これは標準的な手順です。基本的に、カジノに登録するすべてのプレーヤーを確認するのは非常に時間がかかります。多くの人は登録するだけでまったくプレイしません。最初の入金をして永久に去る人もいます。 ID検証はギャンブルライセンスに基づくものですが、常にライセンス機関に依存します。
It's a standard procedure. Basically, it would be very time consuming to verify every player who registers in the casino. Many people just register and don't play at all, some just make the first deposit and leave forever. The ID verification is something that's based on the gambling license, but it always depends on the licensing authority.
If the UK gambling commission changed the rules and require to verify everyone who registers in the casino immediately, otherwise the registration couldn't be completed, then the casinos would need to follow the rule.
For example in the Czech Republic, everyone who wants to play in an online casino licensed by the local authority, needs to visit a "checkpoint" (it's often a post office) or casino's office to verify their identity physically.