Would you like to describe it better to us, please?
I can see that you tried to write a user review, but unfortunately there is not enough information for it to be published on the website.
It would be great if you could include some information about what exactly you liked at this casino.
How long do you play there?
I was surprised , My work testing this casino was very easy and fast forward. from identity verification, responsible gambling access, customer services efficacy, fast withdrawals and non predatory strategies to keep the player attached to the casino.
では、まず第一に、あなたが説明したように、体験は良いですね。確認と引き出しにはどのくらいの時間がかかりましたか? 🙂
So the experience is first of all good as you describe, yes? How long did the verification and withdrawal take? 🙂
クレジットカードの支払いの問題のため、確認には 4 時間もかかりませんでした。最後に、Interac の銀行取引明細書を使用しましたが、すべてスムーズに進みました。引き出しの処理から送金まで約 4 時間かかりました。5 年間プレイしていますが、引き出しと本人確認がこれほど迅速に行われたのは 3 回目のカジノだと思います。
verification took not more than 4 hours because of the credit card payment issue. at the end i used my bank statement from interac and all went smooth. the withdrawal took about 4 hours to be processed to to be sent. i think this is the 3 casino in 5 years playing that i get this fast withdrawal and identity verification.
I think it's unbelievable when you've experienced so many good things in such a short time in the casino. Withdrawals are the most important factor for many players and everyone would like to have them as soon as possible. I see that you managed to do everything even including verification and that's good. If you have other experiences here in the future, then don't hesitate to let us know. 😉
面白いことに、私は数時間以内に認証されました。でも、皆さんが言う引き出しというのは、システムで処理されるまでのことですか、それとも銀行口座に入金されるまでのことですか? 処理には数時間しかかかりませんでしたが、今のところ 2 日待っていますが、まだ口座に資金が入っていません。これは普通のことだとわかっています。
That’s funny because I was verified within hours. But when you guys mention withdrawals, do you mean until the process them in system or when they hit your bank account? Because it only took a few hours for process but so far been waiting 2 days & still no funds in account. I know this is normal though.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com