ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、PlanetaXbet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
If I could guess I would say that your account has to be verified first, some casinos block the account until the verification is done. So may I know whether you have been verified ever before in this one?
I know that it is truly inconvenient if you have no information regarding your blocked account directly from the casino, I'd email regularly for some explanation.
It's a fresh casino, so maybe the support is lacking proper experiences 🤔
my account was verified otherwise I would not be able to withdraw money. The status of the withdrawal request was approved, but after half an hour I was simply kicked out of the account and when I logged in it says that I am blocked
Hello, and thank you. I see it is unpleasant situation but I would suggest to stay patient a little. If you want to resolve the issue by submitting a complaint here on our website, then we can't speed it up anyway. We are only able to get involved in the case after 14 days since you started to struggle with casino. Let me ask you when exactly did you requested the withdrawal? I guess just recently, right?
I requested a withdrawal and it was confirmed, but I did not receive the funds.
アカウントがまだブロックされていて、カジノと連絡が取れない場合は、苦情を提出することを検討します.カジノの説明がなければ、問題が何であるかを推測することしかできないため、苦情が役立つはずです.このプロセスの仕組みの詳細については、 ここをクリックしてください。
If your account is still blocked and you can't get in touch with the casino, I'd consider submitting a complaint. Without the casino's explanation, we can only guess what is the issue, so the complaint should help. To learn more about how this process works, click here.
I'll wait a few days, however, I have no clue when exactly your withdrawal was approved. Let me know what you think about that.
このカジノは完全な詐欺です。彼らは、資金を引き出さないように複数のアカウントを作成すると人々に言います。このカジノを市場から排除するために、キュラソー ゲーミング委員会へのご協力とご協力をお願いいたします。
トランザクション ID を尋ねたところ、彼らは私に渡すことができないと言いました。
12 時間後に再度出金を求めたところ、アカウントが閉鎖されました。誠実さを優先しましょう。
This casino is a total scam. They tell people that they create multiple accounts so as not to withdraw funds. I am asking for your help and cooperation with the Curaçao Gaming commission to eliminate this casino from the market.
When I asked for the transaction ID they said they couldn't give me.
When after 12 hours I asked again for a withdrawal, that's when they closed my account. Let honesty prevail.
また、苦情に対処することの意味を確認することもお勧めします。 プロセスの詳細については、こちらを参照してください。
苦情対応チームがお手伝いできることを願っています。 👍
Hello sorry to hear about your issue.
I guess it would be best if you could submit a complaint right now. Just click this link.
Would also be good to find out what it means to deal with a complaint, you can find more details about the process right here.
Let's hope the complaint team will be able to assist you. 👍
禁止された VPN をレビューに実装済みです。正確にいつ起こったのかはわかりませんが。
あなたの問題に関する最新情報はありますか?何か手伝いましょうか? 🤔
Hi there,
we already implemented the forbidden VPN into the review. Though I do not know when exactly it happened.
Any update about your issue? Do you need help? 🤔
しかし、それがいつ起こったかは知っています - 20/01/23 または 21/01/23
But I know when it happened - 20/01/23 or 21/01/23
These are the casino's internal procedures, but feel free to ask them when they made this change. I swear on my mother's health this has changed and those are bold words (:
試してみる価値があると思います。私たちがお手伝いできるかもしれません。もちろん、プレッシャーはありません。その考えについてよくわからない場合は、 苦情に関するこのガイド記事が役立つかもしれません.
Truly a bold one 🙂
In this case, submit the complaint, I'd say that you can only benefit from it.
I guess it is worth a try and we may be able to help you. No pressure of course, if you're not sure about that idea, maybe this guide article about complaints will help.
残念ながら、支払いの直前に規制のスクリーンショットを撮ることを忘れていましたが、20/01/23 に 100% 許可されていることがわかりました。
Can the screenshots in the attachment be the basis for a complaint?
According to information on the web from external sites VPN was allowed, so there's something to it 🙂
Unfortunately, it slipped my mind to take a screenshot of the regulations just before the payment, but I saw that it was still allowed then, i.e. 100% on 20/01/23
これは新鮮なカジノなので、少なくともより多くの洞察を利用できると思います 🙂.
Honestly, hard to tell, I guess that we would need information from the casino as well, to hear out both sides. Furthermore, those are just full-text search results so, it is not even a full review, just a part of text located through the internet.
But I would say that in general, the worst thing would be, that the complaint may get rejected. Nothing worst can happen.
It's a fresh casino, hence I think that we could use more insights, at least 🙂.
私は Planetaxbet のユーザーですが、彼らのウェブサイトに 2 日間アクセスできません。 URL にアクセスしたときに表示されるスクリーンショットを添付します。別のブラウザー、別のデバイス、インターネット プロバイダーの変更、さらには別の地理的位置を使用してみましたが、結果は同じです。昨日、サポートチームに連絡して問題について問い合わせましたが、返答がありません。このオペレーターに何が起こったのか知っている人はいますか?また見ますか?
I am a user of Planetaxbet, but their website has been inaccessible for two days now. I am attaching a screenshot of what I see when I go to their URL. I have tried using a different browser, a different device, changing internet providers, and even different geo locations, but the result is the same. I contacted their support team yesterday to inquire about the issue, but I have not received a response. Does anyone know what has happened to this operator? Will we see it again?
I will turn to Radka and ask her to help us clarify the situation.
Planetaxbet のウェブサイトに何が起こったのか、そして一般的に、この会社の運命はどうなっているのかを調べて、このケースで私たちを助けてくれませんか?
Good evening, Radka!
Would you help us with this case by trying to find out what happened to the Planetaxbet website and, in general, what is the fate of this company?
こんにちは、VPN でもウェブサイトをチェックしようとしましたが、同じ結果が得られました。データベースで 2 つの異なる Skype 連絡先を見つけたので、この方法で連絡を取ろうとしました。彼らから返事をもらうことができたら、あなたに知らせます。
Hi, I tried to check the website even with VPN and I'm getting the same results. I found 2 different Skype contacts in our database so I tried to contact them this way. I'll let you know if I manage to get an answer from them.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com