そうですね、「現在の残高は 0 USD です」と表示されます。これが問題だと思います。持っていないお金を引き出すことはできません。
興味本位ですが、カジノの完全な URL を送っていただけますか? これまで聞いたことがないような気がします。似たような名前なので残念ですね。🙂
Well, it says, "your current balance is 0 USD" So, I bet this is the problem. You can't withdraw the money you don't have.
Just out of curiosity, can you send me the casino's full URL, please? I think we have never heard about it before, and based on a similar name, I'd say it's a pity. 🙂
Thnk you!
ありがとうございます。弊社のチームにこのカジノを調査させてください。しかし、すでにお話ししたように、あなたの残高は 16.43 と表示されています。カジノに、なぜ何も引き出せないと表示されるのか尋ねましたか?
Thanks, I'll give it to our team to take a look at this casino. However, as we have already discussed, I see your balance as a 16.43. Did you ask the casino why it shows you as not being able to withdraw anything?
Hello again, from what I see this is not a casino. This looks like a Casino guru type of rewards program to me. There is no chat or support field, so I'm posting the question here so you can help me
Hi, we have nothing to do with such a site and it does not fall under us. Since it is not a casino, we probably won't be able to help you get your money out of there.
However, have you ever withdrawn from here or do you know anything about how it works ? As far as contact is concerned, I haven't found a contact details there so I don't know who would be a useful source to turn to if I'm honest. How did you get to this website ? 🤔
Oh, I'll try to look and if I find it I'll post the thread here. Do you know at least approximately to what it was related to what you found here ? 🤔
I remember it was about some campaign, something new about rewards. But I don't think there's been much progress
I'm sending links to the explanation videos that are on the website. links take directly to YouTube
ビデオを見ましたが、引き出しを入力するときに具体的にどのような問題があるのでしょうか? 最初のスクリーンショットでは残高が 0 と表示されていますが、上のウォレットには 16,41 と表示されているので混乱しています。頼れる人がいないので、ここからお金を引き出すのはおそらく難しいでしょう。
I watched the video and what is the specific problem you have when you enter your withdrawal ? I'm confused because on the first screenshot it says your balance is 0 and I see 16,41 in the wallet above. Since there is no one to turn to, it will probably be difficult to withdraw money from here.
Obviously I wouldn't try it here.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com