おやすみダニエル、お元気ですか?すべての書類(身分証明書、住所証明、支払い証明)の写真とビデオをすべて承認しました。30,000BRLの引き出しを行いましたが、引き出し金額が処理されておらず、残高も残っていないため、それらは消えました。 IIは今日早くに不平を言い、脅迫しました、そして彼らはそれがシステム障害であると言いました、そして彼らは私の貸借対照表に30,000を返しました、その直後に私は再び私が30,000BRLと20,000BRLの1つを引き出しているビデオを作りました、私はちょうど入りました再びちょうど今、彼らは私の30,000 BRLの引き出しで消え、20,000 BRLだけが処理中であり、30,000は貸借対照表に行きませんでした、それはただ消えました、あることは支払いを待っていて、保留中の引き出し額で消えました、それは犯罪じゃないの?私はすべてを記録し、写真を撮っています。私はこれを見たことがないので、彼らが価値を持って消えていくのを怖がっています。私を助けるために
Good night Daniel, how are you? I have all my documents approved ( my ID , my proof of address , my proof of payment ) photo and video of everything , I made a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and they disappeared as the withdrawal amount was not being processed and not even on my balance I I complained and threatened earlier today and they said it was a system failure , and they returned the 30,000 on my balance sheet , right after that I made a video again me making a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and another one of 20,000 BRL , I just entered again just now they disappeared with my withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and only the 20,000 BRL is in processing, and the 30,000 did not go to the balance sheet, it just disappeared, one thing and waiting for payment another and disappearing with the pending withdrawal amount, isn't that a crime? I have everything recorded and photo I'm getting scared they're disappearing with the value without giving satisfaction I've never seen this, and now I saw in their reputation that there's a guy who was deceived too would you have any contact with them to help me
Boa Noite Daniel , tudo bem ? Tenho todos os meus documentos aprovados ( minha identidade , meu comprovante de endereço , meu comprovante de pagamento ) foto e vídeo de tudo , fiz um saque de 30.000 BRL e eles sumiram como o valor do saque não estava em processamento e nem no meu balanço eu reclamei e ameacei hoje cedo e eles falaram que foi uma falha do sistema , e devolveram os 30.000 no meu balanço , logo após isso fiz um vídeo novamente eu fazendo um saque de 30.000 BRL e outro de 20,000 BRL , acabei de entrar agora pouco novamente eles desapareceram com meu saque de 30.000 BRL e só consta o de 20.000 BRL em processamento , e os 30.000 não foi pra o balanço simplesmente sumiu , uma coisa e aguardar o pagamento outra e sumir com o valor do saque pendente isso não é crime ? Tenho tudo gravado e foto to ficando com medo eles andam sumindo com o valor sem dar satisfação nunca vi isso , e agora vi na reputação deles que tem um cara que foi enganado também você teria algum contato deles para em ajudar
こんにちは、私にはこれはあなたがBooiカジノで持っているのとまったく同じ問題のように思えます。 LVベットでも同じ問題がありますか?
とにかく、数週間前にLV Betの担当者がユーザーレビューに返信するのを見たので、チャンスがあると思います。
Hello, to me this seems like the very same issue you have with Booi Casino. Do you have the same problem with LV Bet as well, please?
If yes, the first step is always the same - submitting your complaint. We can only contact the casino on your behalf after you submit your complaint, not earlier.
Anyway, I saw LV Bet representative reply to some user review a few weeks ago, so I think there is some chance.
