あなたの気持ちは完全に理解できますし、同情します。いずれにせよ、返金まで 1 か月待てば十分だとしても、彼らが状況をすべて知らせてくれるのは良いことだと私は思います。私なら、前述の日まで待って、何も受け取れなければ、苦情を申し立てることを検討します。あなたが待った時間は十分だったと思います。
I completely understand your feelings and sympathize with you. Anyway, I would take it as a positive that they keep you informed about everything that is going on, even if waiting a month for a refund is enough in my opinion. I would wait until the aforementioned day and if you don't receive anything, then I would think about filing a complaint. I believe the time you waited was enough.
Anyway, I'll wait and see if anything changes. Good luck. ☘️