ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Trillonario Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは。昨日、https://www.trillonario.com/ に登録し、Visa デビット カードで 500 ドルを入金しました。スロットでプレイを開始し、プレイした後、600~700 ドルを獲得し、残高は 1100 ドルになりました。その後、出金のためにライブ チャットに連絡し、出金方法を教えてもらったので、Skrill メールで出金をリクエストしました。1 日待って、今日、メールを受け取りました。
Trillonario 請求部門からご連絡させていただきます。このメールは、このメール アドレスに関連付けられている Trillonario アカウントに関するものです。
- あなたの名前と住所が記載された最近の請求書のコピー
- 登録カードの表面と裏面のコピー。カード番号の中央の 8 桁と裏面の 3 桁の CVV2 セキュリティ コードは隠してください。カードの最初と最後の 4 桁、および署名された裏面のみ確認する必要があります。
私の名前は、Trillonario 請求部門の Cecilia です。このメールは、私たちが書いているメール アドレスに登録されているお客様のアカウントに関するものです。
Trillonario は規制対象企業であり、金融犯罪や個人情報の盗難を防止するために制定された国際電子商取引規制および決済カード業界標準に準拠していることにご注意ください。したがって、当社ではそのような活動に対処するための一連の手順とポリシーを整備しており、常に当社サイトとお客様の利益に配慮しています。また、当社はそのような疑わしい活動を関係する法務当局に報告し、犯罪の防止と訴追に協力するために調査を関係する金融情報部門に引き渡す義務があります。これには、当社のシステムによって収集されたすべての情報が含まれます。
Hello i registred yesterday in https://www.trillonario.com/ and i made deposit of 500$ with my visa debit cards..so i start play in slots and i played and after that i made a win of 600-700$ and my balance was 1100$ and after thay i contacted live chat for withdrawal they informed me how to make a withdrawal and i requested a withdrawal via skrill email...so i waiting 1 days and today i received in email that....
It is a pleasure to contact you from the Trillonario Billing Department. This email is in reference to your Trillonario account associated with this email address.
We regret to inform you that we have not been able to verify your data using the information you provided when registering on our site, and therefore we would like to kindly request your collaboration in verifying your account by sending us the following documents:
-copy of your passport, ID card, or driver's license
-copy of a recent bill showing your name and address
-copy of the front and back of your registered card(s). Please hide the middle 8 digits of your card number, and the three-digit CVV2 security code on the back. We only need to see the first and last four digits of the card, and the signed back.
You can send us these documents to the same email address we are writing to you from. Once we receive your documents and complete the verification of your account we will reward you with a discount on your next purchase.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that your future purchases will be accepted until we have received the data requested here and successfully verified your account. Therefore, we recommend that you send us this information as soon as possible to ensure continued use of our Site.
If you have any doubts as to the authenticity of this request for data, we invite you to contact us through the contact page on our Website and any of our friendly customer service representatives will be able to confirm that we sent you an email requesting your cooperation in verifying your account with documents.
We look forward to your cooperation in reestablishing your account as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Billing Department...
so after 15 minutes i send instatntly my ID Utilitly bill and cards picture and after some hourse they reply to my email like that...
Dear Charly:
My name is Cecilia from the Trillonario billing department. This email is in reference to your account registered with the email we are writing to.
We wish to inform you that upon completion of the security review of your account, it has come to our attention that the details in the images of the documents you provided as a form of verification do not match the information registered in your account, are misleading or have been manipulated. For this reason, your account has been cancelled and will remain blocked, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions published on our website.
Please note that Trillonario is a regulated company and is governed by international e-commerce regulations and payment card industry standards designed to prevent financial crimes and identity theft. Therefore, we have a series of procedures and policies in place to address such activities, always looking out for the interest of both our site and our customers. We are also obliged to report any such suspicious activity to the relevant legal authorities and transfer the investigation to the relevant financial intelligence unit to cooperate in the prevention and prosecution of crime; this includes all information collected by our systems.
We further inform you that should we observe further attempts to register an account on any of our sites, we will do our best to facilitate the prosecution of the person responsible for any criminal activity and will inform the relevant authorities by providing all necessary information.
We have issued a payment today to return the amounts you deposited to the original payment accounts.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Kind regards,
Cecilia Wolff
Billing Department
this is a very big fraud because this is not true, I also took screenshots yesterday in my account showing my name and surname... and this shows that your ID does not match your data registered in trillions, this is a fraud Please also see the photos that I will send you
This is not a pleasant situation, and it is understandable that you got frustrated.
That is why you have the right thing to submit a complaint here. Our team will surely try to investigate the matter, and hopefully soon we'll be able to find a solution to all this.
Now, we need to wait to see how this case will unfold, so please stay patient, and if there is any update, please come forward.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com