わかりました、Scott M. ご返信ありがとうございます。そうします。どうもありがとうございます!
Ok, Scott M. I appreciate your response. I will do so. thank you so much!
Ok, ScottM. Agradezco tu respuesta. Así haré. muchas gracias!
わかりました、Scott M. ご返信ありがとうございます。そうします。どうもありがとうございます!
Ok, Scott M. I appreciate your response. I will do so. thank you so much!
Ok, ScottM. Agradezco tu respuesta. Así haré. muchas gracias!
オズはカジノで支払いなしで勝ちます。彼はさらにアカウントを開く方法を嘘をつき、どのようにして支払いを受け取ることができないと言いました。彼のアドレスに書類をまったく送らないのに、私がさらにアカウントを開くことがどのように可能ですか。そして、誰か他の人が私の書類を私の自撮り写真または持っている可能性はありません。過去 3 か月の請求書です。では、なぜ複数のアカウントを開くことができるのでしょうか。そして、なぜこれだけが信頼できないカジノだと言われたのでしょうか、なぜこれが、たとえば bet365 や unibet、pokerstars などの大手カジノについては何も言わなかったのでしょう。複数のアカウントを開いて送信する方法複数の書類 私は 5 つの異なる ID カードを持っていません。私は 1 つ持っています。
Oz win casino no payout.He lie how open more account and said how not can got payouts.How is possible that I open more accounts if never send any documents to he adress .And not possible that some other person have my documents my selfie or my bill in last 3 months.How then they can say that open multiple accounts.And why only this said this not trusted casino why this never said for example some of big casinos like bet365 or unibet or pokerstars.How cna open multiple accounts and send multiple documents I not have 5 different ID card.I have 1.
When ask that send me date and email where send and verify my account multiple times no have answer.
Im youtuber and interested me how this scam casino can operate if make this tricks.
ただし、ヒント: 検証は、カジノがアカウント侵害の可能性を発見できるプロセスですが、複数のアカウントすべてを検証する必要があるという意味ではありません。おそらく、「グループの 1 つ」が検証を受けた瞬間にすべてのアカウントが見つかる可能性があります。
また、「youtube」であることには意味がありません 🙂
How about submitting the complaint? If you are convinced the casino has failed in fairness, this is a step worth taking! It's free, learn what to expect in this guide, please:
Just a hint, though: verification is the process that allows the casino to find possible account breaches, but it does not mean that all multiple accounts need to be verified. More likely, all accounts are found the moment one "of the group" undergoes the verification.
Also, being the "youtube" has no meaning in this 🙂
I wish you a quick yet fair resolution!
Understand you,but how casino can say that have multiple accounts if this not true.I first time register and send my documents and he rejects me.Documents is good but he said that have more profile whats not true.Then casino can say for every person that have multiple accounts and when person ask for explain nothing not happens.He said this that no payout me classical lie.I read in different forums thats this thing casinos do many tricks.
あなたの意見は理解できます。しかし、検証に関する限り、ラドカはそれを非常によく説明していると思います。もちろん、カジノから理由を何も得られないのは確かに良くありません。そのため、何も違反していないことがわかっていて、複数のアカウントを持っていない場合、最善のステップは、ここで苦情を提出することです:https ://casino.guru/complaints/all
I understand your point of view. But I think Radka has explained it quite well as far as verification is concerned. Of course, it's certainly not nice not to get any reason from the casino, so if you're aware that you haven't violated anything and you don't have multiple accounts, the best step would be to file a complaint here: https://casino.guru/complaints/all
Are you going to try it ?
Yes I submit my complain but I think that nobody not help me.Scam casino this doing,when some win lie and close account with no explain why.I only whant say that never play there and never send documents there and how then can have multiple accounts.Then for every win ozwin can say -hey you have multiple account and simple close players accounts.For me this is scam and I never see that any legit bookie or casino work this thing,because nobody than me not can have my documents,selfie,or my bank report for last months.How can thhen have multiple accounts?????
