ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Vegascoin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
このカジノの親会社は SGinternationalNV であり、カジノの代表者が兼務している必要があります。何が起こっているのか説明してください。
I made a separate application for $2000 and $1000 to withdraw $3000, of which $2000 was received, but the remaining $1000 was not received at any time.
I contacted their support, but there was no response.
The parent company of this casino is SGinternationalNV and the casino's representative must be concurrently employed. Please explain what is going on.
こんにちは、まだ 1000 ドルを引き出すのにどれくらい待っていますか?最初の 2000 ドルを獲得するまでにどれくらいかかりましたか?それが長くなければ、あなたはすでに大きな部分を理解しているので、私はまだ懐疑的ではありません。ただし、14 日を超えている場合は、当社にご相談ください。
Hi, how long are you waiting for the 1000$ you still have to withdraw ? How long did it take to get the first 2000$ ? If it's not long I wouldn't be skeptical yet since you already got the bigger part. But if it's been longer than 14 days, you know you can turn to us.
However, in this case we would certainly need an answer from the casino as to why this is the case and since you have not received any so far, we can only guess without that.
I will wait for the response.
Hello dear andandjonnyx! Thanks for your patience. The rest of your withdrawal was under review of our team. As soon as it was checked and approved we sent it to you.
かなりの金額を勝ち取ったので、楽しんで、将来的にはこれ以上の問題が発生しないことを願っています。 🙂
I see that the casino answered you here and explained why there was a smaller delay and everything is fine when you got your money.
You won quite a nice sum, so hopefully you will enjoy it and there will be no more problems in the future. 🙂
いつでもサポート チャットにご連絡いただければ、VegasCoin カジノに関するあなたの意見を変えるために全力を尽くします。
Dear eyegetoksandrapam
We regret that your experience was spoiled.
But anyway let us explain the reason of withdrawal delay. Unfortunately we faced some issues with spammers. When the problem was resolved, we found your reply with Proof Of Address.
To this moment the withdrawal was cancelled by you and the balance was played.
You can always contact our support chat and we will do all our best to change your opinion about VegasCoin Casino
とはいえ、背景については詳しくないので、フィードバックをいただければ幸いです。共有していただきありがとうございます。 🙏
You know I would be so harsh on them. As far as I can tell from the latest response here on the forum, it seems the casino representative cared to let you know.
Since I'm not fully familiar with the background, though, I appreciate your feedback and thank you for sharing it with us. 🙏
保留中の確認書類に関してこのカジノからの返答を得ることができません。チャットは年中無休で利用できるという主張にもかかわらず、1週間以上利用できなくなっている。 1週間以上前に送信したメールに返信がありません。しかし、彼らは私のレビューに反応し、不誠実だったので、人々に警告することが重要だと感じています。ここにお金を預けないでください。
I am unable to get a response from this casino regarding my pending verification documents. Chat has been unavailable for over a week regardless of their claim that it's available 24/7. No response to email sent over a week ago. They did however respond to my review and were dishonest so I feel it's important to warn people. Do not deposit money here.
こんにちは、カジノにはアカウント確認プロセスを解決するまで 14 日間の猶予が与えられていますが、問い合わせてみても 1 週間も返答がない場合、それはカジノにとって最善のことではないと思います。
Hi, we give casinos 14 days to resolve the account verification process, but if you try to enquire and they don't reply for a week, I don't think that's the best thing for them.
However, do you have any money you want to withdraw in the casino and therefore you have to verify first ?
If you still have a problem and the casino can't get back to you, let us know and we will try to help you.
