登録時に、200% ボーナスではなく 100% ボーナスを選択しました。
お客様が個人的に 100% ボーナスを選択されたため、当初希望されていたが選択しなかったボーナスを付与できたことを嬉しく思います。😊
We have just finished resolving your bonus confusion.
During registration, you selected the 100% bonus, not the 200% bonus!
We have proof in our system showing when you clicked, activated, and confirmed your choice.
We had to wait for approval from the financial department to cancel your old bonus and apply the one you actually wanted, which is why it took some time to resolve your case.
Since you personally selected the 100% bonus, we hope you're happy now that we have granted you the bonus you originally wanted but did not select. 😊
Best regards,
Sorry, I was wrong
Overall, the casino really helped and solved the problem.
Извините, была не права
В общем, казино действительно помогло и решило проблему
私の知る限り、あなたにはすでに 200% のボーナス + 75 回のフリースピンが付与されています。
つまり、あなたは今、当初希望していたボーナスを正確に手に入れたことになります。しかし、あなたはそうではないと主張しているので、登録時にあなたが個人的に 100% ボーナスを選択したことを証明します。
さらに、ボーナス システムが他のすべてのユーザーに対して正しく機能しているのに、あなただけが問題を経験したということはあり得ません。:)
Apologies for the wait, but the mistake was made on your side when you selected the wrong bonus, and we have done our best to assist you and resolve the issue as fairly as possible.
From what I know, you have already been granted the 200% bonus + 75 Free Spins.
You also sent an additional request to modify the bonus, and our team approved the change and updated your bonus accordingly.
So, you now have the exact bonus you originally wanted. However, since you are claiming otherwise, I will now prove to you that you personally selected the 100% bonus when registering.
Additionally, it is impossible that the bonus system is working correctly for everyone else, but only you experienced an issue. :)
Best regards,
数日前、ホワイト ラベルからターンキー ソリューションに移行し、ライセンスを変更しました。このプロセス中、一部のボーナスは暗号通貨用の古い PSP に結び付けられたままでした。ターンキー ソリューションと新しいライセンスに切り替えたとき、特定の PSP が有効になっていなかったため、システムは 100% ボーナスのみをデフォルトとして検出しました。ただし、ある時点で、実際に 100% ボーナスを選択しました。:)
同時に、お客様側だけでなく当社側にもエラーがありました。新しい PSP が正しく有効化されておらず、誰かが 200% のボーナスを選択したにもかかわらず、デフォルトで 100% に設定されていました。
お客様の口座に資金を追加できたことを嬉しく思います。また、お詫びとして、残高に 50 ドルを追加させていただきます。このリクエストはすでに財務部門に転送済みです。
PayCryptos と PayCryptos Duplicate の違いがわかるように、PSP のスクリーンショットも送信します。複製 PSP は新しいライセンスで有効になっていますが、古い PSP は、新しいライセンスに同意しないユーザーが資金を引き出せるように、アクティブなままにしておく必要がありました。
We apologize once again for the inconvenience, but we want to acknowledge that, in the end, you were right. As you know, most casinos are not always willing to admit their mistakes. :)
In this case, there was a misunderstanding, and both you and we were right to some extent.
Here’s what happened:
A few days ago, we transitioned from a White Label to a Turnkey Solution and changed our license. During this process, a part of the bonuses remained tied to the old PSP for crypto. When we switched to the Turnkey Solution and the new license, a specific PSP was not enabled, which resulted in the system detecting only the 100% bonus as the default. However, at one point, you did actually select the 100% bonus. :)
At the same time, there was an error on your part, but also on our end, as the new PSP was not enabled correctly and was defaulting to 100%, even if someone had selected the 200% bonus.
We’re glad that we were able to add funds to your account, and as a further apology, we will be adding an extra $50 balance for you—I have already forwarded this request to the financial department.
I will also send you screenshots from the PSP so you can see the difference between PayCryptos and PayCryptos Duplicate. The duplicate PSP is enabled for the new license, while the old PSP had to remain active to allow users who did not accept the new license to withdraw their funds.
Please send us your email again so we can process the additional balance from our side. We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding and appreciate you pointing out the issue.
Best regards,
今は週末なので、タイミングが悪いだけです 🙂
be that as it may, but
the casino acted in the most decent way in any case
but I didn't have time to play the bonus because I didn't receive it. but if they solved such a delicate issue with my deposit bonus, then I think they will solve this too
it's just a bad time now - the weekend 🙂
как бы там ни было, но
казино в любом случае поступило максимально порядочно
но бонус отыграть не успела, потому что не получила его. но, если они решили такой деликатный вопрос с моим депозитным бонусом, то думаю решат и это
просто сейчас неудачное время - выходные 🙂
I understand, so if you manage to solve it during the week, let me know if you play the bonus, how did you do.
Have a nice day.😉
In the end, I still haven't managed to get the bonus 🙁
В итоге мне до сих пор не удалось получить бонус 🙁
Surely the casino should give it to you if they promised to give it to you.
Anyway, I know that casinos can decide, most of the time I hear from players "administrative decision" that they won't give bonuses to players.
However, they probably would have told you that already and if you dealt with them it shouldn't have been this case. That's why it's quite strange that it's like this.😕
In the end I got nothing...
That's why I didn't try to play in this casino any more, because it's not clear whether everything is okay with the casino and whether they pay out funds in case of winning.
В итоге я ничего не получила...
Поэтому и не пробовала дальше играть в этом казино, потому что не понятно, всё ли в порядке с казино и выплачивают ли они средства в случае выигрыша.
Actually I understand you, if you found such a problem, maybe sometimes it is better to leave it and go elsewhere. It's up to each player to decide.
So good luck to you.☘️
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