ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Plae8 Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
did they provide you with some explanation?
What has happened?
真の gcash からどのように出金しますか?今すぐ撤退する必要があります。銀行口座を持っていないのでお米を買うだけです..
How do you withdraw from true gcash? I need to withdraw now. It's just to buy rice because I don't have a bank acct..
Paano po mka widraw sa true gcash kailangn kona mg widraw ngyon po .Hininty kopa naman ito pambili bigas kasi wla po ako bank acct ..
申し訳ありませんが、私は少し混乱しています。 Plae8 Casino で勝ったお金を GCash で出金しようとしていますか?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused. You won money in Plae8 Casino and now you try to withdraw it with GCash?
I can see you already submitted a complaint regarding this, but since it was related to sports betting, we had to reject it. It's really difficult for me to help you in this case since we have no expertise and experience when it comes to sports betting.
If I may, I'd like you to notice those sites, as opposed to us, deal with sports betting-related issues:
Be careful with this casino site they blocked your account if you win and withdraw and if you chat customer support and ask why they block your account they will just reply with lame excuses such as multiple account detected or same ip and worst part they will accuse you cheating. They will offer refund if your deposit is low but if you deposit high non refundable.
So they already robbed me. What is most annoying about this situation is that most likely they will not get anything for it and they will be able to steal further. They have fake licenses. Even casinoguru does not want to blacklist them.....
こんにちは、同じような境遇の方、ごめんなさい。自分が詐欺を犯したわけではなく、何も悪いことをしていないと思われる場合は、次のリンクから苦情を提出することをお勧めします: https://casino.guru/complaints
複数のアカウントまたは同じ IP アドレスのコンテキストで返信で使用した例は、カジノがあなたのアカウントをブロックした理由ですか?返金も申し出てくれましたか?
Hi, I'm so sorry you're in a similar situation. If you don't think you've committed any fraud and you've done nothing wrong, I'd recommend filing a complaint at this link: https://casino.guru/complaints
Are the examples you used in your reply in the context of multiple accounts or the same IP address the reasons why the casino blocked your account ? Did they offer you a refund as well ?
So they already robbed me. What is most annoying about this situation is that most likely they will not get anything for it and they will be able to steal further. They have fake licenses. Even casinoguru does not want to blacklist them.....
Hi, I saw that you had a similar problem and your account was also blocked. I saw that you also had a complaint filed with us, but since it was related specifically to sports betting, it was denied because we do not specialize in this area, as we do not have experts in this area.
But if it would help you, you could try filing a complaint here:
As far as the license is concerned, it doesn't seem to be fake according to our system. Do you have any other information ?
If you try to file a complaint on one of the links mentioned above, let us know how you get on, if possible.
彼らのウェブサイトにはキュラソー島のライセンスが記載されていますが、これは間違いなく偽物です。ライセンシーからの回答があります (スクリーンショットを添付します)。 Pagcor ライセンスの信頼性をどのように確認しましたか? pagcor に別のメールを送って、pagcor を通じて苦情を申し立てられるかもしれません。
They have a Curaçao license listed on their website, which is definitely fake. I have answers from licensees (I am attaching screenshots). How did you verify the authenticity of their Pagcor license? Maybe you have another email to pagcor where I could turn and file a complaint through the pacgor?
情報をありがとうございます。検討のためにデータ チームに転送します。同様のものに遭遇した場合は、この機能を使用することもできます。これは非常に便利です。
Thank you for the information and we will forward it to our data team for review. If you ever come across something similar, you can also use this feature, which is quite useful.
Just go to the casino overview and you can alert us at the bottom. Anyway, thanks again for the helpful info.
あなたのチームが pacgor ライセンスの信頼性を確認した後、結果をテキスト メッセージで送ってもらえますか?
Could you please text me the result after your team verifies the authenticity of the pacgor license?
私は何を見ているのですか?記入してもよろしいですか? 🙂
e スポーツ - 正直に言うと私たちの関心事ではありません。さらに e-ビンゴ - 特にカジノ ゲームではありません、正しいですか?
What am I looking at, please? Care to fill me in? 🙂
E-sports - not our concern to be honest plus e-bingo - not specifically casino games, am I correct?
I could really use your help.
これは、ライセンスを取得している Pacgor サイトのカジノのリストです。しかし、私が知る限り、ライセンスの新しいロゴを使用しているのはフィリピンのサイトのみで、古いロゴを使用しているオフショアのサイトもあります。 Plae8 の Web サイトには古いロゴが表示されていますが、plae8 にライセンスを提供していないとの回答を受け取ったため、このライセンスの信頼性を明確にする必要があります。サイト上のロゴの存在は、ライセンスの信頼性を確認するものではありません。この質問について教えていただきたいです。
This is a list of casinos from the Pacgor site that have their license. But as far as I can tell, there are only Philippine sites with the new logo of their license, and there are also offshore sites with the old logo. Plae8 has an old logo on its website but it is necessary to clarify the authenticity of this license because I received a reply that they do not license plae8. The presence of the logo on the site does not confirm the authenticity of the license. I would like you to help me with this question.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com