Hi Jaro thanks for your response. I originally submitted my documents along with a withdrawal request that I eventually just wound up playing. That was eleven days ago. I just checked again today and my documents are still in pending status, and chat is there but disabled. The fact that they suggested they sent me some sort of link and that their chat is available 24/7 in response to my review is blatantly false. I have no interest in playing there anymore so I don't need to file a complaint to try to complete verification, I'm just hoping other people don't fall victim to depositing there or sending personal information to them. I consider them rogue at this point.
tamalamaland123 1 月 31 日に登録されました
2 月 2 日に確認リンクを電子メールで送信しました
また、登録から 1 日後の 2 月 1 日には、プレイヤーとのアクティブなチャットは 1 件のみでした。
Jaro はどこに証拠を提出すべきかを教えてください。
Should we provide the screenshots showing that we tried to get in touch with player?
tamalamaland123 registered on 31 of January
We sent the verification link via email on 2nd of February
And there was only 1 active chat with player on 1st of February, which is 1 day after registration.
Jaro let us know where we should provide the proofs.
プレイヤーに話しかけて助けたり、次の行動方針を説明していただけないでしょうか。これは苦情以外の方法では提供できません。お知らせのとおり、プレーヤーの問題に対処するために丸 14 日の猶予期間が与えられます。
Hello there,
Could you perhaps address the player and help her out, or explain the next course of action? This is something we can't provide in any other way aside from the complaint, which, as informed, provides you with 14 full days to deal with the player's issue.
Despite that, I'd say the key point is to find the solution if possible. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, complications, or even the complaint.
Please turn to the player, you have the chance now.
Hi Jaro thanks for your response. I originally submitted my documents along with a withdrawal request that I eventually just wound up playing. That was eleven days ago. I just checked again today and my documents are still in pending status, and chat is there but disabled. The fact that they suggested they sent me some sort of link and that their chat is available 24/7 in response to my review is blatantly false. I have no interest in playing there anymore so I don't need to file a complaint to try to complete verification, I'm just hoping other people don't fall victim to depositing there or sending personal information to them. I consider them rogue at this point.
Radka さん、ありがとう。今朝、認証を完了するためのリンクが記載されたメールを受け取りました。私が理解できないのは、もしそれが私の間違いだったのか、彼らの間違いだったとしても、単にリンクを再送信するだけで、なぜこの会話とこの会話に 2 週間もかかったのかということです。また、チャットでのやりとりが 1 回しかなかったのは、最初の連絡からずっとチャットが利用できなかったためです。
ご協力に感謝いたしますが、なぜカジノ側は私と積極的にコミュニケーションをとって問題を解決するのではなく、「正しい」ことに焦点を当てたのか疑問に思います。今後このカジノでプレイすることはありませんが、Casino Guru がコミュニケーションの促進に協力してくれたことに感謝しています。
Thank you Radka, I received an email this morning with the link to complete verification. What I don't understand is why it took two weeks and this conversation for them to simply resend the link if it was a mistake on my part or theirs. Also, the reason there was only one chat communication, is because chat has not been available this entire time since the initial contact.
I appreciate your assistance here and wonder why the focus of the casino was to be "right" rather than proactively communicate with me and resolve the problem. I won't be playing at this casino any further, but am grateful for Casino Guru helping to encourage communication.
うまくいったのでとてもうれしいです。ご存知のように、この大騒ぎの原因はかなり単純な (または愚かな) 問題かもしれないと考えたので、私は関与せずにはいられませんでした。
もしよろしければ、私の意味が理解できれば、カジノについての質問はそのままにしておきます。 🙂
いずれにせよ、私たちはここにいます。非常に迅速に対応します。何か必要な場合、または他の誰かを助けたい場合は、脇に留まらないでください。 😉
I am so glad it worked. You know, I couldn't help but get involved because I thought the cause of all this fuss might be a fairly straightforward (or stupid) issue.