最初は懐疑的にならないようにしましょう。 あなたは苦情を言い始めましたが、自分が何か悪いことをしたという認識がないと言うのであれば、それは良いことです。家族の誰か、または同じ IP を使用している誰かがカジノのアカウントを持っているということが起こり得るでしょうか?
Let's try not to be skeptical at first. You've started a complaint, which is a good thing, if you say you're not aware that you've done anything wrong. Could it happen that someone from the household or someone who uses the same IP has an account in the casino ?
However, I understand that this is certainly not a pleasant situation, but our team will do their best to help you. So don't forget to update your complaint or forward the relevant evidence to Kristina.
I have faith that everything will be resolved and turn out well. Let us know if you have any new information.
Im sceptical because I read other forums and see that casinos work this things.And see that many complain not fixed.And I know that big and best casinos not work do thing thing.In my head not can be clear how is possible said couple times that all ok and that all good and then when come time for payouts only said you have multiple accounts.This is ridiculous because not can make two account and send two times documents-logic.Nobody not play there than me I use self mobile phone or laptop for play.Yes I send complaint and send day before in email and picture of ozwin answers.Big problems is because casino only write how you have multiple accounts and never more answers.And why then agents wich ask all rules and all about play there said that all ok and that send my documents.After send my documents problems start this looks like only whant take from me my documents.Yes I hope that you can help me,thank you for answers.
I know it's not a pleasant situation and I understand if you're angry. However, if you think that everything is fine on your side, then I hope that this problem could be solved.
Nevertheless, it will require you to answer Kristina's questions in the complaint so that she can move forward with the investigation.
Would it be possible to update the complaint here and respond ? Of course, if you hear anything new from the casino, don't hesitate to let us know.
Thank you I now see that have answer on complaint now I send email and answer.Yes I wait that see are be any news.But I not have hope because see that this casinos make and to others people.And there is weird situation because nobody cant prove and send my ID documents than me and my bills.Then not have sense wrote that have more accounts if never played there.
さて、この苦情がどこへ向かうのか見てみましょう。あなたの発言が何を言いたいのかは私には明らかですが、どちらかの側を取るのは私には正しくありません。ですから、私はあなたとの更なる発展を待ちたいと思います。ポジティブな結末になることを願っています。 ☘️
You're welcome if you've even forgotten.
Now, let's see where the complaint leads, because it would not be right of me to take one side or the other, even though it is clear to me what you mean by your statement. So I will wait for further developments with you. I hope it will have a positive ending. ☘️
Here like I said before 1,5 months OZZWIN not reply anymore.HE scam me and when not can back proofs he simple no responde anymore.Simple scam and this casino never give player withdrawals only lie about reasons that not need make payouts.I not only much people write this and you need this casino mark like SCAM.
I noticed that your complaint has remained unresolved and that makes me very sad to tell you the truth. I saw that the casino responded first and then did not reply later, which is a great pity. I think the biggest warning for players is that it is unlicensed and they should be careful about depositing into it.
I don't know what else to say to you, because I absolutely understand your feelings and I would be frustrated as well. I firmly believe that in the future you will not encounter similar situations and everything will be fine and you will choose a better casino.
You need mark this casino like scam.You can see on my example that he simple not give payouts.I know this and before complain that this happens.No have sense this casino promote and write anything about he if no give payouts and only scam.You like official page need write real situation and show others that this scam.
