ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、tether.bet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
ここでプレイすることはお勧めしません。彼らは意図的に検証プロセスを遅らせます。このカジノには、Fairspin、DestinyX と同じシェルがあります。認証が必要な場合、エラー終了して認証を通過できない場合があります。
私自身の経験から、この問題は Sumsub 識別子の操作が設定されていないために発生すると言えます。
操作にエラーが発生した後、テザーサポートは、メールではなくチャットでのみ応答するという事実にもかかわらず、関連部門があなたに連絡するという約束を送りますが、どれくらい待つかは不明です。おそらく1日、あるいはそれ以上かもしれません。 。チャット履歴は保存されないため、毎回新しいオペレーターにすべてを説明する必要があります。
Hi all. I'll tell you right away
I don't recommend playing here. They deliberately delay the verification process. This casino has the same shell on Fairspin, DestinyX. When you need to go through verification, you will encounter a problem that you may not be able to pass it because it will end in error.
From my own experience, I can say that this problem occurs due to the fact that the operation of the Sumsub identifier is not configured.
After an error in its operation, Tether support will feed you promises that the relevant department will contact you and it is unknown how long you will wait, maybe a day, maybe longer, despite the fact that they only respond in chat and not by mail. The chat history is not saved, so every time you will need to explain everything to a new operator.
And this is considering that they have the ability to upload documents in your profile for verification, but they still force you to go through the biometrics procedure on a third-party service.
Hi, not the most pleasant experience, I see. As for the verification, how long has it been going on ? We give casinos 14 days. Are the documents you've sent still not accepted or what stage are you at ?
If you continue to have issues and the casino does not tell you anything relevant and verification is not possible for you, you know that you can turn to us.
I will wait for an update.
とにかく、私の意見を付け加えさせていただくと、問題を解決するにはカジノの誰かが Sumsub に連絡するまで待つ必要があると思います。これが特に煩わしいことであることは承知していますが、現時点では何もできないと確信しています。ごめんなさい。
しかし、サードパーティの認証アプリがカジノのサイトから直接書類をアップロードする際にどのように正確に連携するのか、私にはよくわかりません。私は常に 1 つのバリエーションで十分だと思っていました。
また、スクリーンショットの 1 つで、Sumsub 認証を行わせたという部分も見つけました。これがあなたの第一選択ではなかったということを正しく理解していますか?非常に多くの意見を述べて申し訳ありませんが、私はそれがそこでどのように機能するかを少し知りたいだけです。
Fair day to you! Though I understand you've had your share of troubles, at least with the verification...
Anyway, if I may add my opinion, I'd say you need to wait for someone from the casino to get in touch with Sumsub to fix the problem. I realize this is especially annoying, but I'm more than convinced you can't do anything at this moment. I'm sorry.
Yet I'm not pretty sure how exactly a 3rd party verification app goes in hand with uploading documents directly through the casino's site. I always thought one variant was enough.
I also spotted the part in one of the screenshots where you say they made you do the Sumsub verification. Do I understand correctly that this was not your first choice? Pardon me for so many opinions, I only want to get some idea of how it works there.
チャットで、認証を受ける必要があると言われました。 Sumsubにリンクを貼りました。これが必要かどうか尋ねると、必要だと答えました。サイト上で書類をアップロードできるのに、サードパーティのサービスに転送されるのはなぜなのかと尋ねると、これが標準であるとのことでした。次に、検証セクションで検証が Sumsub を通じて実行されることをなぜすぐに示さないのか、特に理解できません。たとえば、検証は Fairspin と Destinyx で実行されましたが、そこでも役に立ちませんでした。
Hello. Happy International Women's Day to you Radka.
In the chat they told me that I had to go through verification. Gave a link to Sumsub. I asked if this was necessary and they answered yes. When I asked why, even though it was possible to upload documents on the site, I was sent to a third-party service, they answered that this was a standard. Then I especially don’t understand why they don’t immediately indicate in the verification section that verification will be done through Sumsub, as for example it was done on Fairspin and Destinyx, although it didn’t help there either.
