ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Rollers Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
苦情の結果にとても悲しく思います。私を助け、私の賞金が支払われるように全力を尽くしてくれたピーター M 氏に改めて感謝します。これらの詐欺師が罰を受けずに逃げおおせるのは不公平ですし、彼らのサイトで何度も入金したのにこのような扱いを受けるのは不公平です。
I am very saddened by the outcome of the complaint. I thank Peter M. once again for helping me and doing everything he could to get my winnings paid. It's not fair for these scammers to get away with it, and it's not fair to be treated like this after making so many deposits on their site.
Sono molto amareggiato per l'esito del reclamo. Ringrazio ancora una volta Peter M. per avermi aiutato e aver fatto il possibile per farmi pagare le vincite. Non è giusto che questi truffatori la passino liscia, e non è giusto essere trattato così dopo aver fatto così tanti depositi sul loro sito.
こんにちは。 苦情から得た情報によると、それは最大賭け金の超過でした。カジノにはシステム保護が必要であり、プレイヤーがより高い賭け金を賭けたい場合、カジノはそれを受け入れないという事実を支持しているため、これは常に難しい状況です。しかし、私たちが見ているように、これはまだ標準ではありません。おそらく、あなたは今、この種のことにもっと気付いていると思います。
Hi, according to what I got from the complaint it was an exceeded max bet. It's always a difficult situation because we are for the fact that casinos should have a system protection and if a player wanted to place a higher bet, they would not take it. But as we can see this is still not the standard. I think you'll probably be more aware of this kind of thing now.
However, the whole result is equally disappointing to me, as I saw that you basically went over on just a few bets and didn't actually win anything from them, so Peter was trying to get the casino to pay you, but not successfully.
Anyway, there is still a possibility to file a complaint to the authority as he announced in your complaint, so do you think you will try it ? Maybe it could be resolved in the end, but of course I make no promises.
What do you think, will you go for it?
私は 5.20 ユーロの賭けを 9 回しただけなので、最大賭け金を 20 セント超過しましたが、何も勝ちませんでした。これは、xbet 機能がアクティブだったのに気づかなかったために起こったことです。私はそのカジノで 1 年間プレイし、多額のお金を入金して失っていたことを考えると、彼らは私を別の方法で扱った可能性があります。はい、私は当局に連絡するつもりですが、時間がかかり、結果が不確実になるのではないかと心配しています。
I only made 9 bets of €5.20, so I exceeded the maximum bet by 20 cents, without winning anything. And this only happened because the xbet function was active and I didn't notice it. Considering I have been playing at that casino for a year, depositing and losing a lot of money, they could have treated me differently. Yes, I intend to contact the authorities, although I fear it will take a long time and the outcome will be uncertain.
Ho fatto solo 9 scommesse di 5,20€, quindi ho superato di 20 centesimi la scommessa massima, senza vincere nulla. E ciò è avvenuto solo perché c'era la funzione xbet attiva e non me ne sono accorto. Considerando che gioco su quel casinò da un anno, depositando e perdendo molti soldi, avrebbero potuto trattarmi diversamente. Sì, ho intenzione di contattare l'autorità, anche se temo ci vorrà molto tempo e l'esito sarà incerto.
この苦情の後、カジノの評価はいつ下がるのかと思っていました(? )
I was wondering when the casino rating will drop after this complaint (? )
Mi chiedevo quando si abbasserà il punteggio del casinò, dopo questo reclamo (?)
Yes I have read it and I understand your whole situation, but you have also seen our efforts to help.
As for the safety index itself, I'll ask Peter again because I don't know exactly when these things happen.
まったく問題ありません。Jaro が情報を調べてすぐに連絡してくれると思います。
No problem at all. I am sure Jaro will find out the information and get back to you soon.
Hi, so I got some information about the situation and the safety index will be lowered on Wednesday. Peter said he already wrote to you, so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
I hope that a similar scenario won't happen again in any other casino. 😕
チーム全員に改めて感謝します 🙂
Yes, he updated me via email.
Thanks again to the whole team 🙂
I hope so too 😕
Sì, mi ha aggiornato via mail.
Grazie ancora a tutto il team 🙂
Lo spero anche io 😕
You're welcome, if you have any more questions you can contact him and if you have any for us, you can also write anytime.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
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