Hello canaberto,
thank you for the good news 👍. What about your closed account? Do plan to switch to a different casino, I wonder?
Hello canaberto,
thank you for the good news 👍. What about your closed account? Do plan to switch to a different casino, I wonder?
I have not closed the gutter. I currently play at Ybet casino and at Macau casino
Those from Macau are just as slow to pay. Also, my account still hasn't been verified after sending documents a long time ago.
No he cerrado cuneta. Actualmente jueo en Ybet casino y en Macau casino
Los de Macau son igual de lentos para pagar . Ademas todavia no me han verificado la cuenta despues de enviar documentos hace un monton de tiempo.
I'd say if you're considered about the withdrawal speed, then it would be the best for you to play in casinos with European licenses or even those who own the Spanish license.
I'm glad you also wrote a review on Ybet casino since it's still a fresh casino and we didn't have much feedback on them 👍
こんにちは、私は何週間も ybet サポートにアクセスしようとしていますが、何も起こりません。提供されたサービスにまったく満足できず、プロバイダーから抜け出せなくなりました。どうやらそこには人々の世話をするサポートがないようなので、どうすればいいのかわかりません。私がこれまでに持っていた最悪のプロバイダーです。そこに登録しないでください。それ以上は得られません.非常に悪い。
Hi, I've been trying to reach ybet support for weeks, nothing happens. I'm absolutely not satisfied with what I'm offered and now I can't get out of the provider. I don't know what to do anymore, because apparently there is no support there who takes care of the people there. the worst provider I've had so far, don't register there, you won't get any further with them. Ybet very bad.
Moin, ich versuche seid wochen den support von ybet zu erreichen, das passiert garnichts. ich bin absolut nicht zufrieden mit dem was mir geboten wird und komme jetzt nicht bei dem anbieter raus. ich weiß nicht mehr was ich da machen soll, da es anscheinend keinen support dort gibt der sich um die leute dort kümmert. der schlechteste anbieter den ich bis jetzt hatte, medlet euch bloß nicht dort an, man kommt nicht weiter bei denen. Ybet ganz übel.
どうしたの?せめてライブチャットで連絡取れる? 🤔
what is the matter, please? Can you get in touch via the live chat at least? 🤔
Nobody can be reached in the live chat either, that's the funny thing. I've tried every avenue to contact anyone with no success so far.
Bei dem Live-Chat ist auch keiner zu erreichen, das ist ja das komische. Ich habe alle Wege versucht jemanden zu kontaktieren, bis jetzt ohne Erfolg.
That does not seem good. May I know what is the problem you'd like to discuss with the casino?
We may be able to help, or other players may have some experience on that matter.
Yes, of course, I wanted to have my account closed because I don't like the provider and their support. Unfortunately, the support does not answer at all to my inquiries and emails.
Ja klar, ich wollte meinen Account schließen lassen weil mir der Anbieter und dessen Support nicht gefällt. Leider antwortet der Support überhaupt nicht auf meine Anfragen und Mails.
残念ながら、このカジノは 24 時間年中無休のライブ チャットを提供していません。 🤨
sadly this casino does not offer a 24/7 live chat, I guess it would solve the situation. 🤨
もちろん、カジノは 24 時間年中無休のチャットを提供しており、それが宣伝されています。どうしたの。カジノや何が起こっているのかについて嘘をつくことで報酬を得ますか.サイトにアクセスしてご覧ください。 https://www.ybet.com/de/contact/
Of course, the casino offers a 24/7 chat, that's what they advertise. what is wrong with you. do you get paid to lie for the casino or what is going on. go to the site and have a look.https://www.ybet.com/de/contact/
it really sucks what you can do with money, especially buy good ratings.
natürlich bietet das casino einen 24/7 chat an, damit werben die ja. was stimmt denn nicht bei euch. werdet ihr dafür bezahlt für das casino zu lügen oder was ist da los. geh mal auf die seite und schau dir das an.https://www.ybet.com/de/contact/
es ist echt scheiße was man mit geld alles machen kann, vorallem gute bewertungen kaufen.
Hello there,
we are not paid by casinos, so I will not lie for any casino. I can imagine that you may feel bad because the casino is not paying attention to your problem, as far as we checked, the casino does not currently provide 24/7 live chat, check it here:
Is there anything I can help you with?
I also believe that there is no deception.
What he already wrote in his review.
Importantly, payouts always work here.
Ich glaube auch, dass es keine Täuschung gibt.
Was er bereits in seiner Rezension schrieb.
Wichtig ist, dass Auszahlungen hier immer funktionieren.
カジノが本当に 24 時間年中無休のライブ チャットを提供していることを確認していただけますか。レビューが正確で適切であることを願っています。
Hello there,
maybe you can help me now 🙂
Can you please confirm that the casino truly provides 24/7 live chat, I just want the review to be accurate and fitting.
I would also like to know how fast the payouts are, can you advise?
みなさん、こんにちは。私はここに来たのは初めてですが、YBET.COM がサイトを空中から削除し、ベッターのお金もすべて削除したことを議論に加えたいと思います。引き出すことができず、R$ 30,000.00 を失いました。法廷でお金を取り戻せるかどうかわかりません。もし他にこの状況に陥っていて助けてくれる人がいたら、よろしくお願いします。
Hello Everyone, I'm new here, but I want to add to the discussion that YBET.COM removed the site from the air and along with it all the bettors' money. I lost R$ 30,000.00 as I couldn't withdraw it and I don't know if I can recover the money in court, if anyone else is in this situation and can help me I would be grateful.
Olá Pessoal, sou novo aqui, mas quero acrescentar à discussão que a YBET.COM removeu o site do ar e junto com ele todo o dinheiro dos apostadores. Eu perdi R$ 30.000,00 já que não pude sacar e não sei se posso recuperar o dinheiro de forma judicial, se mais alguém estiver nessa situação e puder me ajudar agradeço.
こんにちは。このような状況については申し訳ありません。ご希望の場合は、こちらのチームに苦情を申し立ててみてください。うまくいけば、彼らが何らかの形であなたを助けてくれることを願っていますが、私はそれについてあまり前向きではありません。 リンク 👈 に従ってください。
Hello. I am sorry about this situation. You can try to file a complaint here, with our team, if you wish. Hopefully they will be able to help you out somehow, even though, I wouldn't be very positive about it. Just follow the link 👈, please.
こんにちは、ロミ。苦情を登録しようとしましたが、YBET カジノのオプションがありません。
Hello Romi, I tried to register the complaint, but there is no YBET Casino option.
Olá Romi, tentei registrar a reclamação, porém não existe a opção do Cassino YBET.
Sorry for that, really. There is possibility to file a complaint even though it is not on the list. Unfortunately for this casino, as I have talked to my colleagues from our complaint team, it would be not possible to help you in any way. The casino used to operate without a license, so there is no ADR to contact. We do not have any contacts to this casino, and even before, as I was informed, there was a problem to communicate with the casino. So I am really sorry, we can not be of any help here.🤷♀️
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com