こんにちは、私はVavada Casino 👈しか知らないので、カジノのURLを共有することをお勧めします。
確認デポジットは一般的な慣行ですが、心配な場合は常に状況を考慮する必要があります。これは利用規約に記載されていますか? 金額は低くなると思いますが、状況によって異なると思います。これは、サイトへの最初のデポジットになるのでしょうか?
サポートはどうですか? 公式の説明は何ですか?
Hey, I'm only familiar with Vavada Casino 👈 so I suggest you share the casino's URL.
The verification deposit is common practice, but I'd say if you're worried, you should always consider the circumstances - is this mentioned in the Terms and Conditions? I would expect a lower amount, but it depends, I guess. Is this supposed to be the first deposit at the site?
What about the support? What is the official explanation?
Additionally, is the casino licensed somewhere at least?
Well, send the URL and ask the casino, please.
deposited $50 usd than got told it needed to be 80
than talked to Telegram service and they said I could pay the different and after being told many time It will be soon ended in no reply
message site support and knew nothing about it told me I still had to deposit 80 usd to withdraw
これは、先ほど述べた本物の Vavada Casino のように見えますが、ミラー ページであるかどうかは 100% 確信できません。そこで、同僚に調査を依頼しました。信頼できる、定評のあるサイトかどうかを知ることは重要です。
Hey, thank you for the link and update.
It looks like the real Vavada Casino - the one I mentioned earlier—but I'm not 100% sure it is just a mirror page. So, I asked my colleague to investigate. It is important to know whether we are talking about one of the trustable and well-established sites or not.
To find out more about the deposit situation, could you perhaps insert a screenshot showing the conversation about the deposit, please?
That would be extremely helpful.
こんにちは。Vavada カジノによく似ていますが、いくつかの情報が異なっていたので、確認のためにチームに渡しました。別のカジノであることが判明した場合は、チームがレビューを行います。プレイヤーがそれについて書いているのを見たことがないので、そこでどのように機能するかはわかりません。
Hello, it looks a lot like the Vavada casino but I saw some of the information was different so I gave it to our team to check. Alternatively they will do a review if it is found to be a different casino. I haven't seen any players write about it, so I'm not sure how it works there.
Have you tried it yet or are you asking in advance?
しかし、ここで最も心配なニュースが届きました。これは Vavada の公式代表者から直接届いたものです。Vavadagates サイトはフィッシング サイトです。世界的に有名なカジノのように見えるように設計されていますが、実際は偽物です。したがって、そこに入金しないでください。リスクを冒す価値はありません。
Hi, I would like to ask you to stick with this single thread, please.
Here comes the most concerning news, though. It came directly from the official Vavada representative: Vavadagates site is a phishing site. It is designed to look like a world-known casino, but it is actually a fake copy. So, no deposit there. It is not worth the risk.
20% のメモを正しく理解したかどうかわかりません。理解するのを手伝ってもらえますか?
My thanks to you for reporting the issue here.
Just not sure whether I understood the 20% note correctly. Can you help me understand that please?
Oh, that's not convenient at all. Well, based on the findings, this site needs to be avoided, definitely.
これが写真です。 嘘をつかないように、ある女の子がひっきりなしに私のところにやって来て、何を尋ねているのかさえ分かっていない。私は1万ドルを出金したいのに、5万ドルを入金しなければならない。でも私は長い間ギャンブルをしていて、そんなにバカではない。この馬鹿げた詐欺が何なのか全く分からない。そして彼らは私を見つけた。
Vavadagates, I hate the character on the telegram "here is 50 USD for you to twist 6x" for half an hour. He doesn't mention the rest of what I'm going to say.
In 15-20 minutes, I made 20,000 USD (I understand that they also set up the devices, although candy crush, who knows) is irrelevant.
Here is the picture, so that I don't lie, some girl pops up to me non-stop, she doesn't even know what she's asking me, and I want to withdraw 10k, and 50k has to be paid in. But I've been gambling for a very long time and I'm not that stupid. I have no idea what this stupid scam is. And they found me.
Come on, everyone from NS.
Vavadagates, bane mi lik na telegramu evo nema pola sata "evo ti 50USD da izvrtis 6x". Ne spominje ostalo sto cu reci.
Za 15 20 minuta ja napravio 20 000 USD (kapiram da su i aparate namestili mada candy crush ko zna) nebitno.
Evo i slika, da ne bude da lazem, neka cura mi iskace non stop ne zna ni ona sta me pita, i ja da povucem 10k e k. 50 mora se uplati. Samo ja generalno se jako dugo kockam a i nisam bas glup. Koji je ovo tupavi scam nemam reci. I jos mene nasli.
Ajde poz svima iz NS.
Have you deposited any of your money there, though?
I hope not, as you won't receive it from this scam site for sure.🙏
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