If you don't mind, I'll leave your question for the casino, if you catch my meaning. 🙂
In any case, we are here, quite responsive - if you ever need something or perhaps want to help someone else, don't stay aside. 😉
私の指摘は、特に 24 時間年中無休のチャット エージェント (1 名を除く) の準備が不足している可能性に関するものです。
最初のライブチャットでの会話で、書類が審査されるまで 24 時間待つ必要があると告げられました。また、6か月前までの居住証明書の提出も求められたので、すぐに送りました。その際に係員に内容を確認してもらえるか尋ねると、「いいえ」と言われました。この時点まではすべて順調でした。
2 回目の会話で、私は別の係員に私の書類を確認してもらえるか尋ねました。すると彼女は、私の居住証明書は3か月以内のものでなければならないと言いました。参加者間の情報が切断されているため、これはすでにエラーです。私は相手が 6 か月間のものを送ることを許可してくれたと彼女に伝えましたが、そのとき初めて彼女は受け入れてくれました (別の住所証明を探すのに時間を費やした後)。さらに、彼女はすぐに書類を確認し、承認してくれました。つまり、最初の付き添い人には私を助ける「意志の欠如」があった可能性があるのです。出金が承認されるまでにどれくらい時間がかかりますか尋ねたところ、承認されてから最大 24 時間かかると彼女は言いました。出金をリクエストした瞬間から、ウェブサイト上のステータスは「自動支払い」になっています。疑わしい表現ですが、これにより、私の支払いは彼らの承認後に(仮想ウォレットの場合と同様に)自動的に行われることを理解しています。
最後に、私は第三のエージェントとチャットすることになり、そのエージェントは私の辞退はすでに彼らによって承認されていると言いました。ただし、デジタルウォレットでそれを受け取るまでには、平均して 48 時間待つ必要があります。さらに、これは平均であり、期限を約束するものではないとも述べた。
Lack of quality in customer service
My point is specifically related to a possible lack of preparation of the 24x7 chat agents (with the exception of one person).
I registered at this casino, I won, I sent my documents for validation and requested a withdrawal.
In an initial live chat conversation, I was informed that I had to wait 24 hours for my documents to be reviewed. She also asked me for proof of residence from up to 6 months ago, and I sent it right away. I asked if the attendant could review them at that time, and she told me no. Up until this point, everything was fine.
In a second conversation, I asked another attendant if she could review my documents; and she informed me that my proof of residence should be up to 3 months old. This is already an error, as it involves disconnected information between the attendants. I informed her that the other had allowed me to send a 6-month one, and only then did she accepted (after I lost time looking for a different proof of address). Furthermore, she reviewed the documents immediately and approved them! In other words, the first attendant may have had a possible "lack of will" to help me. I asked how long it would take for my withdrawal to be approved, and she said it would take up to 24 hours from approval. From the moment I requested the withdrawal, the status on the website is: "Autopayment". A dubious expression, since with it I understand that my payment will be automatic (as it is with a virtual wallet) after their approval.
Finally, I got into a chat with a third agent, who said that my withdrawal had already been approved by them. However, I should wait 48 hours, on average, to receive it in my digital wallet. Furthermore, he said that this is an average, and they do not commit to any deadline.
In other words, every time I entered the chat, I had new or different information, and the whole situation would not have happened if all the agents were extremely clear about the procedure for withdrawing from the site.
I suggest that they evolve in this regard, and I await the payment of my withdraw, before I open a complaint in this website.
こんにちは。あなたの状況を読みました。まず、カジノに出金プロセスを完了するまでに 14 日間の猶予を与えていると言わなければなりません。したがって、ほんの数日しかかからず、それでもかなり早く完了したことを確認する必要があるとしても、私は懐疑的になったり悲しくなったりしません。一方で、チャットがあなたに答えてくれるのは素晴らしいことですが、一方で、あなたが別の答えを受け取り続けるのは良くないことも理解しています。利用規約にどのように書かれているか確認してみましたか?
Hi, I have read your situation and I have to start by saying that we give casinos 14 days to complete the withdrawal process. So I wouldn't be skeptical or sad when it only takes a couple of days and you still had to verify what you successfully completed pretty quickly I would say. On the one hand I would also mention that it is great that the chat answers you, but on the other hand I understand that it is not nice if you keep getting another answer. Have you tried checking the Terms and Conditions how it's written there ?
Anyway, now we will wait for the money to arrive since you wrote that the withdrawal was approved. Be sure to let me know when that happens.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com