口座に戻してくれたことに驚いています。
Good afternoon, I have been registered in this casino for two weeks. Last Monday I requested a withdrawal of €170 by card. After contacting them via chat yesterday they tell me that it usually takes 3 business days. What is my surprise that today they cancel the withdrawal and return the balance to my account.
They have not notified me by any means of the reason.. if anything needs to be verified.. they cancel without giving any further explanations.. the chat support does not know how to explain it to me.. they just tell me that they leave a note so that the financial department can contact me. At the moment this bookmaker is not very serious. I request your mediation to be able to withdraw my earnings.
Buenas tardes, llevo registrado en este casino dos semanas .. el pasado lunes solicité una retirada de 170€ mediante tarjeta. Después de contactar con ellos por chat ayer me dicen que suelen tardar 3 días hábiles. Cual es mi sorpresa que hoy cancelan la retirada y me devuelven el saldo a mi cuenta.
no me han notificado por ningún medio el motivo .. si hace falta verificar nada.. cancelan sin dar más explicaciones.. el soporte chat no saben explicarme .. solo me dicen que dejan nota para que el departamento financiero se ponga en contacto conmigo. De momento es muy poco seria esta casa de apuestas. Solicito vuestra intermediación para poder retirar mis ganancias .
Juan1988 さん、こんにちは。
私の同僚のクリスティーナがあなたの苦情ですでに言ったように.これには、いくつかの原因が考えられます。これは、KYC 検証プロセスが不完全であるか、プレイヤーからの多数の出金要求が原因である可能性があります。または、何らかのルール違反が原因である可能性があります。もう少し待ってみてください。 🙂
Hello Juan1988,
as my colleague Kristina already said in your complaint. This can be caused by several things. This may be due to an incomplete KYC verification process or due to many withdrawal requests from players or it could be because of some rule violation. Please try to wait a little bit longer. 🙂
Librabet は理由もなく私のアカウントを閉鎖し、ほぼ全額を盗みました。理由もなくアカウントが閉鎖されており、その理由は気にしませんが、お金は盗まれないように顧客に返さなければなりません。彼らは私にもう一緒に遊んでほしくないのです...わかりましたが、お金は盗まれるのではなく支払われるのです。おそらく私は彼らに利益ではなく損失をもたらすプレイヤーであるため、アカウントが閉鎖されたのでしょう。私のアカウントには 1,000 ズウォティ近くありましたが、1 か月間電子メールで彼らを苦しめた後、彼らは引き出したのは 60 ズウォティ (!!!) だけでした。 Rabidi NV からライセンスを取得しているすべてのブックメーカーは詐欺です。彼らから離れてください。
Librabet closed my account for no reason and stole almost all the money. Account have been closed for no reason and I don't care why but the money must be returned to the customer not stolen. They don't want me to play with them anymore.. ok, but money is paid out, not stolen. Probably the account were closed because I am a player who brings them losses and not profits. I had almost PLN 1,000 in my account and after a month of tormenting them with e-mails, they only withdraw... PLN 60 (!!!). All bookmakers licensed by Rabidi N.V. it's a scam. Stay away from them.
カジノが私たちの提案に耳を傾けてくれないのが残念です。 🙁
差し支えなければ、 訴状から引用させてください。
I'm sorry the casino isn't willing to listen to our recommendation. 🙁
Allow me to quote from the complaint, if you don't mind:
"We strongly disagree with the casino's decision to confiscate your winnings due to a rule that we consider to be predatory and against our Fair gambling codex. We are forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’, which will influence the casino’s rating in a negative way."
librabet に対する唯一の不満は、出金に時間が非常に長いように見えることです。 100%ボーナスを提供するというメールがあったにも関わらず、経営陣の決定によりボーナスがキャンセルされたため、未加工デポジットとしてプレイした100ユーロ未満の出金を1週間以上待ちました。
I have enjoyed playing on this casino and casinos under same brand.
Only complain against librabet is that it seems that withdrawal time is taking very long. I have waited for over a week for withdrawal under 100€ which i got playing as raw deposit since bonus was cancelled cause of managments decision even tho i had email that was offering me 100% bonus.
ユーザー レビューも送信していただき、ありがとうございます。
引き出しに 1 週間というと長すぎるように思えますが、場合によっては異なります。おそらくKYC検証は含まれていましたか?
さらに、他のボーナスも受け取ることができますか?私はこの「経営者の決定」がボーナス打ち切りの最終的な状況であることを知っています。 🙂 それで、私は興味があります。
That's good to know, and I thank you for submitting the user review too!
One week for the withdrawal sounds far too much, but sometimes - it depends. Was KYC verification included, perhaps?
Furthermore, are you still allowed to take other bonuses? I know this "management's decision" as the final state of bonuses termination. 🙂 So, I'm curious.
No KYC included and i was told everything is fine in this matter also. It was just due to technical error it seems, which is a bit strange cause i was told many times its just in que for processing everything is fine etc.
I am not sure if im allowed to take more bonuses. I quess i have to ask but i doubt since there was bonus available but when i deposited i was told in live chat that im not allowed to get bonus by managements decision.
それでも引き出しに問題がある場合は、当社の Web サイトで苦情を提出してください。
Ok, that's not as clear as I was hoping for. Such inconsistency may raise some suspicion, right?
If you still struggle with the withdrawal, maybe it is time to submit a complaint here on our website:
Just be aware there are hundreds of recently opened complaints, but the team is doing all they can to keep up with new ones.
How does it sound to you?
Everything is fine now, i made new withdrawal request and it was processed faster and money arrived within 2 days
Cool! I was hoping the complaint won't be necessary 😀.
Could you share what made you pick up this particular casino anyway? I mean, I'm just curious how players choose where to play. No need to answer, of course.
Crooks. They never pay player withdrawals. Don't believe anything they write above. These thieves are not worth your 1 euro.
Απατεώνες. Δεν πληρώνουν ποτέ τις αναλήψεις των παικτών. Μην πιστεύετε τίποτα από ότι γράφουν παραπάνω. Δεν αξίζουν ούτε το 1 ευρώ σας αυτοί οι κλέφτες.
Sure Tirokafteri . where do you want me to send it? Can you read what i wrote? It took me over week to make this withdrawal what i got and they declined my bonus which they had promoted? I was not saying this in positive way.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com