ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Magical Spin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Transactions via Luxembourg to France. Manipulated games as can be seen in the screenshots in the appendix, the stake is suddenly no longer there, the game aborts!!!
Transaktionen über Luxemburg nach Frankreich. Manipuliete spiele wie im Anhang auf den Screenshots zu sehen, der Einsatz ist plötzlich nicht mehr da, Spiel bricht ab!!!
親切な質問をさせてください: カジノには連絡しましたか?
公式の説明が知りたいです。 🤔
What about the casino's reaction? It may also be a glitch on the provider's side. Or is it now actually restricted to players from Germany?
Allow me a kind question: have you contacted the casino?
I'd love to see the official explanation. 🤔
Of course I contacted support, the usual hypocritical answer which is absolute nonsense. I am now supposed to look for the incorrect spins from my game history with date time etc. I have sent them all the screenshots, everything is on there (metadata) and on the other hand the game history is in my account is incomplete!
Selbstverständlich habe ich den Support kontaktiert, die übliche scheinheilige Antwort was absoluter Nonsens ist.Ich soll jetzt die Fehlerhaften spins aus meinem Spielverlauf raus suchen mit Datum Zeit usw ich habe denen alle screeshots geschickt da steht alles drauf( metadata) zum anderen ist die Spielhistorie in meinen Account unvollständig!
Since only the two of us are having this conversation, I can assure you that I have no idea what you are concluding.
Of course I contacted support, the usual hypocritical answer which is absolute nonsense. I am now supposed to look for the incorrect spins from my game history with date time etc. I have sent them all the screenshots, everything is on there (metadata) and on the other hand the game history is in my account is incomplete!
Selbstverständlich habe ich den Support kontaktiert, die übliche scheinheilige Antwort was absoluter Nonsens ist.Ich soll jetzt die Fehlerhaften spins aus meinem Spielverlauf raus suchen mit Datum Zeit usw ich habe denen alle screeshots geschickt da steht alles drauf( metadata) zum anderen ist die Spielhistorie in meinen Account unvollständig!
Hey and thank you!
Well, in my eyes, this is a very reasonable suggestion and a standard response in case some technical issue occurs.
I normally reply the same when I find a player describing any sort of technical trouble, since this is the first logical step.
Well, if you are convinced your gaming history is incomplete and the casino is not right, stop accusing and submit the complaint. Be ready to provide that metadata, please. With it available, it should be quite a quick check, right?
What about asking the concrete game provider? Have you also considered that?
If you go to screenshot properties you can see everything!!! I also have a video clip that I will now put online. I have been cheated by casinos in this way several times, higher authorities have to decide and research... they actually exist, the support and the commission are passive in this case ...it's time to put a stop to the Curacao financial fraud network full of lies and fraud
Wenn man auf Eigenschaften von Screenshot geht sieht man alles!!! Desweiteren habe ich einen Videoclip den ich jetzt online stellen werde.ich bin schon mehrfach auf diese Art und Weise von Casino betrogen worden, da müssen höhere Instanzen entscheiden und recherchieren...die gibt's tatsächlich, der Support und die commission sind in diesem Fall passiv...wird Zeit das dem Curacao Finanzbetrugs Netzwerk voller lug und Betrug die Schranken gewiesen werden
Excellent, if you have proof, so the most sensible thing to do is to file a complaint if it is not convenient for you to contact the game provider. It will certainly be better than just pointing fingers at the casino.
Since the casino has neither style nor level, as you can see for yourself, there is no connection to the provider, these are manipulated games!!!! The deposits in € are transferred to a crypto account in France, where is all the money??? The RTP of the games is ridiculous
Da Casino hat weder Stil noch Niveau, wie sie selber Sehen können besteht hier keine Verbindung zum Provider, es sind manipulierte Spiele !!!! Die Einzahlungen in € werden auf ein krypto Konto in Frankreich überwiesen, wo ist das ganze Geld ??? Der RTP der Spiele ist lächerlich
Hmm, that's a shame. But like I said if you think the games are rigged you can file a complaint because I can't help. However, our team can investigate and try to help. That's why I suggested it.
Unfortunately, these offshore transactions have been occurring more frequently in casinos that rate them highly recently! Whatever the reason, I don't understand this greed, because I think that these casinos are doing a lot of damage to the gambling industry because no one is playing anymore! The authorities don't care and are cashing in heavily!!!
Leider gibt es in letzter Zeit häufiger auch in casinos die sie hoch bewerten diese offshore Transaktionen! Warum auch immer ich verstehe diese Gier nicht, denn ich denke das diese Casinos die Gambling Industrie stark schädigen, weil keiner mehr spielt!die Behörden kümmern sich nicht und kassieren kräftig mit!!!
ギャンブルは単なる有料の娯楽です。私には、あなたは間違いなくあまり楽しそうには聞こえません。 🙏
Sadly, you are again moving from a concrete matter to a general criticism. Pull yourself together, please, and submit the complaint.
There is nothing left we can do for you. Honestly, someone with your opinions should stop playing in casinos.
Gambling is merely paid entertainment; to me, you definitely don't sound very entertained. 🙏
素晴らしいカジノです! マシンの選択肢が豊富。VIP として毎週キャッシュバック ボーナス。親密で快適な VIP サービス。ありがとうございます。
Excellent casino! Wide choice of machines. A weekly cashback bonus as a VIP. Close and pleasant VIP service. THANKS.
Excellent casino! Large choix de machines. Un bonus casback hebdomadaire en tant que VIP. Service VIP de proximité et agréable. Merci.
では、このカジノのレビューにあなたの体験を書いてみませんか? よろしければ、 こちらにリンクがあります。
What about writing about your experience in a review for this casino then? Here is the link if you'd like to do so.
Magical Spin の経験がある方はいらっしゃいますか? 賞金 9500 ユーロが支払われていません。すでに確認済みですが、再度確認する必要があります。長いメールのやり取りと新しい書類の繰り返しの提出の後、コメントなしでアカウントが削除されました。
Does anyone have experience with Magical Spin? They have not paid out our winnings of €9500. Although they have already verified, they need to verify again. After a long exchange of emails and repeatedly submitting new documents, the account has now been deleted without comment.
hat jemanden Erfahrungen mit Magical Spin. Dort wird uns unser Gewinn von 9500€ nicht ausgezahlt. Obwohl bereits verifiziert, sollte neu verifiziert werden. Nach langen E- Mail Verkehr und immer wieder neue Dokumente einreichen wurde nun kommentarlos das Konto gelöscht.
Hello. May I ask how long ago you requested the withdrawal, please, and what is the reason for closing your account?
Try to provide some more information regarding this issue so we are able to understand it better and maybe help you get it solved.
I can only say that I have had very bad experiences here, unfortunately I have never had a positive balance here... responsible gaming, not at all, I have had my account closed several times, but that didn't happen, I was always able to deposit and play again 😔 sad what kind of crooks are out there here. After I threatened to take legal action, my account was finally closed.
So it is sad when it had to come to this stage. On the other hand, I'm glad you managed to close your account and now you have peace of mind. If you would like to tell us more about your experience. But I won't force you.
I am far from writing any untruths about a casino here, these are my experiences and they are true. The casino blocked my account when I got really angry when I asked them to close my account, but my account was never closed and I was always able to continue making deposits.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com