確認したところ、私の口座に返金されたのは 51.43 ポンドのみでした。
I have just checked and only £51.43 has been refunded to my account.
確認したところ、私の口座に返金されたのは 51.43 ポンドのみでした。
I have just checked and only £51.43 has been refunded to my account.
やってみますか? よく考えて、試してみたいと思われたら、次のリンクをクリックしてください。
Well, if they did not refund the whole amount to you, I would recommend you file a complaint here with our team, so they can intervene in your case and try to help you get the money.
Would you go for it? Think about it, and if you feel that you'd like to give it a try, here is the link you need to follow.
Keep us informed, please, how it goes.
例を挙げましょう。100 人のプレイヤーがこのカジノまたは他のカジノに来て、そこがどんなところか、ゲームが気に入るか、運があるのかなどを確認したいだけだと想像してください。彼らは最低額を入金してプレイし、さまざまな理由で去ることにします。そうですよね? 20 人のプレイヤーだけが残って勝ち、引き出したいのです。
最初からその 80 人のプレイヤーを検証するのは実際には無意味です。🤷♀️
Usually most of the casinos don't verify players when depositing. It would be really time-consuming, actually, so they do it whenever a player requests a withdrawal.
I will give you an example: Imagine that 100 players come to this or any casino and just want to see how it is there, if they like the games, if they have luck, and so on. They deposit the minimum amount, play, and decide to leave because of various reasons. Right? Only 20 players stay and win and like to withdraw.
It would be actually pointless to verify those 80 players at the beginning.🤷♀️
I hope you get my point here. I know that sometimes, in some cases, it would really be better if casinos would verify everyone right away, but just some of them really do it like that.
合計約 600 ポンドを入金した後、その入金が本当に私によるものかどうか、私の口座を確認する必要はないと思いませんか?
Don't you think that after making deposits for a total amount of about £600 they shouldn't verify my account whether the deposits are really made by me?
I really can't answer your question here. I have never worked at any casino and am not sure how exactly they approach this and what amount of the deposits should be the trigger for verification.🤷♀️
実はこの情報は弊社のウェブサイトに掲載しております。 こちらをご覧ください。
Actually, this information is on our website. Take a look here, please.
But we always believe that any issues could be avoided if the casino has implemented software that doesn't allow players from restricted countries to register.
Let us know if you'll need our help.
私の最初の 500 ポンドの引き出しは彼らによってキャンセルされ、消えてしまいました。これは技術的な問題であり、翌朝には口座に戻ってくると再度保証されました。しかし、お金は戻ってきませんでした。
最後の挑戦は 1 月 29 日金曜日でした。週末だったので、賞金は火曜日に口座に振り込まれると言われました。
After a few weeks of playing I had a decent win and tried to withdraw the funds. Was advised they can only withdraw £500 a day , I spoke to the live chat and said it was going to take a few weeks to get it all but they assured me I would get it.
my first withdrawal of £500 was cancelled by them and disappeared , I was assured again this was a technical issue and it would be back in my account the following morning. It did not arrive .
several more withdrawals were cancelled for no reason but did get back into my account.
my final attempt was Friday 29th January. I was told because it was a weekend my winnings would be in my account on Tuesday.
my account was permanently closed by gransino1 on Monday night.
I have broken no rules and even had a personal manager because I was spending with them.
they emailed me this morning and said they have decided to close my account permanently and it would not be reversed also that there was no funds in my account or any withdrawals pending and that was the end of the matter.
utter scammers and because they’re not regulated in the uk there’s nothing I can do.
stay away from Gransino1
誤解のないように言っておきますが、苦情は正当なものです。カジノの誰かが私たちと協力して状況解決に努めてくれることを願っています。私たちの調査結果によると、このカジノは最も安全なカジノではありません。なぜオフショアカジノでプレイしようと思ったのか教えていただけますか? UKGC をお勧めします。
Well, that's insane...
To be clear, the complaint is a valid point! And I hope someone from the casino will cooperate with us to resolve the situation. According to our findings, this casino is not among the safetest. May I know what made you play in an offshore casino? I would suggest the UKGC.
I wasn’t aware it was an offshore casino at first , I was under the impression it was uk regulated but clearly I was mistaken. I should have paid more attention but I don’t want anyone else to make the same mistakes I have.
将来的には、その点でもお手伝いできるかもしれません。当社のカジノレビューは、ほとんどの国に合わせて調整されています。たとえば、あなたの国のプレーヤーは、UKGC ライセンスを受けたカジノのみを閲覧できます。それができない場合は、ライセンス当局を含むスマートフィルターを提供します。さらに、私は UKGC がライセンスを受けたカジノのリストを定期的に更新することを期待しています。楽しみやスリルのために何かをすることは、それほど真剣に受け止められないかもしれないことは理解していますが、私の経験では、その点については大いに間違っていたいです。
Oh, I see, and I appreciate your answer. I agree it is not so easy to get valid information when needed the most.
Perhaps we can help you with that in the future; our casino reviews are tailored to the majority of countries. Players from your country are for instance, only allowed to see UKGC-licensed casinos. If that fails, we provide smart filters, includid licencing authorities. Additionally, I expect the UKGC to provide a regularly updated list of licensed casinos. Although I understand doing something for fun or thrill may be viewed less seriously - my experience, I would love to be very wrong about that.
数日前から 2 回の出金を待っており、ライブ チャットで話そうとしていますが、開けません。情報を求めるのにうんざりしているからです。どうしたらよいかわかりません。
I'm waiting for two withdrawals from several days ago and I'm trying to talk to the live chat and they won't let me open it. It's because they're tired of me asking for information. I don't know what to do.
Estoy esperando dos retiros de hace varios días y intento hablar con el chat en vivo y no me dejan abrirlo igual es que se han cansado que pida información. No sé qué hacer
I really hope you get your money but I think this is a real scam site. I got zero on all my withdrawal attempts. good luck I hope you succeed
Realmente espero que obtengas tu dinero, pero creo que este es un verdadero sitio fraudulento. Obtuve cero en todos mis intentos de retiro.buena suerte espero que tengas éxito
IBAN 番号を使って引き出すことをお勧めします。最初の問題の後、私はその方法で引き出すようになり、毎回 3 ~ 4 日以内にお金を受け取ることができました。ただし、この Web サイトは確かに怪しいと思うので、使用をやめました。
I would recommend withdrawing with your IBAN number, after my initial problem I started doing it that way and received my money every time within 3-4 days. Definitely think the website is a bit dodgy though so I’ve stopped using it.
How many withdrawals did you manage to get credited?
Cuantos retiros lograste que te abonaran?
何度か出金を試みましたが、キャンセルされ続け、資金が消えてしまいました。最終的に 1000 ポンドが「保留中」の状態でアカウントが閉鎖され、今となっては何もできません 🙁
I tried several times to withdraw but they kept cancelling it and then my funds disappeared. They finally closed my account with £1000 " pending " and I can’t do anything about it now 🙁
ここ 2 日間滞在していますが、今のところライブ チャットで何のニュースもありません。引き出しは最終段階にあり、いつでも入金できるとのことです。現時点では、あまり信用していません。
I've been here for two days and so far there's no news on the live chat. They tell me that the withdrawal is in the final phase and that they'll pay it in at any moment. At the moment I don't trust it very much.
Yo llevo dos días y de momento sin noticias en el chat en vivo me dicen que el retiro está en la última fase y que en cualquier momento me lo ingresarán de momento no me fío mucho
I had around £1500 to withdraw but they limit it to £500 per withdrawal so all together it probably took 1 and a half week to get all my money
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com