こんにちは。何が起こっているのか、なぜレビューを残せないのかをスクリーンショットで示していただけませんか? 正確には何が問題なのでしょうか?
Hi, could you please show with a screenshot what's going on and why you can't leave us a review ? What exactly is the problem ?
こんにちは。何が起こっているのか、なぜレビューを残せないのかをスクリーンショットで示していただけませんか? 正確には何が問題なのでしょうか?
Hi, could you please show with a screenshot what's going on and why you can't leave us a review ? What exactly is the problem ?
Hello, is there anywhere I can write a complete casino review and could you point me in that direction?
はい、もちろん、 当社のウェブサイトでカジノのユーザーレビューを書くことができます。各カジノのレビューには、レビューを書くことができる「ユーザーレビュー」というタブがあります。ここに添付したスクリーンショットでも確認できます。送信したリンクに記載されている手順に従ってください。通常、レビューを書きたいカジノを選択し、ゲーム、ボーナス、ライブチャット、賞金など、そのカジノのさまざまな側面を評価します。
Yes, of course, you can write a casino User Review, here in our website. In the reviews of each casino, you have a tab called User Reviews, where you can write a review, you can see it also in the screenshot I attached here. You should follow the instructions provided in the link I sent you, which typically include selecting the casino you want to write the review about, and then rating different aspects of that casino, such as games, bonuses, live chat, winnings, etc.
Also, I moved your post here in this thread, so you can see other players responses about User Review.
Please let us know, if you need further assistance.
Just a little warning here. I have noticed you were trying to promote some sites here. If you are a casino representative please follow the rules. Otherwise your account will be banned. Thank you.
Thank you very much. It is nice. Most times we are not aware that it was wrong to do it in that way. I will look into the directions you gave me and possibly contact you later if I need to. Thanks
いくら支払われたいですか? どこかのカジノで何か問題でも起きたのでしょうか?
What would you like to be paid? Have you had any issues at some casino, perhaps?
こんにちは!レビューを 2 つ書きましたが、拒否されました。なぜ私のレビューを 2 つ拒否したのですか? 私は正直なプレイヤーで、レビューも正直です。これらのカジノに何度も入金と出金をしています。必要な証拠はすべて提供できます。
Hello! I wrote 2 reviews and they were rejected! Why did you reject 2 of my reviews? I am an honest player and my reviews are honest! I have made deposits and withdrawals to these casinos multiple times! I can provide all the necessary evidence!
Здравствуйте! Я написал 2 отзыва и мне их отклонили! Почему Вы отклонили 2 моих отзыва? Я честный игрок и мои отзывы честные! Я неоднократно делал депозиты в эти казино и выводил средства! Все необходимые доказательства я могу предоставить!
こんにちは。情報ありがとうございます。弊社の内部システムでは、これらのレビューにあまりにも多くの類似点が見つかったため、却下されました。証拠となるものがあれば、メールで弊社までお送りください。 community@casino.guruメールを送信した理由を記載していただければ、遡ってレビューを承認させていただきます。ご協力に感謝いたします。
Hello. Thank you for the information. Our internal system has found too many similarities in those reviews, and that is actually why they were rejected. Please forward any kind of proof to us by email to community@casino.guru and describe the reason for sending us the email, please, so we can retroactively approve your reviews. Thank you for your cooperation, we really appreciate your efforts.
こんにちは。情報ありがとうございます。弊社の内部システムでは、これらのレビューにあまりにも多くの類似点が見つかったため、却下されました。証拠となるものがあれば、メールで弊社までお送りください。 community@casino.guruメールを送信した理由を記載していただければ、遡ってレビューを承認させていただきます。ご協力に感謝いたします。
Hello. Thank you for the information. Our internal system has found too many similarities in those reviews, and that is actually why they were rejected. Please forward any kind of proof to us by email to community@casino.guru and describe the reason for sending us the email, please, so we can retroactively approve your reviews. Thank you for your cooperation, we really appreciate your efforts.
こんにちは。情報ありがとうございます。弊社の内部システムでは、これらのレビューにあまりにも多くの類似点が見つかったため、却下されました。証拠となるものがあれば、メールで弊社までお送りください。 community@casino.guruメールを送信した理由を記載していただければ、遡ってレビューを承認させていただきます。ご協力に感謝いたします。
Hello. Thank you for the information. Our internal system has found too many similarities in those reviews, and that is actually why they were rejected. Please forward any kind of proof to us by email to community@casino.guru and describe the reason for sending us the email, please, so we can retroactively approve your reviews. Thank you for your cooperation, we really appreciate your efforts.
I don't like that you ignore me! I believe that my reviews were rejected for no reason!
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I believe your reviews have now been approved after checking out the email you have sent to our team. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to write to us at any time, we'll be glad to help.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I believe your reviews have now been approved after checking out the email you have sent to our team. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to write to us at any time, we'll be glad to help.
Sometimes we just need some additional information in order to keep the reviews honest, as you can see. Thank you again for caring and your cooperation. Have a good day as well.🙂
Hi, because some of the casinos are quite new and therefore have not yet been experienced by the players. Sometimes players, even if they have experience, don't write any user review. So I would say that are the most common reasons.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com