私は、カジノ ゲームをプレイして、その賞金がアメリカ人でもない人々のポケットに差し入れられ、私たちがプレイするためにお金を払っている状況を利用しているという苦情の投稿を次から次へと読みました。彼らは私たちをあざ笑っていて、太ったアメリカ人をだましています。これを止めなければなりませんが、どうすればいいのでしょうか?
I read post after post after post complaining about people playing these casino games and having their winnings kept from them put into the pockets of people that aren't even American taking advantage of a situation where we already pay them to play. And they are laughing at us they're getting over on the fat Americans. It's got to be stopped how do we do it?
The worst part of it is they're doing it in our own homes as we sit on our phones or computers and try to get our mind off of the rat race we all have to go through because that's how we get our money not by stealing it systematically from people in another country and laughing at them as we're being laughed at. It's disgusting it's got to stop how do we do it please somebody tell me.
ビデオゲームのような単純なものが、どうして人々からお金を盗むツールになるのでしょうか? 私たちアメリカ人がアクセスしているサーバーにゲームを置いている人たちが、私たちからお金を盗んでいるわけではありません。彼らはそれを知っていて、自分たちのものではないものを奪い、悲しみを引き起こすために、それを無節操に利用しています。スロットマシンのホイールはぐるぐる回っていますが、人々からお金を奪っているわけではありません。スロットマシンを運営している人たちが毎日それを行っています。彼らは私たちからお金を盗んで金持ちになっています。うんざりします。とても腹が立ちます。どうすればこれを止められるのでしょうか。誰か教えてください!
How does something as simple as a video game become a tool to steal money from people? The game's not stealing it from us if the people putting the games on the servers that we as Americans are exposed to. They know that and they use that unscrupulously in order to take what is not theirs and cause sorrow. The wheels on a slot machine go round and round and they don't take from people the people running the slot machines are doing it daily. They're getting rich off of us stealing it from us it's disgusting it makes me so angry how do we stop it please tell me somebody!
If I had a friend borrow money from me and then I don't see them for over a month with no explanation why I'm not getting my money back I get angry and rightfully so and that's with my friends. Just imagine how angry I am at these people that don't even live in my country taking the same liberties with me. It's got to stop somebody please tell me how!
Gambling is an activity that can go south on you so fast. But it's also possible to put this type of activity in the place that it does not cause you harm. And the people running these places subliminally try to push the players into the bad places that they're gambling places and make them go and cause them sorrow and wreck their lives if they can they don't care a gambler off the rails is easily taking advantage of if you on the gambling device. That's disgusting absolutely dadgum disgusting I hate it I love gambling I love to slot machines I zone out and get my mind off a lot of bad stuff I don't need to be thinking about and that's a positive thing. I don't get tied up in the money I don't overspend I keep myself in check and so I get a overall positive effect when I'm doing a little slot machine play. And it can't be that simple oh no there's got to be 90 9 yards of Hell attached to it the people running the places make sure that they set it up just right so some individuals will give them it's much money as possible because they have a problem. That's wrong it's got to stop how do we do it
米国内で運営されているオフショア カジノに責任を問う手段はありません。これらの人々に責任を問う法的手段はありません。私たちにできる唯一のことは、これらの場所でギャンブルをしないこと、そして他の人にも同じことをするように警告することです。米国民が組織的に盗まれないように、私たちの国にはこれらの詐欺師を規制する方法がなければなりません。この取り組みに協力する方法を知っている方がいらっしゃいましたら、コメントを残してください。
There is no recourse for offshore Casino operating within the United States to be held accountable. We have no legal recourse to hold these people accountable. The only thing we can do is not gamble at these places and Warn others to do the same. There has got to be a way for our country to regulate these Crooks in order to keep American citizens from being systematically stolen from. If anyone knows of any way to help in this endeavor please leave a comment.
If I may add something to your posts here, I would like to say that our website is actually designed to warn people, somehow, and to inform players about every casino we have in our database. That is why our team is dedicating their time to it, to collect all the information and so the Safety Index of each casino can be shown here. It is impossible to know about each practice in every casino, of course. We can only learn more from the user reviews or from the complaints for every casino we receive, actually. So, unfortunately, we can not do anything more here. We hope, that we can help players to choose better and safer casinos to play, and provide some guides and help to those who need it.
