私たちはお互いに理解し合えていないようですね。私が送ったリンクを自由にお使いください。🙏 私が話していたのは、カジノ グルのセーフ ギャンブル ゾーンです。これは、プレイヤーがカジノから少し遠ざかることができるように設計されています。もちろん、あなたの懸念は理解していますし、苦情が申し立てられた理由も完全に理解しています。
I guess we haven't understood each other; feel free to use the link I sent you. 🙏 I was talking about Casino Guru Safer Gambling Zone, which is designed to help players get a bit further from casinos in general. Of course I understand your concern and perfectly understand why the complaint has been set.
As the complaint progresses, based on the information gathered, I guess we will find out what is a fair solution.
It is possible that the casino has recognized the gravity of the situation and will address it primarily through the complaint. Suppose that ordinary employees are not expected to deal with such a circumstance.