ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Spinight Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんばんは。spinight は、私が証拠もなくプレイヤー間で送金したという理由で、私のアカウントを違法に閉鎖し、私の賞金を不正使用しました。これは、このカジノが詐欺であることを証明しています。私はこのようなことはしたことがなく、今後もするつもりはありません。しかし、この問題の解決策が見つからない場合は、法的措置を取り、あらゆる法的手段で報告して賞金を差し押さえます。KYC に必要なすべての書類を送ったのに、証拠もなく不当な申し立てで私のお金を不正使用したため、彼らの態度は受け入れられません。
Good evening, spinight closed my account illegally and misused my winnings on the grounds that I transfer money between players without any proof. This proves that this casino is a scam. I have never done anything like this and I have no intention of doing so. But if a solution is not found to this problem, I will take legal action against them and report them in every legal way to withhold winnings. Their attitude is unacceptable because I sent all the appropriate documents for KYC and they misused my money with invalid accusations without proof.
Καλησπέρα σας h spinight εκλεισε το λογαριασμο μου παρανομα και καταχραστηκε τα κερδη μου με αφορμη οτιι μεταφερω χρηματα μεταξυ παικτων χωρις καμια αποδειξη αυτο αποδικνιει πως το καζινο αυτο ειναι μια απατη πραγματικα δεν εχω κανει κατι τετοιο ποτε μου ουτε εχω σκοπο να το κανω αλλα αν δεν βρεθει λυση σε αυτο το προβλημα θα κινηθω νομικα εναντιων τους και θα τους καταγγειλω με καθε νομιμο τροπο για κατακρατηση κερδων ειναι απαραδεκτη η σταση τους γιατι εστειλα ολα τα καταλληλα εγγραφα για την kyc και καταχραστηκαν τα χρηματα μου με ακυρες κατηγοριες χωρις αποδειξεις
大丈夫ですか? ここにリンクがありますので、それをクリックしてください。状況全体をよく説明して、次の手順をお待ちください。
So, this is the accusation they used to withhold your winnings and close your account, right? What exactly did they write to you, though?
Did they mention anything like that you have multiple accounts, perhaps?🤔
Anyway, if you say that you have done nothing from the accusations used against you, I would strongly suggest you file a complaint here. Our team will make a thorough investigation and hopefully help you to get your money.
Are you up to it? Here's the link you can do so. Describe the whole situation well and wait for the next steps, please.
A friend of mine transferred me money to my bank to play and I gave him back in cash because I didn’t have in card and they told me after sending the bank statement that I’m playing and co operate with other players …they have serious problem . Just go away from this kind of casinos
I believe that it is usually stated in the terms that it is not allowed to use a third party for the payments, but it is whenever someone else deposits straight to your casino account, though.
I wouldn't think that no one can transfer money to your bank account, and you use those to play at the casino, for sure.
When this happened exactly, please?
Maybe our complaint team could still investigate this matter and help you out.
Yes but they are closing an account without a real reason! They didn’t give me the chance to explain and that’s make them scammers . And I asked them , if my parents had transferred me money and I wanted to gamble them , is it illegal ?? They shouldn’t care what I’m going to do my money or what’s the source of my money ! They just saw a transfer from a friend and they say I’m playing with others , that doesn’t make sense . The most idiot reason I have ever seen. They don’t have proofs I’m playing with others players that’s what I mean
and I will explain it again , the day I wanted to play all atms banks was closed so I couldnt deposit money to my card to gamble and a friend of mine transferred me some money and I retuned him back in cash. I played aloneee
I would strongly suggest you file a complaint here so our team can have a better look into all this. We will try to get in touch with the casino and find a solution to this issue.
What do you say?
Follow this link, please, and explain in detail what exactly has happened.
I can see your complaint now. Sorry, I missed it before.
So, our team has found out that the casino saw your activity with the other player as suspicious. It is usually written in the terms that such cooperation, as I could call it, is unfortunately against the rules, you know.
Especially when this friend of yours is a player at this casino, that's the point.
We always say, that it is really important to read the terms every time and even ask the support if you are not sure about something.
まず、彼らはどうやって取引から私の友人が同じカジノに口座を持っていることを知ったのでしょうか。また、私が彼とギャンブルをしているという証拠は何でしょうか?? 証拠はなく、彼らは私の口座を閉鎖しただけです! 彼が私に送金した理由は、ただ一人でプレイするためだと説明しました。私は現金で彼にお金を渡し、ATMが機能していなかったため、彼は私の銀行口座に送金してくれました。
So first of all , how they find out from transaction my friend has account in the same casino and also what’s their proofs I’m gambling with him ?? They don’t have proofs , they just closed my account ! I explained to you the reason he transferred me money , just to play alone . I gave him the money in cash and he transferred me in my bank because atm didn’t work
The transaction doesn’t prove I’m gambling with my friend. Even my parents could transfer me money . What does that mean ? I couldn’t play this money . They shouldn’t care about my money source basically
I'm really sorry that we couldn't be of any more help, but it is clearly stated in the terms that such cooperation is not allowed.
It was clearly seen that the exact money your friend, as you call him, transferred to your account was then deposited to your casino account. And not only once. Right?
Our complaint specialists investigated it well, and unfortunately it was a violation of terms.
Try to be more careful next time and read the full terms, always, please.
I hope you won't have to go through any similar situation again in the future.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com