プロモーションは6.4.2022に開始し、31。5. 20221pmCESTに終了します。
コンテストに勝つチャンスを得るには、Casino Guruフォーラムの登録メンバーであり、18歳以上である必要があります(または、管轄区域でカジノゲームをプレイできる年齢に達する必要があります)。また、最終ラッフルのチケットを獲得するには、以下のフォーラムスレッドに返信を追加する必要があります。
Casino Guruは、複数のアカウントを使用してコンテストに参加し、勝つ可能性を高めるために、複数のアカウントを作成するユーザーを失格にする権利を留保します。
コンテストの賞品は、1x $ 100のAmazonバウチャー(またはお好みの通貨での同等額)です。
Terms and Conditions
The promotion starts on 6. 4. 2022 and ends on 31. 5. 2022 1pm CEST.
There is no need to spend real money to attend this competition and spending real money does not give you any advantage.
In order to get a chance of winning the competition, you must be a registered member of Casino Guru forum and 18+ years old (or you need to reach an age where you’re allowed to play casino games in your jurisdiction). You also need to add a reply to the forum thread below in order to earn a ticket into the final raffle.
You can earn 1 ticket by answering a question: "What's your most favourite slot machine game?"
Every forum user can answer the competitive question only once. That means a single person can earn the maximum of 1 ticket into the final raffle.
Casino Guru reserves the right to disqualify a user who will create multiple accounts in order to attend the competition using multiple accounts and increase the chance of winning.
1x winner of the $100 Amazon Voucher (or equivalent in a currency that they prefer) will be chosen randomly by a Casino Guru representative from all the tickets that will be part of the final raffle.
One person can win the maximum of 1x $100 Amazon Voucher.
This competition is run solely by Casino Guru, it is not sponsored or administered by any 3rd party company.
The competition prize is 1x $100 Amazon Voucher (or equivalent in a currency that you prefer)
It is not possible to exchange any prize for cash. It is winner’s responsibility to contact us on an email address forum@casino.guru or through FB (https://www.facebook.com/casino.guru.admin/) private message. If they fail to do so during 7 following days after the winner is announced, they will lose their right to claim the prize and a new winner will be announced.
Only the English version of these Terms and Conditions is valid. The same applies for the competition post description and any texts displayed on relevant images and pop up banners displayed on the casino.guru website or social media channels.
The prize cannot be won by Casino Guru employees and full-time consultants, even though it can be won by external casino testers.
In case the competition will be joined by less than 20 participants during the competition period, Casino Guru reserves the right to extend the competition period for up to 4 additional weeks.
These Terms and Conditions are effective since 6. 4. 2022.