Hm...looks like they try to sound smart and cheeky, but in fact, they're just rude 😕 Regarding the replies - did they reply specifically to you or are they just taken as an example from Trustpilot?
誰か助けてくれませんか、この会社の Q 氏は私の賞金を £115 ほど盗みました.20 ペンスのゲームをプレイしていたとき、突然私のお金が目の前で消えました.ゲームの履歴を見ると、最後の 2 つのゲームは£に変わりました. 60 私のアカウントをクリアし、誰も私に戻ってこないものを探求します.
Can anybody help, this company mr Q had just stole my winnings about £115 I was playing 20p a game when all of a sudden my money disappeared before my eyes, when I looked on my gaming history, the last 2 games where changed to £60 which cleared out my account., and quests what no one’s getting back to me.
そのスロットのプレイ履歴を見るように彼らに頼めば、彼らはあなたが少額の賭け金でプレイしているだけであり、それはゲームの不具合であるに違いないことがわかるでしょう. Trustpilot で報告すると、そこにあるすべての投稿に回答します
I’m sure if you ask them to look at your playing history of that slot they will see you were only playing for small stakes and it must be a glitch in the game. Report it on Trustpilot they answer all posts in there
誰か助けてくれませんか、この会社の Q 氏は私の賞金を £115 ほど盗みました.20 ペンスのゲームをプレイしていたとき、突然私のお金が目の前で消えました.ゲームの履歴を見ると、最後の 2 つのゲームは£に変わりました. 60 私のアカウントをクリアし、誰も私に戻ってこないものを探求します.
Can anybody help, this company mr Q had just stole my winnings about £115 I was playing 20p a game when all of a sudden my money disappeared before my eyes, when I looked on my gaming history, the last 2 games where changed to £60 which cleared out my account., and quests what no one’s getting back to me.
カジノはあなたのゲーム履歴をチェックできるべきであり、代わりにゲームプロバイダーに何が起こったのかを尋ねます.何人かのプレイヤーが誤って「最大ベット」ボタンを押してしまい、明らかな結果になりました - 最大ベットが行われたということです。たまにあります🙁。そうではないと確信していますか?
I would say that casino should be able to check your game history and alternatively asks the game provider about what has happened. Some players accidentally hit the "max bet" button and it resulted in the obvious outcome - that max bet was made. It sometimes happens 🙁. Are you sure that this is not the case, please?
The fact that you seem to be ignored concerns me the most, however.
Have you saved any screenshots by chance?
コメントありがとうございます。私が理解できないのは、私の画面がおかしくなり、戻ってきたときにお金が消えていたことです。私が見たとき、彼らは金額を変更し、最大ボタンについて何を言っているのか、それは反対側にありました左側に、マウントを変更したときにどのように見えるかのスクリーンショットも撮りました。彼らは私が盲目で愚かだと思っているのでしょうか。私は先週約 3 回勝っていて、それが動機だったと思います。
Hi Radha,
thank you for your comments, what I cannot understand is my screen went all funny and when it came back on the money had disappeared, and when I looked they had changed amount and what they are saying about max button, it’s right over the other side to the left, also I’ve took a screen shoot of what it looks like when you change the mount do they think I’m blind as well as stupid, I had won about 3 times last week and I think that was there motive.
ああ、はい、彼らは金曜日に私に答えましたが、私は何年も待っていた他の誰かに着く必要があると言いましたが、週末は何もありませんでした.また、ユーザー名を間違えました。Hawaii 58 です。
Oh yes I did they answered me Friday but said I need to be put on to somebody else I was waiting ages then nothing all weekend. Also I put the wrong user name it’s Hawaii 58
コメントありがとうございます。私が理解できないのは、私の画面がおかしくなり、戻ってきたときにお金が消えていたことです。私が見たとき、彼らは金額を変更し、最大ボタンについて何を言っているのか、それは反対側にありました左側に、マウントを変更したときにどのように見えるかのスクリーンショットも撮りました。彼らは私が盲目で愚かだと思っているのでしょうか。私は先週約 3 回勝っていて、それが動機だったと思います。
Hi Radha,
thank you for your comments, what I cannot understand is my screen went all funny and when it came back on the money had disappeared, and when I looked they had changed amount and what they are saying about max button, it’s right over the other side to the left, also I’ve took a screen shoot of what it looks like when you change the mount do they think I’m blind as well as stupid, I had won about 3 times last week and I think that was there motive.
