賞品の受け取り方法はこちら メールにすでに返信しました
How to receive my prize here I have already replied to the email
Como receber meu prêmio aqui já respondi o email
賞品の受け取り方法はこちら メールにすでに返信しました
How to receive my prize here I have already replied to the email
Como receber meu prêmio aqui já respondi o email
辛抱強く待ってください。それが私が言えるすべてです。少し時間はかかりますが、あります。私は 200 ドルのバウチャーを受け取るまで 1 週間ほど待ったと思います。結局のところ、これはすべて無料です。ですから、辛抱強く理解していただく必要があります。私からのメッセージは以上です。
Be patient, that's all I can tell you. They need a little time, but they are there. I think I waited about a week for the $200 voucher. All this is free after all. So you should have some patience and understanding. That's all from me.
Strpi se , samo mogu to da ti kazem. Treba im malo vremena ali ispostuju. Mislim da sam cekao oko nedelju dana za vaucer od 200 $ . Ipak je sve ovo besplatno. Tako da bi trebalo da imas malo strpljena i razumevanja. Eto toliko od mene .
I won this tournament in second place, I received the email for confirmation but I haven't gotten any more replies and I've already confirmed for 3 days when will they reply for me to receive the prize?
Ganhei esse torneio em segundo lugar, recebi o email para confirmação porém não obtive mais respostas e já confirmei tem 3 dias quando ando responderam para eu receber o prêmio?
こんにちは、当選者様。しばらくお待ちください。他の当選者全員が同じメールに返信したら、すべてのバウチャーが送信されます。最近クリスマスが過ぎましたが、お気づきですか? いろいろなことが遅くなってきていますので、落ち着いてください。
Hello, dear winner. I beg your kind patience. All the vouchers will be sent once all the other winners respond to the very same email. Christmas has passed recently, have you noticed? All sorts of things were slowing down, so try to keep calm, please.
私はトーナメントで上位に入賞して Amazon バウチャーを獲得したことがあります。このバウチャーはすべて合法であり、あなたもバウチャーを獲得できることを知っていただきたいと思います。Casino Guru で起こることはすべて現実であり、彼らはここで約束を守っており、疑う余地はありません。すぐにわかるでしょう。
Dear Ciganinho13
I'm a past winner of an Amazon Voucher for placing in a Tournament & I just want you to know it is all legit & you will get it! Everything that happens w/ Casino Guru is for real & they are true to their word here, leaving no room for doubt! You'll see soon enough!
Bye now!
Vicki from Kansas USA
こんにちは、Juraj はまだメールを送信していません。
少し辛抱してください。彼はすぐにそうするでしょう。今週の金曜日までに届かない場合は、私に連絡してください。状況をお聞きして、あなたと共有します。 🙂
Hello, Juraj hasn't sent the email yet.
You have to be a bit patient and he will do so shortly. If you won't get it till this Friday, get back to me and I will ask about the situation and share it with you. 🙂
Deal? 😀
Good evening, I haven't received the email to validate my first place prize.
Buenas noches no me llega el correo para validar mi premio de primer lugar
はい、見ました。Juraj はまだ私に連絡をくれていないので、何か関連のあることが分かり次第お知らせします。😉
Yes I saw it, Juraj hasn't written to me yet so as soon as I know something relevant I'll let you know.😉
私たちはギリシャの賭博店にも存在しないゲーム「PURRRMTNATOR」をプレイしています。このゲームはスピンごとに 1,000 と 2,000 を支払いますが、終了しても賞金がいくらだったかは表示されず、真実かどうか誰もわからない参考スコアと参考ランキングが表示されます。
500 周にわたって時間を無駄にし、最終的にはゼロになってしまうのです。
I don't understand this tournament.
We are playing a game that doesn't even exist in Greek betting shops, "PURRRMTNATOR", which pays 1,000 and 2,000 on each spin and when you finish it doesn't remind you what your winnings were, but rather shows you an indicative score and an indicative ranking that no one knows if it's true.
We're made to lose time for 500 laps and in the end you're at zero.
I don't see the reason for this tournament to exist because there's no way anyone can win in it.
So how did those who are there end up in first place?
With the money they won?
Which none of us actually knows?
Το τουρνουα αυτο δεν το καταλαβαίνω
Παιζουμε σ ενα παιχνίδι που ουτε καν υπάρχει στις στοιχηματικές της Ελλάδος "PURRRMTNATOR"που πληρώνει 1.000 και 2.000 σε καθε ριξιά και οταν τελειωνεις δεν σου υπενθυμίζει ποιό ήταν το κέρδος σου αλλά παραπάνω σου δειχνει μια ενδεικτική βαθμολογία και μια ενδεικτική κατάταξη που κανείς δεν ξέρει αν ειναι αληθές.
Μας βαζεται να χανουμε χρόνο για 500 γυρους και στο τέλος εισαι στο μηδεν
Δεν βλεπω τον λογο υπαρξης αυτου του τουρνουά γιατι δεν υπαρχει κι ο τρόπος που κερδίζει καποιος σ αυτό
Πως βρεθηκαν δηλαδή στην πρωτη θέση κατάταξης αυτοί που βρίσκονται εκεί?
Με τα χρηματα που κέρδισαν ?
Που στην ουσία κανείς μας δεν γνωρίζει?
また、完了すると、スコア ポイントがリーダーボードに移動され、5.8k を超える参加者全員が表示されるわけではありません。
I can see the leaderboard just fine:
What seems to be the issue on your side, please?
Since the tournament is free, there are not so tight restrictions—no real money involved on your side.
Also, upon completion, the score points are moved to the leaderboard and not all more than 5.8k participants are visible.
Did this help, please?
My problem is that as you say it's free I win 5000 and more money and I sit down to play 500 times for nothing And also because when the rounds end your winnings don't appear This means that the tournament is what it is and you direct it as you want
Sorry, I think you missed the fact that the tournaments are free. Is that right? It is written all over the place, and you did not even need to deposit. That is just another clue, I suppose.
Well, sorry—we are not a casino.
それで、なぜ皆さんのトーナメントではいつも 100 万ポイント以上を獲得する人がいるのですか?
Off the wall question here...
So, why is there always someone with a million + points in you guys tournaments here?
Actually 1st through 3rd place always have a ridiculous amount of points. Pretty much making it impossible for anyone here to win. Do you agree?
Hi, I've tried to play these tournaments sometimes even though my win wouldn't count even if I'm first. But I never even got past the 200k point mark, for example. I would say that if you have a million points you have to catch a lot of scatters and win quite significant amounts. But as you can see, probably not that many people manage to do that. We certainly don't have to cheat or lie in our tournaments when players just participate and don't put anything in. 🙂
I think that's fine, I mean you replied to a post that wasn't addressed to you but if you took something from what I wrote, I'm glad. 🙂
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