after one failed withdrawal due to a technical problem, I didn’t have any issues with withdrawals since then. This was to a Mastercard starling account
after one failed withdrawal due to a technical problem, I didn’t have any issues with withdrawals since then. This was to a Mastercard starling account
Hi, I wanted to open a starling account but I can't as I closed mine 3 months ago and I will have to wait 12 months to open another. Fingers crossed NETELLER does work as it is known to do worldwide transactions and is MasterCard. If that fails I have Monzo or RBS too. Surely if so many banks are not working, maybe Basswin needs to sort something else out their end or they just refusing to pay out
NETELLER は世界規模の取引で知られています。これが失敗した場合、MasterCard システムを整理する必要があります。技術的な問題があったとは思いません。支払いを拒否しているだけだと思います。支払い部門の連絡先を教えてもらえません。Web サイトの番号に電話しましたが、担当者は詳細を教えてもらえず、まったく助けてくれませんでした。NETELLER が失敗した場合、この会社は間違いなく詐欺だと思います。
Well NETELLER is known for worldwide transactions. If this fails then their need to sort their MasterCard system out. I don't think there have been technical issues. I believe they just refusing to pay out. They refuse to give me contact details for the payment department. I called on the number on their website and the person refused to give me any details or help me out at all. If NETELLER fails then I believe the company is definitely a scam.
Well seeing what I have read. I think it takes a miracle to get a successful withdrawal. But I shall give them a chance and see
どこかで引き出しを受けるのが難しくなるのは事実ですが、Neteller を使えばそれが可能になり、あなたは幸せになれると信じましょう。
Somewhere it's harder to get a withdrawal that's true but let's believe that with Neteller it will be possible and you will be able to be happy.
I will wait for your update. 😉
出金が完了しました。出金にはNETELLERまたはStarling銀行を使用することをお勧めします。合計金額は298ポンドでした。そのため、英国のメイン口座に移しました。また、Basswin Casinoのアカウントも閉鎖しました。二度とプレイするつもりはありません。これで一件落着です🔒。苦情がこれ以上広がらなかったのは幸運だったと思います。
The withdrawal has come through. I suggest people use NETELLER or Starling bank for withdrawals. It came to 298 pounds. So I moved it to my main UK accounts. I have also closed down Basswin Casino account as I won't be playing with them again. Case closed 🔒 reckon. They lucky the complaint didn't go further
Excellent news, take your money. ☘️🎉
I also understand your position and the fact that you closed your account.
May you prosper elsewhere.
Hello, how long have you been waiting for your money ? The payment methods you mention have not been successful or you don't know yet ? The player above you had a successful withdrawal recently and if you go through this thread you will surely find more.
Anyway, let me know how you are in your situation please.
以前のユーザーから、Skrill MasterCard は使えると聞きました。使えない場合は、世界中で使える NETELLER を使います。物理的なカードは必要ありません。バーチャルカードを使って、スクリーンショットを撮って、数ポンド/ユーロを入れて明細書を作成できます。その後、認証プロセスのために、バーチャルカードと一緒に明細書をダウンロードまたはスクリーンショットできます。これらをすべて完了したら、お金が届くはずです。
I heard skrill MasterCard does work from previous users. If not, then I use NETELLER as they are worldwide. You don't need a physical card from them, you can use a virtual card, screenshot it and put in a few pounds/euros to create a statement. You can then download or screen shot the statement together with virtual card for authentication process. Once you done all that, money should come through
Something else I've seen a. Lot in review sire about this crap site is that it's licenced by Curaçao. That is totally untrue and even refuted by Curaçao themselves. I know this because I'm looking into the amount of criminal activity on here. I contacted Curaçao and they have no licence for this casino
This site is very suspect mate a lot of criminal activity on this site. I'm not saying you will or won't get your money because I've never played but I'm investigating this site
私はすでにこのスレッドであなたに返信しました: https://casinoguru-en.com/forum/casinos/bass-win-casino---general-discussion#post-125710
ぜひチェックしてみてください 🙂
I already replied to you here in this thread: https://casinoguru-en.com/forum/casinos/bass-win-casino---general-discussion#post-125710
So, you can check it out 🙂
こんにちは。Basswin 77 に参加して 250 ユーロを獲得しました。
私は現在引き出しを待っており、すでに 36 時間経過しています。
Hello I joined Basswin 77 and I have won 250 euro.
im a currently waiting on a withdrawal and it is now at the 36 hour mark.
i have tried chat but they are just ignoring me.
Ive started to think I’ve been scammed and decided to dig around and come across this feed.
i will give it another 12 hours but looking at other peoples comments everyone seems to be having a issue to withdrawal from this site
金を手に入れるのがうまくいくことを祈るよ。前に言ったように、このサイトは詐欺ではないかと調査中だ。カスタマー サポートは 1 人の担当者が運営しているので、VOIP 番号に電話すると、メールに応答する同じ担当者が応対し、ライブ チャットでは別の人物のふりをして、問題を解決している間に担当者を入れ替え、別の人とチャットしているように見せかける。
Good luck trying to get your money mate. Like I said I'm looking into this site being a scam. The customer support is run by one person so if you ring the VOIP number you'll get the same dude that answers emails and on live chat he pretends to be different people and will try swapping the agents while sorting out your issue to make it look like you're chatting to different people.
