私は苦情部門との電話に約1時間費やしました。これはまさに私があなたに期待していたメッセージであり、私があなたとカジノからこの事件について受け取った証拠を完全に認識したかったので: https: //casino.guru/joka-room-casino-player-s-winnings-were-confiscated-
あなたは完全に問題のないゲーム履歴を私たちに送ったが、 「あなたの意見に従ってバランスがどのように見えるべきか」を示す1つの追加の列を追加しました-それはカジノに対するあなたの主な証拠でした。次に、デポジットを失った後にボーナスをリクエストしたことを確認するために、カジノサポートとの間で会話を送りました。
あなたは100をデポジットし、100を失いました。その後、カジノサポートにボーナスを求めました( それはあなた自身の証拠にも含まれ 、カジノはまったく同じ会話を送ってくれました)。あなたは50のボーナスを得て、あなたはそれから数千を獲得しました。それからあなたはそれをすべて撤回しようとしましたが、最大です。ボーナスからの勝利は200に設定されました。あなたはそれを飲み込むことができなかったので、あなたはあなたのストーリーを思いつきました。さらに、Excelでゲーム履歴を微調整して、「預金の前にボーナスを受け取り、その後にボーナスを受け取った場合のギャンブルの履歴はどのようになるか」を示しました。

I spent about an hour on a call with the Complaints department, because this is exactly the message that I was expecting from you so I wanted to be fully aware of the evidence that we received from you and from the casino about this case: https://casino.guru/joka-room-casino-player-s-winnings-were-confiscated-
You sent us your gaming history that was perfectly fine, but you added one extra column showing "how the balance should look like according to your opinion" - that was your main evidence against the casino. Then you sent us a conversation between you and the casino support confirming that you requested a bonus after you lost your deposit.
You deposited 100, you lost 100. Then you asked the casino support for a bonus (that's even included in your own evidence and the casino sent us exactly the same conversation). You got a bonus of 50, you won thousands out of it. Then you tried to withdraw it all, but the max. win from the bonus was set to 200. You couldn't swallow it so you came up with your story. Moreover, you tweaked your gaming history in Excel to show us "how the gambling history would look like IF YOU RECEIVED THE BONUS BEFORE THE DEPOSIT and not after".
You also claimed that the bonus that you received was a deposit bonus. The casino has 40x wagering requirement on deposit bonuses and 50x on no deposit bonuses. The evidence clearly shows that your bonus had 50x wagering requirement so there's no chance you received the bonus on your deposit.
You even sent us an email saying that:
"The evidence I have will see joka room and casino guru shut down in Australia." Then why didn't you send us the evidence instead of the tweaked Excel sheet and a conversation confirming that the casino is right with the no deposit bonus? I'm also wondering what the Australian authorities will tell you when they realise that you play in a casino that operates without any license...
I'm disgusted by this behaviour and I'm not going to let you blame us for your own fault! So you're trying to claim that we didn't display all the messages? Well, let me show you something. Public means visible to all 😉