scoy911 さん、こんにちは。
カジノは適切なゲーム プロバイダーでこのゲーム セッションを確認し、いくつかの結論を出す必要があります。これには通常数週間かかりますが、この問題はカジノ側の特別な担当者が担当するので問題ないようです。カジノと連絡を取り、時々思い出してください。
Hi scoy911,
so it could have been some kind of glitch as well. It's hard to guess. I would not dare to speculate that this could have been some kind of revenge because you've already won.
The casino should now check this gaming session with the proper game provider and come up with some conclusions. This usually takes a few weeks and seems ok that this issue will be held by a special person from the casino's side. Just try to be in touch with the casino and remind yourself from time to time.
Feel free to submit a complaint, if you feel you need a helping hand.
I hope the casino finds out what happened and sorts it out.
MrQ は TA で私に戻ってきました。なぜ彼らはここに来ないのだろうかと思います。彼らは、顧客だけが変更できる金額を変更する方法はないと言いました。彼らはまた、週末にはそこにいないと言いましたが、彼らは今日の日曜日である今朝私に返事をくれましたが、それが起こったとき、月曜日の朝まで返事がありませんでした.
彼らはまた、私のアカウントを制限していると言っていました。言い換えれば、mor bs
MrQ got back to me on T.A. I wonder why they don't want to come on here, they said there is no way they can change the amount only the customer can so it, they also said they aren’t there at the weekend but they answered me this morning which is Sunday today, but when it happened i didn't get a answer till Monday morning.
I’m so angry at there answer i said if you can’t do it from your end then you should be finding out what happened as my screen went funny then when it came back on my money was gone.
I’m gonna upload what they said, and I’m afraid i got really angry and told them what i thought of them.
they also said they are putting my account on a restriction in other words mor b.s.
それは彼らがラジオで宣伝するMqの典型です.ha😭人々は勝つためにギャンブルをするか、少なくとも勝つことを望んでいます.彼らは大物チャーリーのギャンブル会社のように見えますが、あなたの話は、彼らが顧客について2つの騒ぎを起こさず、あなたに補償を提供しなかったことを証明しています.彼らは、それが彼らのせいであると受け入れるのではなく、あなたが大きな賭けをしたことに固執しています.私は彼らに別のダイムを与えません。彼らの広告では、Mrq に参加して 20 回のフリースピンを獲得できると書かれています。
That’s typical of Mq they advertise on the radio saying it’s not about winning just the thrill of playing ha😭 people gamble to win or at least with the hope of winning. They come across as big time Charlie’s gambling company but your story just proves they don’t give 2 hoots about the customer and didn’t offer you any compensation. They are rigid that you made the big stake bets instead of accepting it was their fault. I would not give them another dime. In their ad they say join Mrq and get 20 free spins BiG DEAL Mrq 😷 STINKS!!
MrQ は TA で私に戻ってきました。なぜ彼らはここに来ないのだろうかと思います。彼らは、顧客だけが変更できる金額を変更する方法はないと言いました。彼らはまた、週末にはそこにいないと言いましたが、彼らは今日の日曜日である今朝私に返事をくれましたが、それが起こったとき、月曜日の朝まで返事がありませんでした.
彼らはまた、私のアカウントを制限していると言っていました。言い換えれば、mor bs
MrQ got back to me on T.A. I wonder why they don't want to come on here, they said there is no way they can change the amount only the customer can so it, they also said they aren’t there at the weekend but they answered me this morning which is Sunday today, but when it happened i didn't get a answer till Monday morning.
I’m so angry at there answer i said if you can’t do it from your end then you should be finding out what happened as my screen went funny then when it came back on my money was gone.