This casino doesn't have a gaming license and is breaking withdrawal laws by saying you can only withdraw certain amounts in one go. By LAW a customer has the RIGHT to withdraw ALL winnings in one go restriction free no excuses.
If you read up about it all LEGAL casinos MUST have a license and be REGULATED by a legitimate gaming regulatory authority which these scammers are NOT they say they are self regulated which means they're not operating within the law
こんにちは。Basswin 77 に参加して 250 ユーロを獲得しました。
私は現在引き出しを待っており、すでに 36 時間経過しています。
Hello I joined Basswin 77 and I have won 250 euro.
im a currently waiting on a withdrawal and it is now at the 36 hour mark.
i have tried chat but they are just ignoring me.
Ive started to think I’ve been scammed and decided to dig around and come across this feed.
i will give it another 12 hours but looking at other peoples comments everyone seems to be having a issue to withdrawal from this site
owenevans280277 さんのおっしゃる通りだと思います。しかし、幸運にもお金を受け取れることを祈るばかりです。もし受け取れなかった場合、今後 13 日以内に支払いが行われなければ、苦情処理プロセスを通じて介入を試みるかもしれません。
I fear that owenevans280277 is quite correct. However, let us just hope that you are fortunate enough to get the money; if not, we may attempt to intervene via the complaint process if they do not pay you within the next 13 days.
To be honest, we need to give them some time to work out the payment first. I imah´gine it is not what you expected 🙁.
結局のところ、合法かつ規制されているカジノのほとんどは、顧客が入金するのと同じ方法で出金を許可しています。それができない場合は、なぜなのか自問する必要があります。... 皆さんへのアドバイスは、どのカジノでもプレイする前に、利用規約を読むことです。
Basswins の利用規約、会社概要、お問い合わせ先などを読んだことがあるなら、ほとんどの情報がでたらめか違法であることがわかるでしょう。
もう 1 つ、カスタマー サービスやライブ チャット、電話の担当者 (ちなみにすべて同じ担当者) が質問が気に入らない場合は、顧客が支払いをしないように、質問をそらして無関係なことを言うでしょう。
At the end of the day most legal and regulated casinos allow withdrawals in the same way a customer deposits. If they can't do it you need to ask yourself why?... My tip for everyone is to READ THE Ts and Cs before playing ANY casino.
If you do/did read Basswins Terms and Conditions, About Us , Contact Us etc you'll see that most of the information is either Bulls**t or Illegal.
One more thing is if the guy from customer service or Live Chat or Telephone Call ( All the same guy btw) doesn't like the question he will deflect it and say something irrelevant just to keep them from paying up.
幸運なことに、36 時間後に引き出し額が支払われました。銀行ではまだ保留中と表示されていますが、決済されるのを待っているだけです。
今日は幸運にもさらに 200 ユーロを獲得したので、それを引き出そうとしています。
私は1年前にgam stopにサインアップし、愚かにも5年間の例外を設定しました。
So lucky after the 36 hours I have been paid my withdrawal, still technically pending shows up on my bank but just waiting for it to clear.
I was lucky to win another 200 euros today which I am trying to withdraw.
they rejected my first attempts saying that they want a copy of my bank statement which I think is weird.
I have done all the verification so I don't know why they need this.
2nd attempted is still pending for now.
I signed up to gam stop a year ago and stupidly put a 5 year exception.
Bass win looked legit so I thought why not.
I only have deposited 2 x 20quid and was lucky to win 250 euro and today 200 euro but it seems like they just don't want to pay but keep ringing me telling me to deposit more.
my response is I wont deposit until I have received my withdraw.
the loops I've had to jump through is ridiculous but I want my winning which is what is owed.
they have taken my money and they should paid what is owed.
Bass Win に参加するのはバカバカしい気がしますが、もしこれが単なる詐欺サイトだとしたら、どうやってまだ運営できているのでしょうか?
I have taken screen shots of all my banks too cause reading some of the comments it says they pay you so the funds leave your account and then after a few days they cancel the bank transfer which means they have technically robbed you of your winnings.
I do feel stupid joining bass win but if it is just a scam website how is it still able to operate ?
if they are committing daylight robbery they must be accountable for something.
ライブチャットでつながると、スタッフはたくさんいると主張しますが、オリビア、ミーガン、チャーリーという 3 人の名前しか目に留まりません。しかし、彼らがあなたにどのように話しかけるかをよく注意して見れば、あなたにメッセージを送信しているのはまったく同じ人物であることに気付くでしょう。
彼らは2017年から運営していると主張しています。調べてみると、Googleでさえ、(ライセンスなしで)3か月しか運営されていないことを知っていることがわかります。著作権©️ 2024年4月
They will look for any excuse not to pay mate.... they will drag it out and look for an excuse not to pay claiming that you have broke their terns and conditions.
When you get through on live chat they claim to have load of staff but you'll notice only 3 names Olivia Megan and Charley. But if you pay close attention to how they speak to you then you'll notice its exactly the same person messaging you.
They claim to have been in operation since 2017. If you do your research you'll find that even Google knows its only been in operation (without a licence) for 3 months copyright ©️ APRIL 2024
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com