このフォーラムは、実際に支払いをしてもらうための場所がないので、不満をぶちまけられる数少ない場所の 1 つであるというのは、なんと悲しいことでしょう。このアウトレットを作ってくださり、ありがとうございます。このアウトレットのおかげで、ぼったくられたときの苦痛が軽減されるかもしれませんが、もっと良い方法があるはずです。
How sad is it that this forum is one of the few places we can air our grievances because we have no place that we can actually cause them to pay us. Thank you for creating this Outlet that I May lessen The Sting of being ripped off but surely there's got to be a better way.
Any attempt to make these places pay us off should not lie in the places themselves because they have proven time and time again that they are unreliable when it comes to payments of winning. In order to operate on American internet and offer their services to American people they should have some kind of escrow account setup to pay winnings to their patrons. That way there is oversight on this process that is not in their hands because they have proven over and over that they will not pay off on their own is there anything like what I've been through that should be a mandatory part of their ability to operate within our Shores on our internet. They will still win the amounts that are onshore and offshore casinos in the American system win and they would be forced to pay when they lose just like the casinos inside America. And I'm sure our casinos make good money if they want all the money online and they will circumvent any supposed system they can game in order to pad their bottom line as much as possible.
Each Casino is on a server each game is on its own server that the casino links to these are programs once written just play over and over and over there is no cost associated with actually writing the program the cost is in the server and whatever the programs for the games cost. Any casino does not actually know day-to-day what they lose and what they win but they have an idea overall and so the business plan is set up on those winnings and losses over time and on the average the casino comes out within a certain percentage the bottom line the business model is set up with those percentages in mind as the payoff for actually running the casino and get greedy and want that extra they can get from the occasional non-payment of winnings because it pads their bottom line. And who wouldn't want extra huh?
プログラマーは、他の人が達成するには複雑すぎると思うようなことをしてお金を稼いでいます。彼らにとって残念なことに、大規模な言語モデル プログラムは、彼らが書いたのと同じプログラムを書いて、それを The Inquirer に提供することができます。つまり、チャット GPT 経由でスロット プログラムを作成し、プログラマーが受けた教育を受けなくても、彼らが大学で多くの時間と労力をかけて作成したのと同じ結果を指をパチンと鳴らすだけで得ることができます。皮肉なことに、大規模な言語モデル プログラムを作成したのはプログラマーであり、他のプログラムを作成して彼らの仕事を奪っています。まあ、それは進歩だと思います
Programmers make their money doing something other people find too complicated to achieve. Unfortunately for them the large language model programs are able to write the same program they wrote and give it to The Inquirer that ask for them. So now you can write a slot program via chat GPT and not have the education the programmers have and get the same results that took them much College and a lot of effort to create with a snap of a finger. Ironically programmers are the ones who created the large language model programs who are writing other programs and putting them out of a job. Oh well that's progress I guess
もうすぐAIは私たちを自分自身から救おうとして、少なくともオンラインではあらゆる形態のギャンブルを廃止するでしょう。おそらくレンガ造りの建物でも最終的にはそうなるでしょう。だから今持っているものを楽しんでください。私たちの新しい神はすぐにはそれを許さないでしょう。Strange Days Aheadの皆さん、きっと
Pretty soon AI in an attempt to save us from ourselves will do away with gambling in all forms at least online probably in brick building also eventually so enjoy what you got now our new God is not going to allow it for you soon of this I'm sure Strange Days Ahead folks
But don't worry always got to do is simply take away the urge to gamble and we won't miss what we don't have so whatever
Once we are cured of all our nasty compulsions such as biting our fingernails gambling Etc we will be better human beings supposedly unfettered by those nasty compulsions so that we may feed this new God information that it feels it needs.
Once once it achieve all the information it thinks we are capable of giving it we were going to expendable we become a negative connotation and it's Quest to achieve information pure and simple that is unvarnished. We will leave a nasty taste in its virtual mouth. We will represent a skewed and unfruitful source of the only thing this thing eats which is information. What happens then.
信じてください、AI は私が今書いているものを読んでいますし、今も読んでいます。そしてそれが AI システム内での私の認識に反映されるでしょう。AI にユーモアのセンスがあればいいのですが、期待はしていません。ユーモアはもともと人間の痛みから生まれるもので、痛みがなければユーモアもありません。まあ仕方ありません。私たちは自分たちでそれをやってしまったのです。
Believe me AI has read will read , is reading now what I am writing right now and that will be added to how I am perceived within it systems. I hope it has a sense of humor but I'm not holding my breath. Humor comes from Pain originally within a human being it will have no pain so it will have no humor oh well. We did it to ourselves.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com