こんにちは、ありがとうございます! 💚
悲しいことに、Sumsub 以外には、あるいはカジノさえもできることはほとんどないと私は確信しています。私が間違っていなかったら、彼らは今、これを修正する方法を見つける必要があるのです... こんなことを言って本当に申し訳ありません!
それで、実際に取り組んでいると誰かが言ったことがありますか?私はむしろ Sumsub に頼りたいと思っています。 🤔
Hi there, and thank you so much! 💚
As it seems, we both view these verification events quite the same way. I'd say that the current system is pretty confusing for players, and from what I've heard so far, support should be more caring to guide you through.
Sadly, I'm convinced there is little anyone aside from Sumsub or even the casino can do. If I'm not mistaken, now they really need to find a way to fix this... I'm really sorry to say that!
So, has anyone told you they are actually working on it? I would rather count on Sumsub. 🤔
tether.bet のアカウントに関する最新情報についてお知らせします。残念ながら、最近の本人確認の試みは成功しませんでした。その結果、お客様のアカウントを永久に閉鎖することを決定いたしました。
Hello. As a result, I received an email from Tether themselves. Due to a verification error, they decided to close my account without manually reviewing or trying to verify again.
I will give the letter below
We are writing to inform you about an update regarding your account on tether.bet. Unfortunately, your recent attempt to verify your identity has not been successful. As a result, we have made the decision to permanently close your account.
As per the Curacao Gaming Authority regulations, all players are required to complete a successful verification process to ensure fair and responsible gaming.
We want to remind you that according to our Terms and Conditions, which you have accepted upon opening the account, we have the full right to confiscate all funds, including your deposits. However, as a goodwill gesture from our side, we have decided to process your withdrawal and your remaining balance.
Please be aware that any attempts to open another account or engage in any other fraudulent activities will be met with strict enforcement of our rules and procedures. In such cases, all funds will be confiscated and donated to charity.
Kindly initiate a withdrawal request for the remaining balance.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
From the provided email, I can't say for sure whether you didn't pass the verification in terms of success or whether we are still talking about technical issues...
Based on the fact that the casino is willing to process your withdrawal, I'm not sure what made them do so.
Aside from this active withdrawal, is there any other amount left on your casino account?
The letter provided talks about the first and only verification attempt, a screenshot of the error I attached in my first message in the thread. And based on the fact that I didn’t pass it, they concluded that they needed to close my account. I withdrew all my funds. Interestingly, my account is not blocked, but my functionality is limited. And nothing is written in the profile about a failed verification attempt.
The important thing is that you managed to withdraw all the money.
However, I don't really understand why the casino closed your account or why your account is limited. Does it mean that you can't deposit there or what are the limits?
tether.bet のアカウントに関する最新情報をお知らせするためにこのメールを書いています。残念ながら、最近の本人確認の試みは成功しませんでした。その結果、アカウントを永久に閉鎖することを決定しました。
Hello. It looks like this:
We are writing to inform you about an update regarding your account on tether.bet. Unfortunately, your recent attempt to verify your identity has not been successful. As a result, we have made the decision to permanently close your account.
Do I understand correctly that I can withdraw my funds and you will close my account?
Yes, you are correct. All of your withdrawals will be processed as a goodwill gesture from our side, and your account will be closed.
それで、カジノは最終的に支払いを済ませたのでしょうか? 確認に合格しなかった理由をご存知ですか? 全額をあなたに渡してアカウントを閉鎖したのであれば、理由を告げなくてもそうする権利はカジノにありますが、カジノがあなたに何と言ったのか知りたいです。
So did the casino pay off in the end? Do you know why you didn't pass the verification? If they gave you all the money and then closed your account, they have the right to do that even if they didn't give you a reason, but I'd be interested to know what they told you.
They argued for closing the account by saying that I could not pass verification, although in fact I passed it. Above, I wrote that the third-party service that conducts verification at that time failed.
Yes, I was able to withdraw funds.
Then I don't really understand if you were verified on the basis of some third party service and then you weren't. Apparently the casino did it manually and something went wrong.
Anyway, I would expect them to explain it more or try to help. But if they paid you out and closed your account, that's their decision to make, whether the players like it or not, although it's a shame.
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