ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Magical Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、それは非常に良いカジノです, 良いサポート, 彼らは彼らのプレーヤーに支払います
Hello, it's a very good casino, good support, they pay their player
良いニュースです🙂。通常、支払いにはどのくらいの時間がかかりましたか? また、どのくらいプレイしていますか?
what good news 🙂. How long did the payment usually take, and how long have you been playing there?
1aynway, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
もう飽きた!常に新しいSMSが届きます。彼らは私にコールド テキスト メッセージを送り、SMS 内の SMS 広告からのオプトアウトを提供しません。
上記のように、Magical Casino は、プレイヤーにとって興味があると判断した製品やサービスをプレイヤーに直接販売することがあります。プレイヤーがそのような情報の受け取りを希望しない場合、またはその他のデータ保護に関する質問がある場合は、プレイヤーはそのような情報/変更についてMagical Casinoに連絡することをお勧めします。」
(真実ではありません - しばらく前にオプトアウトについてすでに通知しました)
They keep sending me spam SMS advertising, although I upon registration made sure to deny ANY advertising, and made sure NOT to give consent to especially SMS advertising. I left a message in live chat, and they never contacted me back nor stopped spamming.
I am so tired of it! Constantly new and new SMS. They’re cold texting me and they provide no opt-out from SMS advertising in the SMS.
In their privacy policy it says:
"As indicated above, Magical Casino would, on occasion, market directly to Player products and services which Magical Casino considers may be of interest to the Player. Should Player not wish to receive such information, or have any other data protection queries, Player is urged to contact Magical Casino for such information/changes."
(not true - I already notified them of my opt-out a while ago)
They also write following:
"Is utilised for marketing purposes based on the so-called opt-in principle."
(also not true!)
if you’re reading this please stop
このような問題を聞いて大変残念に思います。悲しいことに、それはあなたが思っているよりも一般的です 🙁
彼らのアプローチは国際的な GDPR 声明に従っていると思いますか?
I'm so sorry to hear about such an issue. Sadly it is more common than you might think 🙁
I agree the casino should take full responsibility and stop spamming players who have acted with good faith by asking for advert exclusion.
Do you think their approach is in accordance with international GDPR statements?
連絡が取れないため、ライブチャットでオフライン メッセージを送信してみました。サポートチケットを作成しましたが、返答はありませんでした。彼らは今でも毎日SMSを送信しています。私は最初から彼らに同意したことはありません
It's totally against!
Now I've tried sending them an offline message in their livechat, as they're not reachable. I've also made a support ticket with no response. They're still sending SMS every single day. I never gave them consent from day one
Do you mind if I open a complaint via casino guru?
デンマークの事情がよくわからないので、ただ聞いているだけです 🤔
You are receiving SMS daily!? That's unacceptable!
Feel free to submit the complaint, for sure. I'm curious whether we will assist you because honestly, I can't tell. Yet every attempt is worth trying, I would be furious being in your shoes!
Have you considered informing institutions like the Office for Personal Data Protection, for example?
I'm not familiar with how things work in Denmark so, I'm just asking 🤔
I am yeah, even recieved SMS today despite 3 attempts of contacting them. I’ll for sure try your suggestion, but I doubt what’s gonna happen due to their curacao license.
学んだことや成果を教えてください。 🙂
I believe it must be extremely unpleasant and annoying. Anyway, we'll see how it goes when you contact them. Hopefully they will have a good response for you.
Could you tell us what you learned or what the outcome was? 🙂
How quickly does this one pay, if I may be so curious?
Anyway, are you familiar with user reviews and user feedback?
Try this link if you would like to investigate. 😉
So that's great in my opinion and pretty fast. What payment method do you use for withdrawal ?
by bank transfer, I made a profit again, paid also quickly, good service also in chat, he stops the support around 10 or 11 o'clock in the evening, and I have a very competent assigned manager
I don't see any player complaints, I think it remains a reliable casino, that remains my opinion
どのカジノもそのように機能すると思います。さらなる勝利と幸運を祈っています。 🙂
That's fine because bank transfers sometimes take longer. I am also glad that you managed to make another profit and withdraw again without any problems.
I think every casino could work like that. I wish you many more wins and good luck. 🙂
とにかく、 安全性指数を見てみましたが、5/10と書いているように、かなり低いです。また、カジノはライセンスなしで運営されており、問題が発生した場合に解決するのが難しい場合があるため、注意したいと思います。
Hi, I'm glad you like the casino. What games does it have that other casinos don't ?
Anyway, I looked at its safety index and it is quite low as you wrote 5/10. Also the casino operates without a license, which I would be careful about because if there are problems it can be difficult to solve them.
Nevertheless, have you played here before and managed to win and withdraw something ?
認可されたカジノには問題があり、私はいくつかのユニークなカジノ、不運なカジノなどをたくさん経験しましたが、今のところ問題はありません, すぐに出金, リスナー、私が休憩したいとき、彼はアカウントを閉じます。一部のカジノではそれすら行われていません。私はこのカジノが好きです。
licensed casinos have their problems, and I've had lots of them with some, unique, bad luck etc, for the moment no problems with them, quick withdrawal, listener, when I want to take a break, he closes the account. some casinos don't even do it. I like this casino.
Good morning, I have won an amount of 180e to withdraw at this casino, I had made several deposits previously, without success, now when I want to withdraw the money they tell me that the casino has been stopped and that I have to deposit 200e to be able to withdraw, How should I rate this? What kind of casino is this? I won't dare to deposit even one more ero and now how do I get my money!! It took me days to contact you!! Anyway, if someone can explain this outrage to me I'm all ears and if someone can give me an alternative solution masss
Muy buenos días, he ganado un importe de 180e para retirar en este casino, había hecho varios depósitos anteriormente, sin éxito, pues ahora cuando quiero retirar el dinero me dicen q el casino ha estado parado y que tengo q ingresar 200e para poder retirar, esto como tengo q calificarlo? Que clase de casino es este ? No por asomo me atreveré a depositar ni un ero más y ahora como consigo mi dinero!! Me ha costado contactar días !! En fin, si alguien me puede explicar este atropello soy todo oídos y si alguien me puede dar alguna solución alternativa masss
Samanta is great, she calls you and offers you very succulent bonuses but suddenly you win! And here comes the problem, I have been processing a negligible withdrawal of 180e for a week, to think about succulent figures, I no longer know anything about Samantha, I have managed to talk to someone else after burning emails since you can't contact otherwise. You'll tell me what qualification these people deserve, Samantha's friend tells me that my last deposits will be refunded and that in order to withdraw I have to deposit 200e, what kind of solution is this!! They refund me something that I can't withdraw if I don't deposit 200, and not to mention the 180, this has nowhere to go, don't even think about entering, they are very fine because a 300% weekend bonus for Friday Saturday and Sunday is very succulent, until you win
Samanta es genial, te llama y te ofrece bonos muy suculentos pero de repente ganas! Y ahí viene el problema, yo llevo una semana para q me procesen un retiro insignificante de 180e , como para pensar en cifras suculentas, ya no se nada de Samantha, he conseguido hablar con un otro después de abrasar a emails ya que no puedes contactar de otra manera. Ya me dirás q calificación merece esta gente, me dice el compi de Samantha q se me reintegran los últimos depósitos y q para poder retirar tengo q ingresar 200e, q clase de solución es esta!! Me reintegran algo q no puedo retirar si no depósito 200, y sin hablar de los 180, esto no tiene por donde cogerse, no se os ocurra entrar ni por asomo, son muy finos por q un bono de finde semana de 300% para viernes sábado y domingo es muy suculento, hasta q ganas
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