おやすみダニエル、お元気ですか?すべての書類(身分証明書、住所証明、支払い証明)の写真とビデオをすべて承認しました。30,000BRLの引き出しを行いましたが、引き出し金額が処理されておらず、残高も残っていないため、それらは消えました。 IIは今日早くに不平を言い、脅迫しました、そして彼らはそれがシステム障害であると言いました、そして彼らは私の貸借対照表に30,000を返しました、その直後に私は再び私が30,000BRLと20,000BRLの1つを引き出しているビデオを作りました、私はちょうど入りました再びちょうど今、彼らは私の30,000 BRLの引き出しで消え、20,000 BRLだけが処理中であり、30,000は貸借対照表に行きませんでした、それはただ消えました、あることは支払いを待っていて、保留中の引き出し額で消えました、それは犯罪じゃないの?私はすべてを記録し、写真を撮っています。私はこれを見たことがないので、彼らが価値を持って消えていくのを怖がっています。私を助けるために
Good night Daniel, how are you? I have all my documents approved ( my ID , my proof of address , my proof of payment ) photo and video of everything , I made a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and they disappeared as the withdrawal amount was not being processed and not even on my balance I I complained and threatened earlier today and they said it was a system failure , and they returned the 30,000 on my balance sheet , right after that I made a video again me making a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and another one of 20,000 BRL , I just entered again just now they disappeared with my withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and only the 20,000 BRL is in processing, and the 30,000 did not go to the balance sheet, it just disappeared, one thing and waiting for payment another and disappearing with the pending withdrawal amount, isn't that a crime? I have everything recorded and photo I'm getting scared they're disappearing with the value without giving satisfaction I've never seen this, and now I saw in their reputation that there's a guy who was deceived too would you have any contact with them to help me
Boa Noite Daniel , tudo bem ? Tenho todos os meus documentos aprovados ( minha identidade , meu comprovante de endereço , meu comprovante de pagamento ) foto e vídeo de tudo , fiz um saque de 30.000 BRL e eles sumiram como o valor do saque não estava em processamento e nem no meu balanço eu reclamei e ameacei hoje cedo e eles falaram que foi uma falha do sistema , e devolveram os 30.000 no meu balanço , logo após isso fiz um vídeo novamente eu fazendo um saque de 30.000 BRL e outro de 20,000 BRL , acabei de entrar agora pouco novamente eles desapareceram com meu saque de 30.000 BRL e só consta o de 20.000 BRL em processamento , e os 30.000 não foi pra o balanço simplesmente sumiu , uma coisa e aguardar o pagamento outra e sumir com o valor do saque pendente isso não é crime ? Tenho tudo gravado e foto to ficando com medo eles andam sumindo com o valor sem dar satisfação nunca vi isso , e agora vi na reputação deles que tem um cara que foi enganado também você teria algum contato deles para em ajudar
こんにちは、私はあなたのサイトにアカウントを持っています。入金前にアカウントを確認するよう依頼しましたが、今のところは必要ないと言われました。入金・当選後、出金しようとすると認証で困っている人が多いみたいなので、早めに認証を行って、アカウント認証ができなかった場合はお金も払わないようにしたほうが良いのではないでしょうか? ?そして、支払いの際にお金の出所の証明が求められていることがわかりました。例を挙げますが、Skrill アカウントからお金を入金し、Skrill に出金したい場合、どのような証明を送ればよいでしょうか。私のデータが入った Skrill アカウントの写真!?ありがとう
Hello, I have an account on your site, I asked to verify the account before the deposit, but they said that it is not necessary for now! Since I see that a lot of people have problems with verification after depositing/winning and trying to withdraw money, isn't it better to do the verification earlier so that the player doesn't even pay money if it's not possible to verify the account? And I see that proof of the origin of the money is requested during the payment, I give an example, what kind of proof should I send if I deposit money from a Skrill account and want to withdraw to Skrill, is it enough to take a picture of the Skrill account with my data!? Thank you
Pozdrav, imam nalog na vašem sajtu, trazio sam da verifikujem racun prije depozita ali su rekli da za sada nije potrebno! Sobzirom da vidim da dosta ljudi ima problema sa verifikacijom nakon depozita/dobitka i pokušaja isplate novca zar nije bolje da se verifikacija odradi prije pa da igrač ni ne uplaćuje novac ako nije moguće verifikovati nalog? I vidim da se prilikom isplate traži dokaz o porijeklu novca, dajem primjer, kakav ja dokaz da posaljem ako novac uplatim sa Skrill računa i želim da povučem na Skrill, da li je dovoljno da slikam Skrill racun sa svojim podacima!? Hvala
また、入金してプレイする前の初期認証と、最初の出金リクエストを送信したときにのみ行われる全面的な KYC 認証を区別するのが良いと思います。
Skrill メソッドを検証するために何が必要かカジノにお尋ねください。入金履歴も提供する必要があると思います。ただし、他のカジノでは異なる場合があります。
どう考えているか教えてください。 🙂
Thank you for sharing your experience. I think it is not actually a good approach when the casino does not want to verify you in advance. We say honest casinos care about players; such a request would be fulfilled.
I also think it is good to distinguish between initial verification before you deposit and play and the full-scope KYC verification, which takes place only when you submit your first withdrawal request.
In the first scenario, the casino may only verify your identity. There is nothing else to verify unless you deposit using a certain payment method for the first time. The same goes for the gaming history; there is nothing to be checked unless you actually start playing.
Getting verified just after you register, however, is a good idea. At least you may form your opinion about the quality of support and the level of cooperation you can expect when you hit your first withdrawal.
Kindly ask the casino what is needed to verify the Skrill method. I reckon the deposit history needs to be provided as well. Though it may be different in another casino.
Let me know what you think. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com