ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Mr. O Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I created an account last month and played the ten dollar welcome bonus and won. Afterwards I was told I needed to make a deposit in order to withdraw so I did! Ofcourse it went through immediately so I made my first withdrawal attempt and immediately got an email that it went through and was on its way. A few minutes later I got an email that it was rejected fast forward it’s been a month and day after day they deny my withdrawal requests. I just want my money back so I can be done with their scams and lies.
とにかく、問題が解決しない場合は、苦情を提出することをお勧めします。苦情は無料です。 このリンクをクリックまたはタップするだけで簡単に行うことができます。また、プロセス全体がどのように行われるかについてさらに詳しい情報が必要な場合は、 ここで答えを見つけることができます。苦情の提出を続行することに決めた場合は、お知らせください。
Hello. Have you tried to contact them, so they can explain the situation better, why is the withdrawal being rejected? In my opinion it is always good to ask the support about these kind of issues, before doing any conclusions.
Anyway, if the problem continues, I would recommend you to submit a complaint, which is free of charge, and you can do it easily just by clicking/tapping on this link. Also if you like to have some more information about how the whole process is being done, here you will find your answers. Please let us know, if you decide to go thru with submitting the complaint.
はい、カスタマーサービスと何度も話し合いました。ほぼ毎日。しかし、私が勝ち取ったお金が私のアカウントにあるにもかかわらず、入金した後でも、彼らは私の引き出し要求を11回拒否しました。彼らは私に引き出しをリクエストするように言い、1時間も経たないうちにそれを拒否します。ログインしようとすると、ユーザーが制限されていると表示されます。それで今は彼らが私をブロックしているのだと思います。ご存知のとおり、私はおそらく 10 のカジノを忠実にプレイしており、stake.us modo、Zula、McLuck、Luckland で一貫して入金と出金を行っているため、mro はすべての信頼を失った新たな戦利品にすぎません。
Yes I have talked with customer service so many times. Almost daily. But even with money on my account that I won, even after making a deposit, they denied my withdrawal request 11 times. They would tell me to request a withdrawal then less than an hour later they’d reject it. Now when I try to log in it says user restricted. So I’m guessing now they’ve blocked me. You know, I play probably ten casinos faithfully, stake.us modo, Zula, McLuck, luckland where I make deposits and withdraw consistently so mro is just another new booty whose lost all credibility.
Hello and thank you for your reply. I can see that you have successfully submitted a complaint 👈 here with our team. They actually need to specify few things, so please kindly answer them, just by clicking/taping on the link above. Let's see how the casino will react and cooperate after the intervention of our complaint team.
潜在的なバグやシステム障害を特定するため、どのように対応したかお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか?メールを送信しましたか、それとも Romi からのリンクを使用しましたか?
事前にどうもありがとうございました。 🙏
Hey there!
I checked on your complaint and could not see the update in its thread. The timer also says "waiting for player"
Just to spot potential bugs or system failures, may I ask how you responded? Did you send an email, or use the link from Romi?
I hope nothing went wrong, but I prefer to be cautious.
Thank you very much in advance. 🙏
私はあなたのために全力を尽くし、状況全体を公正に解決します。 🤞
I clearly comprehend, and therefore I assume that you have also answered Veronica's questions. If not, you know that you can do so in the complaint thread, to shorten the investigation time.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and a fair resolution of the whole situation. 🤞
こんにちは、なんとかお金を手に入れることができて、最終的にはすべてうまく行って本当によかったです。物事が前向きに解決され、みんなが幸せになったときはいつも嬉しいです。 😊🎉
それでも、このカジノでプレイし続けますか、それとももっと早く別のカジノを見つけますか?もう 1 つ質問しますが、引き出しプロセス全体にどれくらい時間がかかりましたか? 🙂
Hello, I'm so glad you managed to get your money and everything turned out well in the end. It always makes me happy when things are resolved positively and everyone is happy. 😊🎉
Also, you're welcome and we're always pleased to help you if there's a problem in the future.
Anyway, I hope that nothing like this will be necessary and the experience will only get better.
