ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Play Boom Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
ここまで苦情はありませんでした。多くのボーナスと支払いは、常に 1 営業日以内に行われました。すべてがボーナスでプレイ可能です。
Haven't had any complaints here so far. Many bonuses and payouts always went out within one business day. Everything is playable in the bonus.
Habe hier bisher keine Beschwerden gehabt. Viele Bonis und Auszahlungen gingen immer innerhalb eines Werktags raus. Im Bonus alles spielbar.
まったく悪いフィードバックではありません。あそこでどのくらいプレイしましたか? 🙂
Not bad feedback at all. For how long have you played there, please? 🙂
I had a good experience with them days before withdrew nice wins. But after winning above the 2000 and wanting to cash it out they suddenly claim it is mandatory to use a Dutch bank account when I always used Revolut and Revolut is the only bank account I have as I can't make a Dutch one.
They finally paid out the winnings!
とはいえ、あなたの苦情はまだ審査待ちの状態です。あなたは今お金を持っているので、私はそれが必要ではないと思います - そうですか?
That's nice to hear! I mean that you got the money.
I can see that your complaint is still waiting for review though. Since you have the money now, I feel it is not necessary - am I right?
In certain cases, casinos may have a good reason to change the payment option, and I doubt we will be able to assist you. Well, we shall see, I guess.
Hi there.
What a relief 🙂. So it was pretty much kind of a misunderstanding, I take it. Thank you for this update.
It is always good to know the result, especially good ones!
Did the casino win your trust back?
I will hope for the best!
I really appreciate you mentioned those limits, very useful tool. Sadly, from my point of view, still a bit underrated.
Looking forward for nest update 🤞
I can't. I can only notify the complaint team - I also noticed you already posted the request in the complaint thread.
I have a feeling that something else than the delayed payment is going on, isn't it?
彼らは私を騙して 8500 ユーロを引き出しました。彼らは私が大勝したときに私を殺すために彼らへの私の信頼を築き上げました.信じられない。また、責任あるギャンブルに対する彼らの評価が高いこともわかります…そうではないことをお願いします。賭け金制限や損失制限などのツールは機能しません。
They deceived me on a big withdrawal of 8500 euros. They built up my trust in them to kill me when I win big. Unbelievable. I also see here that their rating on responsible gambling is high…please it’s not true. Their tools like wager limit and loss limits don’t work.
Hello, care to explain what has happened? You won big, and then?
I would really like to know the issue, because if the casino failed to act fairly, we can try to help you out via a complaint.
Read more details about the whole process here:
私は彼らのウェブサイトにかなりの金額を入金しましたが、ほとんどすべての残高を失った後、私の番号は 70 ユーロで幸運にも 100 倍になり、残りは 7000 + 1500 になり、残りは 8500 になりました。引き出しのために、Revolutがキャッシュアウトすることは許可されていないことを教えてくれます.私はすでにRevolutに3回撤退しましたが。すべてのライブエージェントが私に同じがらくたを言った後、私はクリスという名前の人を手に入れました.
クリスは私に引き出しを依頼するように言いました. それは優先度の高いリストに載っていて、同じ日に受け入れられるでしょう.クリスと話したのは午後5時頃で、負けと賭け金の上限を10ユーロに設定して就寝しました。制限は機能せず、すべての証拠を送信した後、数日後に私をブロックしました.彼らがこれをしたのはとても悲しいことです。
I deposited quite a lot on their website and after almost losing all my balance I had a lucky 100x on my number with 70 euro's, so that became 7000+1500 I had left becoming 8500. Days after days they kept putting back my balance after asking for a withdrawal, telling me that Revolut is not allowed to cash out to. While I already withdrew 3 times to my Revolut. After all the live agents telling me the same crap I got one named Chris, Chris told me that there were errors ( huh, but they said NOT ALLOWED) before...
Chris told me to ask for a withdrawal and it would be on the high priority list and would be accepted the same day. It was around 5pm when I talked to Chris, I went to bed after setting a loss and wager limit of 10 euro. The limits didn't work and after sending all the proof to them they blocked me after a few days. It's quite sad that they did this.
Ok, what you described should be also mentioned in your complaint for sure. Have you made screenshots of those conversations by chance? I'm pretty sure Tomas would appreciate anything you have.
Some cases are harder to escalate without providing related communications. The way I see it, the major part of this situation was carried out by live chat specifically, am I correct?
私はあなたが持っていることを望んでいました.では、Tomas に関連するすべてのものを転送してもよろしいですか? 🙂
I was hoping you have. So, if I may forward all related to Tomas if you have not yet done it? 🙂
It should help him to catch the full picture.
I just don’t understand why they would tarnish their image over 8500 euro. Even for a small casino that shouldn’t be a problem.
€8,5K がカジノにとって大したことと見なされるべきだとは言いません。問題はおそらく他の場所にあります。カジノはいつでも問題を解決できることに注意してください.あなたの意見の相違を彼らに知らせたと確信しているので、カジノは決して制限されません.トーマスは、必要だと判断したときにカジノに着くでしょう。通常、苦情処理担当者は最初にケースの詳細を把握し、次に全体的な苦情プロセスを念頭に置いて最善のアプローチを検討します。場合によっては、カジノに連絡する必要さえありません。
では、 苦情をお待ちください。タイマーは、Tomas が更新する時間がまだあることを示しています。悲しいことに、提出された苦情の数は依然として増加していますが、熱心な新しい苦情処理担当者を見つけるのに苦労しています。
しばらくお待ちください。 🙏
I would not say €8,5K should be considered a big deal for the casino, so in this, I agree with you. The problem most likely lies elsewhere. Just mind the casino can solve the issue anytime, I'm sure you made them aware of your disagreement, so the casino is not limited by any means. Tomas will reach the casino when he sees it is necessary, I'm sure. Usually, the complaint handler assets the case details first and then consider the best approach keeping the overall complaint process in mind. Sometimes, they even don't have to reach out to the casino.
Well, please stay tuned with your complaint. The timer shows Tomas still has some time to update it. Sadly, the number of submitted complaints is still increasing, but we struggle to find new devoted complaint handlers.
Be patient, please. 🙏
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com