ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Scarawins Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Has this casino ever paid anyone? I just won €5000 and can only withdraw €1000 at a time, they have not answered my question in chat or email,
My account has been verified, but my withdrawal is on hold.?
Onko tämä kasino maksanut kenellekään ikinä? Voitin juuri 5000€ ja pystyy nostamaan vain 1000€ kerralla, he Eivät ole vastannut kysymykseeni chatissa eikä sähköpostilla,
Tilini on vahvistettu, mutta nostoni on odotustilassa.?
こんにちは。私が見た限りでは、プレイヤーからの苦情はあまりありません。昨年の夏に解決された苦情が 2 件あるので、今日に関係があるかどうかはわかりません。これが最初の引き出しですか?
Greetings, according to what I've seen we don't have much from players. There are two complaints that were solved last summer, so I don't know if it can be considered relevant today. Is this your first withdrawal?
It's definitely good that you're already verified, but on the other hand it's a bit sad if the casino doesn't answer your questions at all.
So if there are problems and the casino doesn't pay you and doesn't communicate with you, we will try to help you.
So please keep me posted on how things are going.
They still don't respond to my emails, in the chat they replied that your funds are safe and will be processed soon, I think soon means 1-5 hours not 2 days which is what I have been waiting for my first withdrawal.
He eivät vastaa edelleenkään sähköposteihini, chatissa vastasivat, että varasi ovat turvassa ja käsitellään pian, mielestäni pian tarkoittaa 1-5 tuntia ei 2päivää mitä olen nyt odottanut ensimmäistä nostoani.
あと数日待てば、それほど大惨事にはならないと思います。カジノには、プレイヤーに支払いを行い、検証を解決するために 14 日間の猶予が与えられます。それがなければ、お金を引き出すことはできません。
If you wait just a few more days, I don't think it's such a disaster. We give casinos 14 days to pay the player and also to resolve the verification. Without it, you won't be able to get the money out.
So I guess you'll have to be diligent in following up on the complaint as well.
先ほどさらに 1,000 ユーロを引き出しましたが、承認されるのを待っています。
The first withdrawal has now been paid.
I just made another withdrawal of €1000 and I'm waiting for it to be approved.
Ensimmäinen nosto on nyt maksettu.
Tein nyt toisen 1000€ noston ja odottelen sen hyväksymistä.
後で連絡して、すべてがうまくいったかどうか教えてください。 🙂
Well, after all! It makes me happy to see that you have already received some money. I firmly believe that another one will come soon.
Could you get back to me afterwards and let me know if everything went well? 🙂
どうやら、Jaro は正しかったようですね。お金を持っていてよかったですね! 最近の経験を踏まえて、あなたの後にこのカジノでプレイするプレイヤーに何かアドバイスはありますか?
Jaro was right, it seems. Glad you have the money! After your recent experiences, do you perhaps have any advice for players who come play to this casinos after you?
KYC プロセスには長い時間がかかります。
If you expect quick withdrawals, I recommend other casinos.
The KYC process takes a long time.
The withdrawal limit is only €1,000 at a time / €7,000 per month.
Jos odottaa nostoja nopeasti, niin suosittelen muita kasinoita.
Kyc prosessi kestää kauan.
Nostoraja on vain 1000€ kerta / 7000€ kk.
多くのプレイヤーにとって、ここでプレイするかどうかを決めるにはこれで十分だと思います。ですから、他の場所でプレイする場合でも、出金や KYC のどちらでも、より簡単にプレイできることを願っています。🙂
I think that would be enough for many players to decide whether to play here or not. So I hope that wherever else you play it will be easier for you, either in the withdrawals or in the KYC.🙂
Thank you Jaro, you are doing a great and good job.
Kiitos kuitenkin Jaro teille, teette loistavaa ja hyvää työtä.
Thank you very much we appreciate such words.
If something comes up in the future at any casino, feel free to write.😉
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com