Nevertheless, will you continue to play in this casino or will you find another one sooner? Maybe one more question, if I may know, how long did the whole withdrawal process take ? 🙂
こんにちは、なんとかお金を手に入れることができて、最終的にはすべてうまく行って本当によかったです。物事が前向きに解決され、みんなが幸せになったときはいつも嬉しいです。 😊🎉
それでも、このカジノでプレイし続けますか、それとももっと早く別のカジノを見つけますか?もう 1 つ質問しますが、引き出しプロセス全体にどれくらい時間がかかりましたか? 🙂
Hello, I'm so glad you managed to get your money and everything turned out well in the end. It always makes me happy when things are resolved positively and everyone is happy. 😊🎉
Also, you're welcome and we're always pleased to help you if there's a problem in the future.
Anyway, I hope that nothing like this will be necessary and the experience will only get better.
Nevertheless, will you continue to play in this casino or will you find another one sooner? Maybe one more question, if I may know, how long did the whole withdrawal process take ? 🙂
カジノではプレイしません。このプロセスには 1 か月と 3 日かかりました…2024 年 1 月 12 日から昨日まで。私は忠実な信者たちのところに戻ります。 Stake.us、LuckyLand、Modo.us、Mcluck、 - 彼らはすべて忠実に支払います!!!ハングアップすることはありません。
I won’t be playing at the casino. The process took a month and 3 days… From Jan 12th 2024 til yesterday. I’m gonna go back to the ole faithfuls. Stake.us, LuckyLand, Modo.us, Mcluck, - they all pay out faithfully!!! There’s never any hang ups.
ギャンブル活動の幸運を祈ります。 ✨
Sure thing!
I'd say why waste time somewhere you can't no longer feel comfortable enough?
Good luck to your gambling activities. ✨
Mr. O カジノのスロットは不正行為です。誰かが違うことを言ってくれると思います。初めてで勝ちました。その後、さらに 12 回プレイしましたが (すべて入金)、一度も勝てませんでした。プレイすると、どれだけ装備されているかがはっきりとわかります。それはあまりにも明らかなので、不気味です。はい...おそらく 3 ~ 4 回でやめるべきだったのですが、運が悪いのかもしれないと思ったのですが、このカジノはリールを台無しにしていると確信しています。私は決してそこには戻りません。今、彼らはエターナルスロットと呼ばれる新しいカジノを持っています。私が言っているのは...同じことです!!!!
Mr. O Casino slots are rigged. I dare anyone to tell me differently. I won on my very first time. After that I played 12 more times (deposits on all) and have never won again. You can absolutely FEEL how rigged they are when you play. Its so obvious its uncanny. YES...I should have stopped after maybe 3-4 times but I just thought maybe I was having an unlucky spell but I am absolutely convinced THIS casino messes with the reels. I will never ever go back there. NOW they have a new Casino called Eternal Slots. Im telling you...SAME THING!!!!
Hi and thanks for your casino experience. I think I would have gotten over it pretty quickly if I hadn't won so I wouldn't have lost more money.
I hope this experience doesn't happen again and you have a better session. Of course, if you think something is wrong, you know you can contact the us.
あなたの立場を教えてください。私たちがあなたを助けることができるかどうかも教えてください。 🙂
Hey, did the casino also tell you why it's not possible for you to withdraw money ? Did you play with the bonus ? Do you have a verified account ?
Let me know where you stand and if we can help you. 🙂
このカジノは冗談です。30ドルを引き出すための隠れたルールは信じられません。将来的には閉鎖されることを願っています。Chumba では問題が一度もありませんでした。大勝ち、支払いが早く、隠れた例外なく毎週15から100の無料SCがもらえます。Mr O は大失敗しました!!
This casino is a joke. Hidden rules in order to withdraw 30 dollars is unbelievable. Hopefully they will be shut down in the future. Never had any issues with Chumba..big wins, fast payouts and I get free sc anywhere from 15 to 100 weekly with no hidden exceptions. Mr O blows the big one!!
Hello, could you please say a little more ? What hidden things does the casino have and why it didn't want to pay you money ? Can you explain that to me please ?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com