Is your account already fully verified? When exactly have you requested the withdrawal, please?
I hope it'll get resolved soon and you will be able to get your money. Let us know, please, how it goes.
May I ask if you had this kind of experience at this casino yourself?
Could you be more specific, please, and maybe we could help somehow? What do you say?
詐欺カジノは苦情処理に応じないので、あなたは助けることができません。私の理解では、あなたは正当な ADR ではありません。間違っていたら訂正してください。
You won't be able to help as scam casinos don't respond to your complaint process. From what I understand you aren't a legitimate ADR. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes. They just started cancelling withdrawals and do not respond on chat.
Reach out to them yourselves.
しかし、私が見る限り、このカジノに対して提出された苦情は 1 件だけで、ここで確認できるように、実際に解決されています。
You are right, we are not.
But as I can see, there has been only one complaint submitted for this casino, which was actually solved, as you can check here.
So, if you wish, file a complaint, and hopefully we will really be able to help.
What reason did they give you for canceling the withdrawal?
彼らは関与せず、ライブチャットは応答しません。また、すべての電子メールを無視し、サイトで 1 ユーロ以上を賭けることはできません。
You didn't do anything. The casino did not engage with you. The player stated it was a technical error and the casino fixed it. You can't claim your casino process did anything there.
They don't engage and live chat is non responsive. They also ignore all emails and you cannot bet more then 1 euro on their site.
They are another scam/dead site. They enhanced their offers of christmas (always a sign) to a ridiculous amount, then withdrawals got cancelled and delayed, support vanished and affiliates started to remove them. Always the same.
おそらく、ライセンス当局の中には、プレイヤーの苦情にまったく対処する準備ができていないところもあるという事実についても考えたいでしょう。キュラソーに関する最近の出来事を考えてみましょう... ですから、カジノと実際に交渉する方法を持つ独立した非公式の当局があなたの側にいるのは、それほど悪いことではありません。 🙂
苦情 1 件だけでは、カジノの担当者が別のケースに積極的に取り組むかどうかは判断できないと言っても過言ではありません。しかし、これまで話し合ってきたカジノはすべてあなたと話す気がないという事実に基づいて、可能性を検討しているのではないかという印象を拭い去ることができません。それは難しいと思います。そして、あなた自身の利益のために、あなたが間違っていることを心から願っています。次に何が起こるか見てみましょう。苦情を申し立てる気はありますか?
On the other hand, the casino is notified about every submitted complaint, so I think saying we did literally nothing is not right. Despite the fact that we do not resolve complaints just to be proud of ourselves. Once the player submits a complaint, it is handled according to the process. Sometimes the resolution comes sooner than the mediator reaches the casino directly with a list of demands, but that does not mean the complaint is worthless, I'd say. In this case, the player got the winnings. It is definitely worth it, in my opinion.
Perhaps you would also like to think about the fact that some licensing authorities are not even ready to address player's complaints at all. Take the latest events concerning Curacao... So, having an independent, unofficial authority with way of actually dealing wiht casinos at your side is not that bad. 🙂
It is fair to say the only complaint is not enough to determine whether the casino representative will be eager to address another case. Yet I can't get away the feeling that you consider the chances based on the fact that all these casinos you have been discussing are no longer interested in talking to you. I'd say that's tricky. And I truly hope you are wrong for your own benefit. Let's see what comes next. Are you up for the complaint?
If the casino has become a zombie project, we could really use your complaint.
Zix は死んだカジノです。苦情を言う意味はありません。サイトとチャットをチェックすれば、自分でもそれがわかります。
You can't claim your a successful complaint if a player opens one with you and it is resolved between the player and casino directly. It is manipulating your success stats and actually makes you seem disingenious.
Yes at least you try whereas the licensing authorities do nothing.
You need to improve with warning players though and should employ someone (with all your affiliate income) to be actively updating rogue casinos.
Zix is a dead casino. There's no point in doing a complaint. If you go on and check the site and the chat you will see this yourself.
実際には、Safety Index や苦情の処理方法に何らかの影響を与える「成功統計」は存在しません。あなたは、解決者は評価に値しないという考えに固執しているようです。
苦情は、一度開かれたら、結果に応じて閉じる必要があります。結果はカジノ側で解決されたということで、これは実際に問題が解決されたことを意味します。結果はありません - 解決です。感情を巻き込みたい場合には、明確な分類に従うだけです。本当にそれだけです。
There are actually no "success stats," which would somehow affect Safety Index or the way the complaints are handled. You seem to stick with the idea that the resolver does not deserve the credit.
I understand what you are saying, though. Follow this logis and keep feeling aside for a moment, please:
once opened, the complaint also needs to be closed in accordance with the outcome. The outcome was that the issue got resolved by the casino, which actually means the problem was resolved. No consequences - resolved. Where you want to involve emotion, we just follow clear categorization. It is truly that simple.
It is indeed awesome to meet new members who precisely know why and how we should do things; I see you are one of them. it simply not possible to hire as many data specialists to keep track of every casino. Of course, to determine which casino is about to be considered rogue, you have to in the end constantly monitor every casino. Instead, we do what we can and, in the process, ask palyers to help us by using the update us feature:
Or to submi tthe compplanit. I'm trying to say we are not convinced gambling would be a better place without our efforts just because we, like many others, do not have enough manpower to monitor each casino daily.
Things are not that simple for anyone. Your complaint will help us update the casino properly and, more importantly, may result in a lowered Safety Index. I think it is worth it.
I'm willing to join you as a casino tester/warden. I can send you data and warnings for casinos that have gone rogue or are starting to show symptoms of doing so.
I would do this free of charge as I don't need affiliate money.
Really? I guess my colleague Jozef is still on vacation, but I'll ask whether he likes the idea.
I by the way love the idea of a casino warden.
I'm making a note.
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