Please can you tell me the safety of playatharry.com?
I know players who have been paid however I have been waiting a week since they released my first withdrawal, I know that as they are based at Panama so this can take a while to go through checks. I am also in contact with a VIP manager, there platform looks legit also with the betting and gaming mix.
I can only withdraw £500 at a time. The first £500 was supposedly released last Tuesday, the second £500 was supposedlyreleased Friday but have received neither.
The third £500 has been a pending withdrawal since Friday, it is now Tuesday and it has not yet been released. I have been in back and forth contact with them and all though I am recieving responses from my VIP manager there doesn’t seem to be any urgency!
They claim 2 working days max which is fair enough but they have exceeded this every time, I have 6k all together so it may be a lengthy process trying to get this all out if they don’t rob me.
I know they are new but do you have any info about this website