Hello, I see a situation has arisen in the casino. If I understand correctly you are going through verification am I right? It's still pending? You can't withdraw the money without it until it is successfully behind you so I would try to be patient and wait.
If something changes or nothing changes, could you let me know please?
私は姉妹サイト(Betnuvo、7Bets、Winsmania、Pitbet など)に関する多数の苦情を読みましたが、カジノは次の同じ戦略に従っているようです。
Yes awaiting verification, they have also taken away the ability for me to play games, to deposit or withdraw while "my play history is being checked#. They've asked me to be patient and wait for an email.
I had an active bonus at the time of playing and if you read their general terms and conditions, they list a massive amount of games as "restricted while using a bonus" so it's safe to assume they will confiscate my winnings based on this.
I've read numerous complaints regarding their sister sites (Betnuvo,7Bets, Winsmania, Pitbet etc...) and the Casino seem to follow the same playbook which is:
Allow player to play with a bonus and wager using any game.
If the player wins big, freeze their account while "play history is under review"
Eventually notify player that winnings were accrued on a restricted game and void winnings.
While the actual bonus states "some games may be restricted", they don't specify and you have to dig through their general terms to find this info.
As of now I'm waiting on the result of the play history review/verification but I won't hold my breath.
I like others have made the mistake at playing at this particular branch of casinos.
私は姉妹サイト(Betnuvo、7Bets、Winsmania、Pitbet など)に関する多数の苦情を読みましたが、カジノは次の同じ戦略に従っているようです。
Yes awaiting verification, they have also taken away the ability for me to play games, to deposit or withdraw while "my play history is being checked#. They've asked me to be patient and wait for an email.
I had an active bonus at the time of playing and if you read their general terms and conditions, they list a massive amount of games as "restricted while using a bonus" so it's safe to assume they will confiscate my winnings based on this.
I've read numerous complaints regarding their sister sites (Betnuvo,7Bets, Winsmania, Pitbet etc...) and the Casino seem to follow the same playbook which is:
Allow player to play with a bonus and wager using any game.
If the player wins big, freeze their account while "play history is under review"
Eventually notify player that winnings were accrued on a restricted game and void winnings.
While the actual bonus states "some games may be restricted", they don't specify and you have to dig through their general terms to find this info.
As of now I'm waiting on the result of the play history review/verification but I won't hold my breath.
I like others have made the mistake at playing at this particular branch of casinos.
しかし、ボーナスに関しては、さまざまなことに注意しなければならないことが多く、制限されたゲームに注意する必要があることは珍しくありません。あなたは、制限されたゲームをプレイしたことがあると思いますか、それともよくわからないですか? ゲームのリストを確認したなら、この事実を知っているはずです。
I clearly understand where you are.
However, with bonuses you often have to be careful with various things and therefore it is not unusual that restricted games are something to be careful with. Do you think you have played one or are you not sure? If you went through the list of games you should know this fact.
私が制限されたゲームをプレイしたことは事実です。Gates of Olympus 1000 がリストに載っていて、それで私は最大勝利を獲得しました。だからそれは避けられないことであり、今は資金が無効になるのを待つだけです(笑)。
I know for a fact I played a restricted game, Gates of Olympus 1000 is on their list and that's what I won the Max Win on. So it is inevitable, just waiting for the fund to be void now lol.
I wonder why do casinos make certain games 'restricted'?
カジノがこれを行っているのは、主にカジノ側が利益を失わないようにするためだと思います。カジノ側もプレイヤーにボーナスを与えているため、通常、RTP が最も高いゲームやボラティリティの高いゲームは、プレイできるゲームのリストに載っていません。🤔
Oh, so it's probably possible that your wins will be voided but we'll wait for the conclusion and how it will be.
I think that casinos do this mainly to not make themselves unprofitable, since they also give the player a bonus, so usually the games with the highest RTP or high volatility are not on the list of the ones you can play. 🤔
賞金が無効にならなかったら驚きます! Betgem をこのサイトに追加するようリクエストできますか? 人々は 7bet/Nuvobet ファミリーとのつながりを認識する必要があり、どんなことがあっても避けるべきだと思います。
Yeah it sucks, first time it's happened to me too.
I'd be astounded if they didn't void my winnings! Could I request Betgem is added to this site? I think people need to be made aware of their connections to the 7bet/Nuvobet family and they should avoid at all costs..
賞金が無効にならなかったら驚きます! Betgem をこのサイトに追加するようリクエストできますか? 人々は 7bet/Nuvobet ファミリーとのつながりを認識する必要があり、どんなことがあっても避けるべきだと思います。
Yeah it sucks, first time it's happened to me too.
I'd be astounded if they didn't void my winnings! Could I request Betgem is added to this site? I think people need to be made aware of their connections to the 7bet/Nuvobet family and they should avoid at all costs..
Whenever you play with a bonus, please refer to the Terms and Conditions. Sometimes even if you get a bonus and there are some requirements, not everything has to be there. That's why I probably wouldn't play too much with bonuses because sometimes they are more of a nuisance than an enjoyment.
As for the casino, I've already given it to our team to add, so they'll do a review.
When you get the result, feel free to share it.
They voided my winnings yesterday due to playing a restricted game
Well, but from what we have written, are they still investigating, or is this the final decision?
Well, I'm sorry, I don't know if the complaint will be for something if you broke this rule, so I don't want to give any false hope.
Probably the best thing to take from this is to always look at everything you need to know about bonuses when you play with them.😕
Probably the best thing you can do. Who doesn't play in the end wins the most. 😉
皆さん、それは可能ですか? アカウントの確認と払い戻しを 82 日間待っています。
Hey guys, is it possible? I've been waiting for 82 days for account identification and for a refund.
Βρε παιδιά είναι δυνατόν 82 ημέρες περιμένω ταυτοποίηση λογαριασμό και από συρσυ χρημματων
こんにちは。これは明らかに通常の確認時間ではありません。カジノ側はなぜこんなに時間がかかるのか説明しましたか? これはどのカジノに関することでしょうか? カジノ側はどのような状況で返金すると約束しましたか?
Greetings, this is definitely not a normal time for verification. Did the casino also tell you why it takes so long? What casino is this about please? Did the casino promise you a refund under what circumstances?
Please let me know.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com