ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Rysebet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I have more than 160 thousand rubles stuck there, they don’t withdraw them. they have clones such as boompari and dobrobet. beware of scammers
cкам у меня зависло там больше 160 тысяч рублей, они не выводят их. у них есть клоны такие как boompari и dobrobet. остерегайтесь мошеников
Hello, I think that's quite a lot of money. What is the reason why the casino doesn't allow you to withdraw money ? How long has it been since you were unable to do it ? Do you have a verified account here ?
Let me know where you stand.
So if you can't get to the money for such a long time, I would definitely file a complaint and our team will try to help. Have you thought about it ? I guess there's nothing to wait for since you haven't heard from the casino since last year.
You gonna go for it?
Hey, why are you of this opinion ? Have you played here and had any issues ? Can you say something more about it ?
長い時間をかけてお金を支払うとはどういう意味ですか?長い時間 とはどういう意味ですか? 🤔
What does it mean that they pay the money after a long time ? What does a long time mean ? 🤔
I used to bother them so much that they paid me, but after 1-3 days!! because of the crypt, it is very long!!! although they have up to 24 hours in the rules!!! I do not recommend playing there!
я їх так задовбував що вони мені платили але через 1-3 дні!!через крипту це дуже довго!!!хоча в них в правилах до 24-х годин!!!не рекомендую там іграти!
カジノの利用規約にこのような内容があれば、プレイヤーはそれを守ろうとすることは理解しています。今日のクリプトは速いですが、遅延の原因となった問題があった可能性があります。3 日はそれほど長くないため、すぐに悪いとは考えません。
とにかく、私たちはそれぞれ自分の意見を持っているので、それを取り上げるつもりはありませんし、もちろん、他のカジノではそれがより速くなることを願っています。 🙂
I understand that if a casino has something like this in the Terms and Conditions, players try to stick to it. Crypto is fast today, but there might have been some problem that caused the delay, so I wouldn't take it immediately as a bad thing, because 3 days is not that long.
Anyway, we each have our own opinion and I won't take it away from you and of course I hope that in other casinos it will be faster. 🙂
yes, you are right, all these casinos are real scammers!!!!
так ти правий ці всі казино настоящі аферисти!!!!
With such feelings it would be best not to play anywhere or to take a break. It's not worth playing if it's just a negative emotion. 🙁
boompari, I already have more than 8000 dollars on their balance and they haven't paid money for more than a month, they say that my account will be checked from 15-90 days, it's a scam!!????
boompari в мене вже в них на балансі більше чим 8000 доларів і вони вже більше місяця не платять гроші, кажуть що мій рахунок провіряють від 15-90 днів це ж афера!!????
Try to use the reply button every time you wish to address another player, please. It's been specifically designed to help you stay in touch.
Just to add a more detailed tip: the typically used and well-overrated term "scam" refers to a situation when the casino does not function or provide services upon deposit.
Imagine that as a company that only takes your money and then "disappears" to you.
Based on your expression, the casino employees may have some concerns, possibly regarding your gaming style or history.
It's common to conduct a deeper account investigation in such a situation, and yes, sometimes it takes even a few months.
Are you aware of anything unusual you may have ever done while playing in this casino?
わかりました。あなたはまだどこにも移動しておらず、状況全体について新しい情報も持っていないのですか? 私たちの助けが必要な場合は連絡できることはご存知だと思いますので、私が尋ねているのはそのためです。
Okay, and you still haven't moved anywhere and you don't have any new information about the whole situation ? You know that if you need our help you can contact us, so that's why I'm asking.
Let me know.
そうですね、私たちに苦情を申し立てていただければ、私たちがお手伝いできるかどうか検討します。少なくとも、物事が順調に進んでいけばいいのですが、そうでない場合は、状況を調査できるようにチームに知らせてください。90 日かかるのであれば、それで十分ですので、おそらくそうするでしょう。
Well, you can file a complaint with us and we'll see if we can help. At the very least, it would be nice if things move along, or if they don't, to let the team know so they can investigate the situation. If it could take 90 days, that's enough, so I'd probably go for it.
What do you think?
それでも、少なくとも試してみる価値はあるようです。さあ、 このリンクから行ってみてください👈
プレイヤーが無罪になった場合、カジノは何と言うでしょうか? 私の意見では、有罪が証明されない限り、全員を平等に扱う方がはるかに効率的です。
Well, I'd say it's worth trying. Not many great things happen to be free of charge these days, and the worst thing you could get is that the Team will wait for the outcome too.
Still, it sounds like at least something you can try. So, go ahead - this link will get you there 👈
I must say that I kind of understand that such an investigation may have some sense for the casino, or may be inevitable on some occasions. I also understand that sometimes the process is pretty slow, especially if the game provider gets involved. But what I still don't get, is why casino support prefers to ignore such players.
What would the casino say if the player came out from this clear? In my opinion, it's just far more efficient to treat everyone the same unless proven guilty.
I really hope the Team will be able to help you.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com