I can see that you created a complaint about this. May I know whether your account verification was completed, please?
Kindly note that the verification goes first, only after you pass it, you are eligible for the withdrawal.
Could this be the problem?
わかりました。つまり、あなたが提供したすべての文書が受け入れられ、1 つも不足していないということであり、検証が正常に完了したという何らかの確認も得られたということですよね?
同様に、 あなたの苦情を通じてペトロネラに親切に知らせてください.彼女は検証について尋ねました.
Ok, so it means that all documents you've provided were accepted, not a single one is missing now and you also got some sort of confirmation, that the verification was successfully completed right?
Kindly inform Petronela via your complaint as well, she asked about the verification.
Even yesterday I presented another receipt where my name and account number appear where I am going to withdraw, they approved the document and even so they rejected the deposit
Incluso ayer presente otro recibo donde figura mi nombre y numero de cuenta donde voy a retirar ,me lo aprobaron el documento y aun asi rechazaron el deposito
Even yesterday I presented another receipt where my name and account number appear where I am going to withdraw, they approved the document and even so they rejected the deposit
Incluso ayer presente otro recibo donde figura mi nombre y numero de cuenta donde voy a retirar ,me lo aprobaron el documento y aun asi rechazaron el deposito
まず、あなたの苦情が解決されるのを待ちたいと思います。私たちは皆間違いを犯しますが、カジノが問題を解決する可能性はまだあります - 少なくとも進展があることを願っています. 🤞
Well, I can imagine it must be very annoying, but still,
I would wait for your complaint to be closed first, we all make mistakes and there is still a chance that the casino will make some progress with the issue - at least I hope there'll be progress. 🤞
My withdrawal is refused even though my account is verified. I am being asked for deposit receipts which are fictitious and I did not make any such deposits. This provider simply does not want to pay out. I advise everyone to stay away from this provider, play somewhere else, there are enough reputable providers.
Meine Auszahlung wird verweigert obwohl mein Konto verifiziert ist. Man verlangt von mir Einzahlungsbelege welche fiktiv sind solche Einzahlungen wurden von mir nicht getätigt. Dieser Anbieter möchte einfach nicht Auszahlen. Ich rate jedem die Finger von diesem Anbieter zu lassen , Spielt woanders es gibt genug seriöse Anbieter.
こんにちは。カジノ側があなたに求めているのは、あなたがカジノに入金していないということですか? 入金していないことを証明できないと伝えましたか? あなたのプロフィールに入金履歴などがあり、カジノ側があなたに何を求めているかを示したり、よりわかりやすく説明したりできるものはありますか? どのくらいの期間、この状況の解決に取り組んでいますか?
Hi, does that mean that what the casino requires from you, you didn't deposit into the casino? Did you tell them you couldn't prove something you didn't deposit? Do you have any deposit history in your profile or something where they can show you what they need or explain it to you better? How long have you been trying to resolve the situation?
Let me know please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com