私たちのウェブサイトに掲載されている内容から、このカジノが最悪のカジノの 1 つであることは明らかだと思います。プレイヤーがプレイする前に、 苦情や ユーザー レビューなどを調べて調査することが最善です。私は今苦情をオープンしましたが、その多くはカジノが解決できず、カジノ側のミスでした。カジノはライセンスなしで運営されているとも書きました。その安全指数は平均を下回っており、これもまた警告です。ウェブサイトに掲載しているからといってそれを宣伝するわけではありませんが、プレーヤーがそのようなカジノに出会った場合に、意思決定に役立つ情報を見つけることができることを意味します。もし私がここで述べたすべてのことを見ていたら、私はそこに遊びに行かなかっただろう。
I think it's pretty clear from what we have on our website that the casino is one of the worse ones. Before a player goes to play, it is best to do some research and therefore look at, for example, complaints or user reviews. I have opened the complaints now and there are a lot of them that the casino did not solve and it was a mistake on their side. We have also written that the casino operates without a license. Its safety index is below average which is also another warning. Just because we have it on our website doesn't mean that we promote it, but it does mean that if a player comes across such a casino, he or she can find information that can help in making a decision. If I had looked at all these things I mentioned, I would not have gone there to play.
TALL & LOYAL Ozwin カジノが、支払いに関して、また支払い後の顧客への対応に関して、これまでで最も厳しい試練を乗り越えてきたことをとても誇りに思います。それがこんなに重要だとは誰が知っていたでしょう。実際に勝てる場所、最低入金額の要件が低い場所、書類を受け付ける場所、支払いが迅速で、クレジットカードで入金した後にビットコインで出金できる場所、素晴らしいボーナスがある場所、1 つを破壊して大金を引き出した後でもボーナスを請求できる場所、その大きな支払い週に 12 ドルのコンプ ポイントを交換して 3,000 ドルに変え、次に他の支払いの直後に支払いを要求し、両方を支払い、ボーナスを請求して、提供される特典をフルに利用できる場所を見つけるだけでなく、
私は何ヶ月も Slotastic に入金していました。恥ずかしい失敗も何度かありました。30 ドル入金して 1,000 ドル勝ち、それをすべて失いました。そしてまた同じミスを繰り返しました! 結局 3 回目がやってきて、最後の 2 回の失敗のおかげで 2,100 ドルを現金化できました。信用してあげてください。彼らは支払い、私の書類をどのカジノよりも早く受け入れてくれましたが、支払い後 (彼らからの最初の支払いです!)、ボーナスの引き換えを禁止され、すべてのメッセージが消去され、私が多額のお金を投資して貯めたジャーニー ポイントが没収されました。1 回の支払いで、私の将来、基盤、歴史、関係が完全に破壊されました。
これに傷つき、支払い後に彼らが私に対して怒りを露わにしたことに気づいて、ライセンスや利用規約など他の何よりも、プレイヤーとカジノにとって忠誠心がいかに重要かが分かりました。私の知る限り、Slotastic はすべてのライセンスを保有しており、ライセンス保有者のリーダーです。そして 10/10 の評価を受けています。しかし、これは本当に起こったことで、Slotastic は私のジャーニー ボードの 900 ポイントほどを没収しました。それは私の普通預金口座でした。通常、企業はそれらのポイントを私からの贈り物と見なし、私があなたにとって真の顧客であることを示します。10 個のスムージーを購入して 11 個目は無料なのに、毎月の抽選に当選すると、11 個目の無料スムージーが没収され、リワード プログラムから完全に排除されるようなものです。傷つきましたか? それから、Ozwin の行動を見ました。私から何も奪われなかったことがとてもうれしいです。できるだけ早く彼らに入金したいです。デポジットなしでのこれらの支払いすべてに申し訳なく思いました。ビットコインの最大キャッシュアウトが 2,500 だったので、勝利が重なって起こったのです。私はそれらのコンプポイントで 3,000 を獲得しました。つまり、支払いのためにきれいなお金が入り続けました。Ozwin に感謝します。そして Slotastic さん、あなたたちが物事を別の見方で見てくれることを願っています。私のアカウントは Ozwin での支払いでロックされていたので、私は勝ち金の多くをプレイする準備ができていました。Rich Palms はそのほとんどを手に入れました。あなたたちは、あなたの決定により 1% を取り戻しました。決定は、忠誠心をゴミ箱に捨て、新しいビジネスモデルを作りました。
so proud of how TALL & LOYAL Ozwin casino has stood in some of the biggest tests in time regarding payouts, & how they treat their customers after those payouts. . who knew that would be so important. not just finding a place that actually wins, that actually has a low minimum deposit requirement, that actually will accept your documents, that actually will pay you quickly, that actually lets you cashout in bitcoin after depositing with credit card, that actually has great bonuses, and that actually lets you still claim those bonuses after ripping one apart and cashing out big, and during that huge payout week you redeem 12 dollars in comp points and turn them into $3,000 and then asked to be paid on the heels of the other payout, and them pay both and still let you claim their bonuses and have full access to the perks they offer.
