お客様の苦情から判断すると、当社のチームはこれ以上対応することができず、次のように説明されていました。「十分な証拠がないことと、裁判外紛争解決 (ADR) の決定により、当社はこれ以上のサポートができず、苦情は再度却下されました。」
As I can see in your complaint, our team was unable to proceed any further, and this was the explanation: "Due to lack of sufficient evidence and the decision from the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), we had been unable to assist further and the complaint had been rejected again."
So unfortunately, that is why Nick couldn't do much about your case, not because of a lack of interest.
If you feel that you have some new evidence, try to reopen your complaint again and I am sure that our team will have a look at it.