ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Terra Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hello. Sorry you have to go thru such a frustrating situation. I have seen your complaint here with our team, and it was really wise of you to submit it. The complaint team will surely try to help you get out of this. So you have spoken to the support, right? Hopefully after your encounter with them, everything will go as they promised. Please keep us informed, if you have any update.
サポート サービスに相談したかどうかはわかりません。サポート サービスはウォレットのシード フレーズを保持するよう提案したためです。これは受け入れられません。サポートにメールで連絡できず、返答がありません。
I am not sure that I talked to the support service, since they suggested that I keep the seed phrase of my wallet, this is unacceptable. I have not been able to contact support by mail, they are not responding.
こんにちは。誤解していたら申し訳ありませんが、あなたは苦情の中で次のように述べています。「その後、口座にアクセスして資金を引き出すことができると言われました。」だからこそ、あなたは彼らと連絡を取ることに成功したと思いました。 🤔
したがって、今のところ、おそらく最善の方法は、カジノが協力するかどうか、私たちの苦情チームがカジノから何を発見するかを待つことです。そのためには頑張っていきましょう。 🤞 この件に関する最新情報があればお知らせください。
Hello. Sorry if I have misunderstood, but you have stated in your complaint: "After that, they said, I would be able to access the account and withdraw funds." And that is why I thought you were successful in contacting them. 🤔
If I may just on a technical note, you actually don't need to put the messages translated into English again, because our forum and complaints are unique in that they have an in-built translator.
So for now, probably the best is to wait and see what our complaint team will find out from the casino, if the casino will cooperate, of course. Let's keep our fingers crossed for that. 🤞 Please come forward with any updates about this case.
Thank you for your understanding and I hope for the best outcome of your complaint.
Anyway, I found this part in the complaint "The point was that I would log in from a wallet linked to my account on a third-party website, supposedly to check and confirm this wallet. After that, they said, I would be able to access the account and withdraw funds." When exactly did you get this instruction, please? Will wait for your response.
このような非常に疑わしいイベントの直後に、自分のアカウントにアクセスできなくなるというのは、実に興味深い偶然です。まあ、私が間違っていることを祈りますが、認証が長引いたため、あなたのアカウントはブロックされたままです。 🤞🤞
Oh my, that sounds more like a scam attempt to me. Have you been able to get in touch with those guys?
That's really an interesting coincidence that soon after such a highly suspicious event, you can't get to your account anymore. Well, let's just hope I'm wrong, and due to prolonged verification, your account stays blocked. 🤞🤞
まだサポートに連絡できず、メールも届かず、アカウントにもまだアクセスできません。一般に、私は電報で3人と通信しましたが、最後に月曜日に通信しました。 3 人全員が同じものを提供しました。
I still haven't contacted support, emails are not getting through, and I still can't get into my account. In general, I communicated with three people on telegram, the last time on Monday. All three offered the same thing.
I think in such a case I would be careful not to get caught on something. Even though all three of them have told you the same, it seems to me to be a strange course of action.
Anyway, you have an open complaint, so our team will try to help you.
I'll be waiting for your next update.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com