if there was ever a time or motivation for a casino to give me the short end of the stick it was this week. and boy did they pass the test of decency & loyalty, and i feel like the whole ship of staff over there deserves the best sleep every night knowing they do the right thing by people everyday.
i deposited with Slotastic for months. i even had a few embarrassing blow ups. deposited 30, won a thousand and lost it all back. then made that same mistake again! So surely the 3rd time eventually came around and because of the last 2 blow ups, i cashed out $2,100. Give them credit they paid it & accepted my documents faster than any casino yet, but after the payout (MY FIRST PAYOUT with them!) I’ve been banned from redeeming their bonuses they erased all my messages and confiscated my journey points in which i invested a lot of money to build up. completely obliterated my future my foundation my history and relations there after 1 payout.
after being hurt by this and noticing their anger towards me after my payout, i realize how important loyalty is for a player and a casino to have over anything else such as licensing and T & C’s. for all i know Slotastic has all the licenses and are the leaders in license holders. and are 10/10 rated. But this really just happened , Slotastic confiscated like 900 points on my journey board. that was my savings account. normally a business would look at those points as a gift FROM ME showing im a true customer to YOU. it’s like when you buy 10 smoothies and the 11th is free but you win a monthly drawing and they confiscate your 11th free smoothie and 86 you from the rewards program completely. hurtful? Then to see how Ozwin behaved. im just so happy to see nothing was taken from me. i want to deposit with them asap. and i felt bad for all those payouts with no deposits , was a perfect storm of wins that happened cause the max cashout for bitcoin was 2,500. i won 3,000 off those comp points. so clean money kept coming in for payouts. Thank you Ozwin. and Slotastic, i hope you see things a different way. because my account was locked up in payouts at Ozwin i was ready to play a bunch of my winnings. Rich Palms got most of it you guys got 1% back due to your decisions made decisions kept throw loyalty in the trash new business model.
こんにちは。この 2 つのカジノでの体験を書いてくださってありがとうございます。でも、次回お願いできるとしたら、スレッドを 2 つに分けてみてください。Ozwin カジノについて書いているのであれば、それは正しい書き方ですが、Slotastic カジノについても書いているのであれば、それらについての意見はここに投稿してください: https://casinoguru-en.com/forum/casinos/slotastic-online-casino---general-discussion
Hi, thanks for describing your experience in these two casinos. But if I could ask you next time, try to split them into 2 threads. If you are writing about Ozwin casino then you wrote correctly but if you are also writing about Slotastic casino then the opinion about them belongs here: https://casinoguru-en.com/forum/casinos/slotastic-online-casino---general-discussion
But I am glad that you have written like this and offered other players your point of view on the whole experience and I firmly believe that you will continue your positive path. It's not every day that a player has such encounters, although I know that things can always be better.
However, if you have a casino that doesn't make trouble and everything is fine then I wouldn't change it.
I hope you will continue to do well and thank you for the user reviews you wrote, which were pretty good.
Wish you good luck ☘️
Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying the casino.
Speaking about the withdrawals being slow, how long did it take for the money to come to you ? Are you still playing here? 😉
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