I’m gonna upload what they said, and I’m afraid i got really angry and told them what i thought of them.
they also said they are putting my account on a restriction in other words mor b.s.
nigeljc が指摘したように、ゲームの歴史を簡単に見てみると、これらの高い賭けが例外であるかどうかがわかります。純損失に基づいて「依存症」のレベルを議論するよりも、賭け金を返して、後で入金する可能性が高い、よく待遇された顧客のように感じさせる方がはるかに良いと、私はあえて言います.
Hello scoy911.
I think that the casino truly can't change your bet and I also believe that it must have been some kind of glitch, so I presumed that the casino should try to find the source of the problem and maybe try to contact the game provider.
It seems that this is not going to happen.
I can understand how you must feel at the moment and I agree with your answer, sadly it won't help you.
It's quite normal that casinos don't reflect on any technical irregularities in case those issues lead to a win, but this is quite an opposite matter.
As nigeljc noted, a simple look at our gaming history can show whether those higher bets are an exception or not. I dare to say that it is much better to give you back those stakes and let you feel like a well-treated customer who will most probably deposit later, rather than discuss your level of "addiction" based on net loss.
I'm not sure it will be able to help you, but still, feel free to submit a complaint.
それは彼らがラジオで宣伝するMqの典型です.ha😭人々は勝つためにギャンブルをするか、少なくとも勝つことを望んでいます.彼らは大物チャーリーのギャンブル会社のように見えますが、あなたの話は、彼らが顧客について2つの騒ぎを起こさず、あなたに補償を提供しなかったことを証明しています.彼らは、それが彼らのせいであると受け入れるのではなく、あなたが大きな賭けをしたことに固執しています.私は彼らに別のダイムを与えません。彼らの広告では、Mrq に参加して 20 回のフリースピンを獲得できると書かれています。
That’s typical of Mq they advertise on the radio saying it’s not about winning just the thrill of playing ha😭 people gamble to win or at least with the hope of winning. They come across as big time Charlie’s gambling company but your story just proves they don’t give 2 hoots about the customer and didn’t offer you any compensation. They are rigid that you made the big stake bets instead of accepting it was their fault. I would not give them another dime. In their ad they say join Mrq and get 20 free spins BiG DEAL Mrq 😷 STINKS!!
Thank you everyone for your comments, Ive been looking on there everyday just incase they had a change of heart and just 10 min ago £30.00 has appeared on my account , not sure what its for maybe another £30 from T.A. I’m gonna have a look, the worse thing is i liked MrQ site better then all the others, their attitude towards their customers is terrible and i told them what they can do with their restrictions.
id just like to say thank you for the support you have given me, it makes a lot of difference just knowing somebody’s listening.
ごめんなさい、好きなものを失うのはいつも悲しいです。より良いカスタマーケアと公正なアプローチを備えた優れたカジノがすぐに見つかると信じています. 🤞
お気に入りのカジノに焦点を当てた夏の大会を閲覧して、新鮮なヒントを得ることができるかもしれません。 🙂。
Hello scoy911.
I'm sorry, it's always sad if you lose something you like. I'd like to believe that you will soon find a good casino with better customer care and a fair approach. 🤞
We are always here to listen or help if there is a way, so it would be nice if you could visit us from time to time and let us know where you play and more importantly how you like it.
Maybe you can browse through our summer competition focused on favorite casinos, to get some fresh tips. 🙂.
Feel free to compete as well!
Have a wonderful day.
これははるかに良いように聞こえますが、カジノ側でいくつかの努力がなされたようです.私は当初、マックス ベット ボタンがこの問題の原因である可能性があると考えていましたが、推測することしかできません。
this sounds much better, seems like some efforts were made on the casino's side. I originally thought that the max bet button may be the cause of this problem, however, we can only guess.
I’ve posted my own thread about these guys. I don’t know why they think they can withhold £800 they owe me but they requested documents again and now they are apparently checking them.
I think they try to rip off customers because the UKGC rules cost them a lot of big players. I won’t be accepting this, I’ll go all the way.
I just want to say that all relevant info concerning your complaint can be found here. In case others are interested to know.
I hope you'll get the money soon!
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