知っていれば間違いなく素晴らしいのですが、プレイヤーはまだ投稿していないようです。最近、何人かのプレイヤーがこのカジノについて苦情を言っているのは知っていますが、まだ当社の Web サイトにリストされておらず、システム内にのみリストされています。
It would definitely be great to know but I see that the player hasn't posted yet. I know that several players have recently complained about this casino, but it is not yet listed on our website but only in the system.
Of course, if the player you are reacting to would come back and tell us how his case turned out, that would be a good start.
However, I asked you a few questions a week ago and it might be good to answer them as well.