ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Raze Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I have not received any withdrawals from this casino for the past two months.
I have also filed a complaint but am having trouble because the person in charge thinks it is the same story as previous complaints.
The bonus forfeiture and the delayed withdrawal are completely unrelated.
Is there any way to contact the person in charge of this casino?
Casino Guru を通じて提出された、 この苦情とは関係のない別の苦情についておっしゃっているのですか?
Hi there!
Are you talking about another complaint submitted through Casino Guru, yet unrelated to this one, please?
Or are you perhaps commenting on another issue you are discussing with the casino employee?
Sadly, I have no way to contact the person in charge; thus, I can't provide the contact. I'm sorry.
What seems to be the matter now anyway?
Casino Guru の従業員に連絡が取れないのですか? それは不合理です。
Yes. This is about another complaint that has nothing to do with that complaint.
However, when I filed that complaint, the casino guru employee mistakenly thought it was the same as the previous complaint and rejected it.
Are you unable to contact the Casino Guru employee? That is absurd.
連絡リクエストに関しては、申し訳ありませんが、リクエストはハードコードされているため、たとえば「このカジノの担当者に連絡する方法はありますか?」と書いても、実際には Casio Guru メンバーを意味しているとはわかりませんでした。 🙂
Ok, simple help, I guess. I suggest you send the explanation back to the email you got from the complaint mediator. Let the person know what you think about his or her decision, please.
As for the contact request, I'm sorry to inform you that your requests are hard-coded, so if you wrote, for example, "Is there any way to contact the person in charge of this casino?" I had no idea you actually meant Casio Guru member. 🙂
Really? In that case, I fear there is not much I can do for you....
You see, if you send a complaint like:
"A portion of the balance wrongfully confiscated from this casino was refunded.
However, the full amount has not yet been returned.
I also applied for withdrawal of a portion of the refunded money, but have not received it for more than two months.
There has been no response to any attempts to contact support."
"This claim is largely unrelated to a previously submitted claim.
I have submitted a withdrawal request with this casino and have not received my money in over 2 months.
Also, I have contacted support and cannot reach them."
I think it actually says very little about the problem. Additionally, the refund indicates that the casino chose to compensate you, which merely supports the theory that it has something to do with the unresolved complaint.
Could you please tell me what happened after the last complaint was closed as "against fair gambling" until today? I'll try to help you compose a more suitable description if you like. I just need to understand all the events.
I submitted a withdrawal request from this casino and it has not been completed after 2 months.
Just that.
My last complaint was whether the bonus forfeiture was justified,
This complaint is a simple delay in withdrawal.
I submitted a complaint for a detailed explanation in the first place, and you refused to provide one.
You know, just recently I had a very similar discussion with the other player in an almost identical situation with a rejected complaint - a reopen request associated with a previously closed complaint at the same casino. combined with the possibility of a new complaint.
I would love to help you, as I hoped to help the other player, so please listen to my tip:
It did not help the other person, so in my opinion, a brief description like that will not help you get another complaint accepted. 🙁
Remember me asking what has transpired after the previous complaint was closed?
The most important part of every attempt at submitting a complaint is a precise description of the events that happened before, after, or right in the time the issue occurred. I believe it is somehow logical to use more than a few simple sentences, not to mention half of them just say it is a new issue, yet nothing more.
Please keep in mind that explaining your issue to someone who is totally uninformed about the events is the main goal when writing the text on the submission form. Naturally, you are aware of every detail, but the member of the first response team, for example, is completely unaware of it and is only relying on the description you sent. Imagine that the text is brief, ambiguous, and somehow similar to the complaint that was previously closed. Do you have a clearer understanding now?
Try to provide as detailed a description of everything that happened as you can, particularly if you frequently reopen closed complaints or want to file a new one regarding the same casino.
If you file a complaint to receive an explanation from us, you will quickly discover that, regardless of the casino issue, you must always provide the first thorough explanation.
Try to do that, please.
The complaint submission screen does not allow for details.
There is a limit to the number of characters, and even attaching images is not possible due to an error.
Therefore, we have been advised to provide the details after the complaint has been approved.
一方、準拠した送信フォームでは、5000 文字の入力が許可されます。
問題の全容を示すスクリーンショットとウェブサイトの完全なURLを添付したメールをお送りください。 . 問題解決に最善を尽くします。ところで、添付ファイルに関する苦情を提出する際に、「CAPTCHA が失敗しました」といったメッセージが表示されましたか? 添付ファイルの容量には限りがあります。最初の説明では、最も有効な添付ファイルのみを使用してください。苦情が承認されたら、残りを追加できます。書面による説明とは異なり、添付ファイルは後回しにできます。
I see.
On the other hand, the compliant submission form still allows 5000 characters typed:
I advise using them all to describe the problem the best you can. In my opinion, it is quite risky to submit something vague and expect to get it approved in order to specify the issue later. I would not follow this way.
If you ever have the same problem, though:
Kindly send an email with the screenshot showing the full issue and the website full url to community@casino.guru. I'll do my best to resolve the matter. Have you, by the way, spotted something like "failed captcha" upon submitting the complaint involving attached files? The attachment capacity is limited. For the initial description, use only the most valid attachments; you may add the rest once the complaint is approved. Unlike the written description, the attachments can wait.
May I know what kind of error you have encountered, please?
そもそも、2 か月間引き出しが行われていないという単純な苦情をどう説明すればいいのでしょうか?
How do you expect me to explain a simple complaint that no withdrawals have been made for two months in the first place?
It is a simple complaint with no details.
The form on which you submit your complaint instructs you to be concise, as the person in charge will ask you a number of questions after you submit your complaint, and you will have to answer them to get the full picture.
Raze Casino は、アジア風の鮮やかなテーマとやりがいのある要素でプレイヤーを魅了するファンタジー ユニバース ゲームで、刺激的なゲーム体験を提供します。魅力的なボーナス ラウンドと頻繁な支払いがスリリングな雰囲気を醸し出し、興奮を高めます。冒険的で、利益を生む可能性のあるゲーム ジャーニーを求める人にとって理想的な選択肢です。
Raze Casino offers an electrifying gaming experience with the Fantasy Universe game, which draws players in with its vibrant Asian-inspired theme and rewarding elements. The engaging bonus rounds and frequent payouts create a thrilling atmosphere, enhancing the excitement. It’s an ideal choice for those seeking an adventurous and potentially lucrative gaming journey.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com