詳細な書類に関してたらい回しにされているだけです。2 月 7 日の金曜日の夜にゲームをしてお金を勝ち取ったのですが、明細書には 10 日の月曜日の取引がすべて記載されています。これは銀行ではよくあることですが、日付が一致しないとちょっと問題になるのではないかと心配しています。今日銀行に行って、この問題を回避する方法が見つかるか、日付が一致していない明細書の元のダウンロードを提出するしかないか確認するつもりです。
Hello and thank you for the quick response it's very comforting to know that you're out there to help people like myself. The documentation for the verification is kind of a Troublesome roller coaster. I have a few more things I would like to try and do with my bank before I formally require help.
just getting the runaround in regard to documentation with specifics. I was playing and won money on a Friday evening the 7th of February and my statement show all the transactions on the Monday the 10th. This is common for banks to do.but I'm worried that if the dates don't line up I will be having a bit of an issue. I'm going to go sit down with my bank today and see if we can find out a way around this or I just will have to submit my original download of my statement with the dates not lining up.
I'll keep you posted but if you have any good words of advice in regard to this scenario I would love to hear it thanks